Preaching on Holy Spirit, indwelling? Browse these sermons to find fresh ideas.

Few to Many
In April 2013, an article in the USA Today Money section reported that Apple's stock has been struggling. According to the article, "The ...
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Taken Up Into Glory
In this series we have been walking in the footsteps of Jesus during his final days on earth. I have sought to employ the metaphor of being ...
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Receiving Power
This sermon is part of the “More Than a Holiday” sermon series. See the whole series here.
We’re in the fourth week of our ...
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What Does This Mean?
I hope the Book of Acts is easy for you to find because you’ve got your handy dandy Acts bookmark with you. This is not just a bookmark; it’s ...
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Authentic Faith
In this series, we're going to be looking at 1 and 2 Thessalonians. These letters will emphasize two perspectives: They put a laser focus ...
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Hope Is a Who
Life has a way of killing dreams, doesn't it? You set out with high hopes—for your schooling, your career, your family, and your ...
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Immersed in the Life of God
The story behind the sermon (by Kevin Miller)
When I first read this text, I thought it was simple. The text is short, only 8 verses, and Mark is clear, ...
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What Do Christians Think About the Holy Spirit?
In this sermon series we've been trying to look at the basic beliefs of the Christian faith in a way that both irreligious people and Christians ...
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What Do Christians Think About the Holy Spirit?
From the editor
Tim Peck acknowledges that any discussion of the Holy Spirit has a certain mystery to it. After all, Jesus himself compared the Spirit ...
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All God Does Is Good
From the editor
Chuck's sermon is an excellent example of a sermon that sharpens the way we read the Bible. Notice how Chuck challenges us to take the ...
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The Colorful Creator
I grew up in a family that never had a color television set. All the ballgames and TV shows—including the "Colorful World of Disney"—were ...
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The Shadow of Jesus
Well over a hundred years ago, Robert Robinson wrote a hymn that resonates with many of us. One line reads like this: "Prone to wander, ...
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Life on Wings
The biblical image of the kind of life Christians are called to live is, "The way of an eagle in the air." I have lots of experience with ...
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Inquiring of the Lord
I want to read to you an obscure little verse from an obscure part of the Old Testament. Very few people know this story, but it has a lot ...
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The Process of Transformation
Text: 1 John 3:110
Topic: How to attain holiness
Imagine that you've been asked to write a book on marriage. Your publisher says, "We ...
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Signed, Sealed and Delivered
Several years ago, when Deb and I were still newly weds, we decided it was time to stop paying rent and purchase our own home. A realtor in ...
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A House on Hope Street
For many years John Cox and his wife, Wendy, did their best to provide a home for themselves and their three daughters. He was an itinerant youth minister, ...
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Anakin's Choice
The TV makeover craze began a few years ago with a couple of shows that promised to transform ordinary looking people into beauty queens and chick-magnets. ...
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Setting Sail
You know, I really don't understand myself sometimes. I want to do what's right, but I don't do it. Instead, I do the very thing I hate. I know perfectly ...
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The Great Reveal
It's the most dramatic moment in any makeover show. It's the reason the participants endure 3 months of surgery, workouts, coaching, and separation from ...
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Christmas 365 Days a Year
We often talk about the night before Christmas, but what do you think about on the morning after Christmas? I've been thinking about this ...
© Stuart Briscoe Preaching Today Tape #135 A resource of Christianity Today International[Read More]
The Gift of Spirit-Filled Living
NOTE: Even though this message was originally included in a Christmas series, it is easily adaptable as a "stand-alone" message any time of the year. ...
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The Spirit-filled Life
A few years ago in the magazine Fortune, there was an editorial in which these words appeared: "In days like these, what we of the world need is to hear ...
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Christmas 365 Days a Year
We often talk about the night before Christmas, but what do you think about on the morning after Christmas? I've been thinking about this wonderful ...
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