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Sermons on Grace

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Preaching on Grace? Browse these sermons to find fresh ideas.

It Doesn't Matter Who You Used to Be

Earlier this year many proponents of the death penalty stepped out of character momentarily to plead for mercy on behalf of Karla Faye Tucker, a convicted ...

No matter how bad you think you are, God can and will forgive you.

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When Your Enemy Prospers

God spares Nineveh, and Jonah is angry. He said: God, I knew you'd do that. That's why I didn't go, because I know you're gracious and forgiving, and ...

When we believe God's grace for ourselves and for our enemy, we really live

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God's Christmas Grace

The world system that you and I are part of has been celebrating the holiday called Christmas. And on that holiday, people have benefited by it. Gifts ...

God orchestrated Jesus' birth to bring us grace.

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Treasure in a Brown Bag

I get all kinds of things in the mail, and sometimes I think it's a conspiracy of "Yuppiedom." A while back I got a catalog, and inside were all kinds ...

Containing the message of Christ's salvation enables us to endure suffering

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The Frustration of Doing Good

Most of us Americans see ourselves as flexible, innovative, and open to change. Contrary to the people who live in the Old World, we see ourselves as ...

The apostle Paul eloquently explains how the law causes us to do the very things we don't want to do—clearly accentuating our need for grace.

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Triumphing Over the Past

I doubt that there is any more debilitating problem for Christian people than the problem of regrets. We feel subject to the guilt of something that we ...

Regardless of our past, God's grace allows us to rejoice.

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Message From an Empty Tomb

I'm not quite sure how to say this. We have always said in the church that our faith was based upon facts. It was a faith built upon evidence that led ...

The resurrection of Jesus offers us a message of hope, love, and grace.

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Grace at Christmas

Those of us from a western culture somehow take all of our techniques and apply them when we come to a genealogy. If the Bible were all genealogies, we ...

By including notorious sinners in the genealogy of Christ, God shows us that his grace extends to everyone.

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When Your Enemy Prospers

When Your Enemy Prospers

by Bruce Larson

God spares Nineveh, and Jonah is angry. He said: God, I knew you'd do that. That's why I didn't go, because I ...

When we believe God's grace for ourselves and for our enemy, we really live

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Good Guys, Bad Guys, and Us Guys
Good Guys, Bad Guys, and Us Guys

When I was a boy growing up in New York City, one of the nicest ways for me to spend a Saturday afternoon was at the matinee of the neighborhood theater. ...

Humility comes from looking at God and then seeing ourselves.

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It was his first day on the job. He was a new clerk in the green goods department of a supermarket. A lady came up to him and said she wanted to buy half ...

There is no rational reason God loves us; he loves us just because.

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The Father Heart of God
The Father Heart of God

Do you remember the pig craze of the 1980s? People shelled out thousands of dollars to own one of these exotic house pets imported from Vietnam. Their ...

What it means that God has a long fuse, a short memory, thick skin, and a big heart.

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A New Agenda

In Luke's gospel, the theme of food is significant in its meaning and widespread in its scope. It appears as if every time a chapter in the Gospel ...

When we're full of grace, we will be bursting at the seams, overflowing with grace in a lifestyle of worship toward fellow believers as well as toward unbelievers.

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The Great Escape

Look in your Bibles at 1 Corinthians 10:13. Paul says, "No temptation has seized you except what is common to man. And God is faithful; he will not ...

The things that tempt us are common to all mankind, and God promises to help us not yield to those temptations.

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