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Sermons on Father's Day

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Preaching on Father's Day? Browse these sermons to find fresh ideas.

A Distraught Dad, His Demonized Boy, and a Faith that Moves Mountains
A Distraught Dad, His Demonized Boy, and a Faith that Moves Mountains

Author’s Introduction: If Mark 9:30-50 defies interpretation, as commentator Eugene Boring claims, the verses that immediately precede are only ...

Mountain-moving faith is a faith that accepts only God can resolve ‘this kind.’

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A Word to Husbands
A Word to Husbands


I am surprised Peter includes this word to husbands. Not that husbands don’t need a word like this. God knows we do! Peter ...

A husband ought to understand their spouse and affirm her differences, not exploit them.

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Cross This Rubicon!
Cross This Rubicon!


He reined in his horses and stood in his chariot, gazing at an ancient bridge over a small river. It was a Saturday near Rimini in northern ...

3 decisions every husband/father ought to make.

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Duct Tape Dads
Duct Tape Dads


Have you ever noticed how hard people work to get men to buy into the crisis management process? Think about the two biggest crises ...

Two steps that can prepare us for crisis prevention.

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Dads, What Is the Culture of the Home You Are Building?
Dads, What Is the Culture of the Home You Are Building?


I want to acknowledge that a day like this, set aside to celebrate fathers, is a difficult day for many people. For some of you, it’s ...

It doesn’t require status or wealth to be a good dad, just trust in following God.

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Fully Alive: The Call of Men
Fully Alive: The Call of Men

Probably one of the top five Ruch family favorite films would be a really beautiful film made several years ago called The Nativity. As a matter of fact, ...

Men are called by God to be providers and protectors.

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A Father's Words
A Father's Words


In June 1992, Jim Davidson and Mike Price climbed Mt. Rainier. On the way down, the two climbers fell 80 feet through a snow bridge into a ...

There are few things as powerful as a father's words.

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Average Asher
Average Asher


Hidden away in the some of the most tedious books of the Bible, among a myriad of unpronounceable names, lies one of the most remarkable stories ...

Who you are today will impact generations to come.

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The Glory of Fathers Who Stink
The Glory of Fathers Who Stink


As I come to talk about fathers, I'm mindful that it's a very difficult day for some people. For some people, whose every thought about their ...

Fathers are called to be shepherds—so what does a shepherd look (and smell) like?

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Be Afraid of Not Fearing
Be Afraid of Not Fearing


You need to look the other way, pastor. This is business. You're not cut out for this. My friend had been pastoring this church for a few ...

The righteous man fears God.

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Refocusing on Fatherhood
Refocusing on Fatherhood


I was driving home from a friend's house on a Saturday night when the familiar highway I had traveled many times began to remind me of ...

Our heavenly Father provides the best example for fathers and the fatherless.

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The Bucket List

The Story Behind the Sermon (Dan Meyer)

This sermon was the third-to-last installment of a year-long survey of the Bible's great stories and themes that ...

It's time to revise your bucket list and live according to God's priorities.

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Decisions Good Dads Make
Decisions Good Dads Make


When we think about fathers, we often search the Bible for stories about Abraham. We study the plight of Joseph, the earthly father of Jesus. ...

Mordecai provides us with a great example of how to be a good father.

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Our Fathers Who Are on Earth
Our Fathers Who Are on Earth

From the editor

Father's Day is just around the corner (June 21), and should you decide to offer a message for the occasion, Mark Mitchell's look at a ...

An earthly father should reflect the heavenly Father.

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Letters from Dad


I'd like to talk on this Father's Day to the men. There will be obvious relevance to women as well, but my express purpose today is to speak ...

Fathers and mentors should encourage those they lead by celebrating, challenging, and clearing a way for them.

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The Incredibles
The Incredibles


As we saw last week, every great family is founded first and foremost on the Covenant Principle—on a radical commitment to one ...

Making the most of your family unit

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Don't You Believe It: The Myth of Self-Importance

There's an old Jewish story: A rabbi was sitting next to an atheist on an airplane. The rabbi's family was also on the plane. Every few minutes, one of ...

The needs of such people as our parents and our children are more important than our wants.

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A Spirit-Filled Family


From the outset, I must say that I feel unqualified to preach this message. There are many of you with many more years of child-rearing experience. ...

Ultimately the child with no respect for the authority of his parents may have no respect for the greatest authority: God.

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Rediscovering Marriage


I think we'd all agree that marriage has fallen on hard times these days. They tell us that the number of people getting married has declined ...

Discover the transforming power of mutual submission

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Becoming a Man


What is the most powerful word in the English language? Is it "honor," or "love," or "country?" Maybe it's "sacrifice." Stu Weber, who has ...

We need to admit our incompetence and grow in competence.

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Whatever Happened to Zebedee?

Text: Mark 1:19–20
Topic: The importance of a father's spiritual leadership

Whatever happened to Zebedee?

I doubt that this is a question begging for ...

Men are called to be the spiritual leaders of their families.

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Father Abraham-Father's Day


On Father's Day we admit that fathers have something to teach us. So this morning I would like to take a look at one of the most dramatic ...

God's promise to make Abraham a blessing is the promise for us at any age.

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A Blue Print for Fathers

Today is Father's Day. Of course, it is an important day, but it is not the cash cow for the greeting card industry that Mother's Day is. However, like ...

God gives us a blueprint for fatherhood, because he is the perfect father.

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The Difference a Dad Makes

Being a father isn't easy. Ask anyone who has tried it. And it's a tough job from the very start. A young father-to-be spent the evening pacing the ...

What makes a man a great father is that he gives his children his heart.

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The Father's Role

In 1952, one of the most visible fathers in our country was Ozzie Nelson—the easy-going dad on the show, The Adventures of Ozzie and Harriet. If ...

The Bible tells us what we need to do in order to be a good father.

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Belonging and Becoming

The relentless creativity of God has affected my life in such a consistent manner that I'd like to share with you what I'm learning.

The plane I got on ...

We are infinitely beloved by God

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The Father Heart of God
The Father Heart of God

Do you remember the pig craze of the 1980s? People shelled out thousands of dollars to own one of these exotic house pets imported from Vietnam. Their ...

What it means that God has a long fuse, a short memory, thick skin, and a big heart.

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The Pressure of Fatherhood

There's a Father's Day card that reads, "Dad, everything I ever learned I learned from you, except one thing. The family car really will do 110."

It is ...

Despite the stresses confronting fathers, they can bless their children.

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