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Sermons on Faithfulness

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Preaching on Faithfulness? Browse these sermons to find fresh ideas.

We Are Forgetful People
We Are Forgetful People


We can be pretty forgetful people at times. A few months ago, I drove off with the gas pump still placed in my car. Just this week, I forgot ...

Despite our forgetfulness God remains faithful.

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Enduring Hardship Faithfully
Enduring Hardship Faithfully


Life is hard and full of uncertainties. You don't always know what will get you. You just know something will: coronavirus, unemployment, ...

Temporary hardships should humble us to place our hope in the eternal God.

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A Model Mother
A Model Mother


A wise man once described a mother as a woman who combines the practical and the spiritual into a way of life. “A mother wipes little ...

4 characteristics we can learn from Eunice.

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The Giant of Disappointment
The Giant of Disappointment

In the musical version of Victor Hugo’s Les Misérables, the character Fantine sings a sorrowful song about disappointment called “I ...

God can use your disappointment for his glory.

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What Is Success?
What Is Success?


What is success?

Here in 2019, this has become a difficult question to answer. It seems every week we hear stories of people who climbed to ...

Faithfulness is success.

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The Lord Needs It
The Lord Needs It


As we started tonight, you helped reenact one of the biggest moments in the life of Jesus, which was when he enters Jerusalem, which was the ...

Being open and obedient to God's call to surrender is never a waste because he is worthy and faithful.

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Surviving Today's Opposition
Surviving Today's Opposition


Several years ago, Woody Allen began a commencement address with this observation: "More than any other time in history, mankind faces a crossroads. ...

We will face trials, but with God as our hope, and because of his faithfulness and sovereignty, we will overcome them.

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Girl Interrupted: The Unmistakable Strength of Mary
Girl Interrupted: The Unmistakable Strength of Mary


I never know what to do with Mary. I'm in good company: The archives of history and the echoes of ancient sermons never quite knew what ...

The mother of Jesus experienced a divine interruption unlike any other.

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Lessons after 26 Years of Planting Seeds
Lessons after 26 Years of Planting Seeds


Today is my final message as the senior pastor at New Life Fellowship. You'll hear other messages from me but not as senior pastor. I've ...

A veteran preacher reflects on the simple work of ministry

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It’s Good to Get Out Alive
It’s Good to Get Out Alive

The tourist brochure said that you can catch the bus to Yosemite Lodge up to Glacier Peak. When you get there, you can stand on the rock where a hundred ...

Pastoral ministry isn’t about our success and fame; it’s about God’s power to help us survive.

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Rebels Have More Fun, for Now


Everyone knows rebels have more fun: from "The Music Man" to "Footloose," which was the hip teen movie of my teenage years, to "True Blood"; ...

Sin is pleasurable in the short-term, but faithfulness brings eternal rewards.

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God's Stolen Identity


Identity theft is one of the most rampant crimes sweeping across America. A thief steals someone's Social Security number and personal information ...

When we catch a vision of God's true identity, we'll fall down and worship him.

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Drafting Buddies


Sam and Frodo find themselves on the final leg of their journey on the slopes of Mordor, but Frodo is losing heart. He's just about out of ...

Spiritual friends set the pace for one another, they stick by each other, and they speak faith into each other's lives.

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There's a famous speech in Shakespeare's play Henry V. It's the night before the battle of Agincourt. As a young king, Henry prepares to lead ...

Deep, spiritual friendships are formed when believers share experiences of serving God together.

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Beyond Friends


Where are you on your spiritual journey? And what would help you take the next step?

A couple of years ago we joined hundreds of churches across ...

Friends will take you farther and deeper in your spiritual journey than you could alone.

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True Friends


Last week I tossed out a question and invited you to respond: is it possible to be spiritual friends with a non-believer? For the past six ...

Spiritual friendships with people of other faith or no faith are not only possible, they're powerful.

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The Church at War
The Church at War


If you have a Bible, and I hope you do, I invite you to open with me to 1 Timothy 6, as we prepare to finish out tonight our journey through ...

We're in a constant spiritual war. But Christ has already won the victory.

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Running with Endurance


Hebrew chapter 12, verses 1, 2, and 3 is the focus today. Let's read the Word of the Lord:

Therefore, since we have so great a cloud of witnesses ...

The race of faith isn't a sprint; it's a marathon of enduring for and with Jesus.

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Hanging on When You Feel Like Giving Up


Helen Hayes, a stage actress of another decade, was talking about charm when she said, "Charm is that thing which, if you have it, you don't ...

Christlike love bears with people, offering protection and trust.

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Blessed Forever


In his book Leaving Home, Garrison Keillor tells a fictional story about a family from Lake Wobegon, Minnesota. Grace Tollefson married Alex ...

We are a part of God's royal family, because we share in the heritage of Christ.

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We Can Do This the Easy Way or the Hard Way


For most of my time in college, I attended a small church in Chicago with my now wife, Jamie. The pastor of this church had been commissioned ...

God chooses to fulfill his promises in a variety of ways.

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Take Me to Your Leader

Let's look at today's text together:

Now the Philistines fought against Israel, and the men of Israel fled before the Philistines and fell slain on Mount ...

In our unfaithfulness, Jesus shines as the faithful King.

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Danger! Worship in Progress

My hometown, Britton, South Dakota, celebrated its 125th anniversary last weekend on the 4th of July. The population sign on the edge of town says 1,328, ...

