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Sermons on Family of God

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Preaching on Family of God? Browse these sermons to find fresh ideas.

Transforming Likeness
Transforming Likeness


Let’s start right in on one of my favourite verses in the whole Bible. 1 John 3:1 says, “See what great love the Father has lavished ...

Who is the most important voice in defining you?

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Zion’s Birth Story
Zion’s Birth Story


Since shops are already putting up Christmas lights and radio stations are playing Christmas music, I thought it would be appropriate to consider ...

Our Lord delights in you and one day we will get to share in that delight completely, together as brothers and sisters, for eternity.

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Fake Faith
Fake Faith


In a now famous experiment, two social psychologists at Princeton University in 1973 wanted to examine whether thinking religious thoughts ...

God-talk without God-acts is outrageous nonsense.

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Spirit of Adoption—Found
Spirit of Adoption—Found


So it’s 11 in the morning, and a little boy is called to the head teacher’s office. Sadly, this little boy knows the way very ...

Just as we have been adopted by God, adoption and foster care of vulnerable children is a calling of the church.

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The Way of Embrace


A few months ago something strange happened on an airplane bound for Los Angeles. The actress Amy Adams was shooting a new film in Detroit ...

Welcome people as Jesus has welcomed you.

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The Heart of a Pastor

The Story Behind the Sermon

This message represents an unusual approach to sermon prep and delivery. Jim Singleton and Matthew Kim, both professors at ...

Pastors genuinely care for others and genuinely care about the gospel.

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Family Matters


Colin Smith suggests a number of common, but faulty, metaphors for the church. He says the church can be viewed as a gas station—a place ...

When Jesus Christ is our priority, his family becomes our priority.

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The Church: Staying Connected to the Head


The Bible's teaching about the church isn't easy to grasp. The church is a mystery, and it is only with the help of the Holy Spirit that we ...

Once we grasp that we're the body of Christ, we start to see the church in a whole new light.

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Single in Christ
Single in Christ

Today's scripture passage comes from Isaiah 56:1-7:

Thus says the Lord: "Keep justice and do righteousness, for soon my salvation will come and ...

In Christ, God blesses single people with a fruitful and faithful life.

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Community: The Context for Change

Story behind the sermon (from John Ortberg)

I am a huge N. T. Wright fan, and I think some of his material on the role and destiny of human beings is a ...

The Bible contains the incredible story of our calling to become God's image bearers.

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Church: The Wisdom of God on Display

The last couple of weeks, we've been going through a series in the Books of Acts and looking at this very important question: What is the church? ...

The church exists for a supernatural purpose: to declare God's wisdom to the world's rulers and authorities.

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Deborah, the Encourager of Manhood

Today we're looking at Deborah, the encourager of manhood. But before we look at the life of Deborah, you've probably seen church bulletin announcements ...

Women possess a unique opportunity to encourage men to step up and stand up

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Who Cares?


Luke is one of the two New Testament writers who deals at length with the fundamental crisis of the early church, and that was the departure ...

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Christian Singles


Currently 17 to 20 million unmarried women and several million fewer unmarried men live in the United States. It's estimated that, at ...

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When the Roll Is Called Down Here
When the Roll Is Called Down Here


I hope you will not feel guilty if your heart was not all aflutter during the reading of the text. It's not very interesting. It's ...

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Calling on Family Support


A mother entered her daughter's bedroom one afternoon and saw a letter on the bed. With trembling hands, she read:

Dear Mom, It is with much ...

Remembering the Ties that Bind

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The Real Scoop on the Lord's Supper

Text: 1 Corinthians 11:17–34
Topic: How to approach the Lord's Supper in a worthy manner

From the editor

When was the last time you preached about the ...

We should approach Communion with a pure and unified love for one another.

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Church: The Message of 1 Corinthians

From the editor

In this sermon, Mark Dever offers a bird's eye view of one of Paul's longer letters, helping the audience hang their hats on a few critical ...

The purpose of the church is to manifest to the world the character of God.

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Older People: The Future of Our Church
Older People: The Future of Our Church


On October 29, 1998, the space shuttle Discovery launched with a seven-member crew. One of them, John Glenn, was 77 years old. John Glenn ...

Older Christians should model what God wants the next generation to become.

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Peace in the Church


When I was a pastor in Arizona, there were two men in the church who were greatly admired. They were both successful businessmen who desired ...

The peace of God can only permeate the church when its members live at peace with one another.

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Where's the "Gift Return" Receipt?


Let's suppose there's a small town on the edge of Iraq, near the Saudi border. Let's call the town Mosel. It's a small community with no other ...

How to appreciate the gift of suffering

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Follow the Leader


A church fails for one of two reasons.

The first reason is poor leadership—the failure of those whom God has called to lead, to lead well, ...

The health of a local fellowship depends on each member's submission and responsible participation.

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Mind Renewal

Text: Romans 12:1–8
Topic: How to reclaim community in the church


Something that has become very popular in today's media-crazed society ...

A life of transformation starts with a renewed mind.

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Teach Your Children Well


They say God has no grandchildren. What they mean is that it isn't enough to be born into a believing home or a believing church. Every child ...

Are your priorities in line with God's?

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Passing the Baton


A few months ago, I heard a song on the radio by an artist named John Mayer. The song is entitled "Daughters," and you hear it several ...

How to actively transfer faith from generation to generation.

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It Takes a Church


Several years ago, a Peace Corps worker wrote a children's book based upon her experiences in Africa. It tells the story of a young girl named ...

Why raising up the next generation of Christians is a burden we all must carry.

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Call Me at Midnight


Whether our "family" is a group of close friends, a bunch of kids running around the house, or a husband and wife alone, I think it is fair ...

Why covenant relationships are the foundation of a healthy family

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The Incredibles
The Incredibles


As we saw last week, every great family is founded first and foremost on the Covenant Principle—on a radical commitment to one ...

Making the most of your family unit

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People of the Table


On this Mother's Day, it seems very appropriate that we continue to reflect together on what it takes to grow a great family. Whether our ...

The four vital rituals of the early church

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Being a Bridge-Builder


Recently, I read about a retired executive from Decatur, named Richard Reeves. Ten years ago, Richard became captivated by the dream of Africa ...

There are many bridges to build—bridges of hope, comfort, care, justice, compassion.

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Our Great High Priest


During the administration of Abraham Lincoln, a small boy saw a grown man weeping in front of the White House. The little boy asked the man ...

We have a Great High Priest to intercede on our behalf before God.

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Like a Living Stone


"How does it feel," Bob Dylan asks. "How does it feel to be on your own, with no direction home, a complete unknown, like a rolling stone?" ...

Finding identity, belonging, and significance in the body of Christ

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Does the Church Have Something to Say?

A cynical church leader once said, "Our church is looking for a great year. That year is 1961. If it ever comes back, we're ready." His reason for saying ...

We must connect with people and help them make a life changing connection with Christ.

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