Preaching on Honesty? Browse these sermons to find fresh ideas.

The Love Expression
(Read 1 Thessalonians 3:1-5)
God is the source of love, Jesus is the proof of love, and believers must be the agents of love in this world.
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On the Defense
All of us have been in the cross-hairs of criticism. It may have come from a spouse, a parent, an adult child, or another family—all ...
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Complaining to God
Americans complain a lot. The Pilgrims and Puritans came over here because they were complaining about religious authority. We fought for ...
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A Tale of Two Women
In the days when the judges ruled over the land of Judah there came a famine to the land. So a man from Bethlehem together with his wife and ...
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Drafting Buddies
Sam and Frodo find themselves on the final leg of their journey on the slopes of Mordor, but Frodo is losing heart. He's just about out of ...
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Testing the Limits
For the past couple of weeks we've been talking about friendship. And what we're learning is that our friendships play an important role in ...
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Beyond Friends
Where are you on your spiritual journey? And what would help you take the next step?
A couple of years ago we joined hundreds of churches across ...
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True Friends
Last week I tossed out a question and invited you to respond: is it possible to be spiritual friends with a non-believer? For the past six ...
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The Deep Truth
Back in 1899, four reporters from four different Denver newspapers didn't have a story for the morning paper. They decided to make up a story—to ...
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The Scarlet Letter
Today we're continuing to look at the Ten Commandments. We've seen that this isn't easy material. These commands are anything but sugarcoated. ...
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Yes, Yes and No, No
I read a story about a woman of wealth and social prominence. She wanted to have a book written about her genealogy, her history. She got ...
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The Journey to Integrity
If I had just one gift to give you, I think it would be the gift of integrity—such a gift that when you come to the last chapter of ...
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Who Can We Trust?
From the editor:
Here is another sermon from one of our featured preachers, David Anderson. Anderson uses the story of Samson and Delilah to explore issues ...
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Growing Up
When I was in kindergarten, we used to play a game based on a hit TV show called Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea. My teacher, Mrs. Floaten, ...
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Torn by Pain
In 1997 Sara McLachlan wrote a song entitled "Dear God." It's a searing complaint against God—raw, brutally honest, and irreverent. ...
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Blessed Are Those Who Mourn
"No one ever told me that grief felt so much like fear." That is how C. S. Lewis begins his book A Grief Observed, a compelling account of ...
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Rebuilding the Walls
In the countryside near Leicester, England, there stands an ancient church whose walls are inscribed with an eloquent memorial. The inscription ...
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John the Baptist's Story
From the editor
Very early in his sermon, Kevin Miller says, "I have the hard job of telling you a hard truth." Indeed he does. The hard truth is that ...
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Comfort for the Troubled Heart
The Allies had planned Operation Overlord for years, amassing vast armies, an incredible navy, and enough arms to release Europe from the ...
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You Can't Fool the Lord
One of the ministers at this church the television show 24 because of the things that Jack Bauer never has to do: eat, charge his cell phone, ...
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When Life Crowds You Out
On the wall of a subway in New York City was an advertising poster that depicted a dignified older gentleman recommending a particular product. ...
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Choosing What Is Best
There were about 20 of us: the engaged couple, their parents, the bridesmaids and groomsmen who were going to be in the wedding the next day, ...
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Releasing Resentment
Text: John 21:1522; 1 Corinthians 13:5
Topic: How we forgive those who hurt us
It may have been King David's lowest moment: His son Absalom ...
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Where Are You?
When I was a kid growing up in Minnesota, my family had a summer tradition. Every Sunday night, all seven kids and my parents would cram into ...
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Take an Inside Look
I have had the opportunity to speak to hundreds of people over the past twenty years. I think I've come to one major conclusion about people's ...
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The Journey of Integrity
Text: Psalm 26
Topic: What is required for a life of integrity
If I had just one gift to give you, I think it would be the gift of integritysuch ...
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The Right Way to Handle Church Conflict
I am by nature an idealist. I start almost everything in life by thinking about the best-case scenario. As a young man, I had a best-case ...
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Don't You Believe It: There's No Such Thing as a Little White Lie
One Sunday, a minister said to his congregation, “Next week I plan to preach about the sin of lying. In preparation for that message, I’m asking all of ...
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The Imitation of Christ
Over six hundred years ago, a boy by the name of Thomas Hammerlein was born in the Prussian town of Kempen on the Rhine, some forty miles ...
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Treat Your Mate to a Better Marriage
Genesis 2:18-24
Gloria Steinem, the well-known feminist activist and publisher of Ms. Magazine, made a statement a few years ago that has been quoted ...
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Form Vs. Content
One year on my Little League team there was a player named Ricky, who looked absolutely incredible at the plate. I'm not referring to his hitting; I'm ...
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Being a Promise Keeper
I was watching a football game one day and the camera zoomed in on a guy wearing a T-Shirt that said, "My wife thinks I'm at Promise Keepers."
If you've ...
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Living a Life of Integrity
Some years ago I was invited to a home in our community to talk with a father about his son, who was into drugs. As I sat in his living room that evening, ...
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