We must inquire of the Lord, because he is holy.

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Deep Walk

A real Christian?

How do you know if someone's a real Christian? Is it the fish sticker on the car, or Bible on the desk? Is it that they don't use bad ...

Becoming more like Jesus

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The Undefiled
The Undefiled

When I was in seminary, the wife of one of my classmates worked as a quality control inspector at a pharmaceutical company downtown in order to support ...

God desires and rewards holiness.

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When the Bottom Falls Out
When the Bottom Falls Out

I remember the events that led to her tears. My wife, Kathy, had come home from a weekly grocery trip with more than groceries to be concerned about. ...

Daniel shows us a godly response in the face of great suffering.

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Faith in the Furnace

How do you win the World Series? A few decades ago, when the New York Mets were the underdog darlings of the National League, two young pitchers told ...

Daniel shows us how to truly trust God through great trial.

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Looking Up to Heaven

A shattered Colossus

The poet Percy Bysshe Shelly tells of meeting a traveler from an "antique" land who describes the ruins of a great statue in the desert. ...

God is in control and can soften the hardest of hearts.

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The Judgment of Grace

Chapter five of Daniel addresses the question of what would happen if you gave a party, and God crashed it. Nebuchadnezzar was no longer on the throne. ...

In the fate of King Belshazzar, we see God's righteous judgment.

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The Song of a Broom

Sunday school pictures of a ruddy faced lad in a lions' den have scant resemblance to the actual situation described in this sixth and last chapter of ...

God's call through Daniel to trust and live

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The Scarlet Letter


Today we're continuing to look at the Ten Commandments. We've seen that this isn't easy material. These commands are anything but sugarcoated. ...

Bringing adultery to the light

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God Only


This morning we're beginning a series on the Ten Commandments. These are familiar to just about everybody. Well, sort of. I heard about a ...

Ordering our lives around our one true center

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Looking in the Mirror

From the editor

Mother's Day is this Sunday (May 10), and should you decide to offer a message for the occasion, you might get a few general ideas from ...

We return to God's blessings when we embrace our identity as servants of God.

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The Use of Money
The Use of Money

From the editor

From time to time, we like to feature a classic sermon from a celebrated preacher of old. Bill White, a frequent contributor to PreachingToday.com, ...

Gain all you can, save all you can, and give all you can.

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Jesus and John - Together to Trust


The year was 155 AD and the place was Smyrna, in the Roman province of Asia. There was a new wave of persecution that was sweeping against ...

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Joseph Stowell Charge


Leadership is not optional; it is essential. It is the one ingredient essential for the success of any institution. But leaders are quickly ...

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Who's the Boss?
Who's the Boss?

Story behind the sermon (from Lee Eclov)

I wonder if people aren't a little suspicious when we preach about work. When we say that all work is a calling, ...

At the core of the Christian work ethic is not what we do, but whom we serve.

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Why Worry?
Why Worry?


We're probably all familiar with the story of Howard Hughes. Hughes was a big-time businessman who dabbled in oil, entertainment, and ...

Make up your mind to glorify Christ today by making a decision not to worry.

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Who Can We Trust?

From the editor:

Here is another sermon from one of our featured preachers, David Anderson. Anderson uses the story of Samson and Delilah to explore issues ...

To overcome sin, we must admit to another human being the exact nature of our wrongs.

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The ABCs of Praise
The ABCs of Praise


This is a Psalm that begins with a commitment that on the surface seems rather simple: "I will exalt you, my God the King; I will praise ...

Learning God-honoring worship from Psalm 145

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When Love Fails

From the editor

Given that Valentine's Day is this coming Sunday, many of you will probably be addressing themes like love, relationships, dating, and ...

God made marriage, so it should be honored.

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Life After Victory


Early in his career, the great American playwright Eugene O'Neill wrote an imaginative play called "Lazarus Laughed" about Lazarus's life ...

The real power of Christ's resurrection

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And Grace Will Lead Me Home


What would you say if you knew you were going to die and had a chance to sum up everything that was most important to you? That's how the ...

Leaving a legacy of blessing

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You Can Count on Me


On Dec 5, 1914, Ernest Shackleton embarked on what he called "the last great polar expedition." His goal was to cross Antarctica by dogsled—an ...

The Holy Spirit's work of faithfulness

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Blessed Are the Persecuted


Imagine you are in the market for a new car. You visit the dealer and the salesman who is showing you the latest model takes you for a test ...

Enduring for the reward

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Blessed Are the Peacemakers


The troops the United Nations deployed to the war-torn Darfur region of Sudan look like they could be soldiers from just about any nation. ...

The promise of sonship

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Blessed Are the Pure in Heart


Through the centuries there have been some people who have wanted to view Jesus' teaching in the Beatitudes as a kind of ladder that can carry ...

Jesus' promise of transformation

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Blessed Are the Merciful


Prince Felix of Schwarzenberg entered the diplomatic service and was appointed foreign minister of Austria in November 1848. After the Hungarian ...

Surrendering loss to Christ

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Blessed Are Those Who Hunger and Thirst for Righteousness


A businessman decided to throw a party for some of his clients, and because he was doing so well, he spared no expense. He hired the most ...

The purpose of our emptiness

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Blessed Are the Meek


Suppose the company you work for were to write a description of the ideal person to be its new CEO. Do you think meekness would be on the ...

The inheritance of the humble

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