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Sermons on Human Worth

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Preaching on Human Worth? Browse these sermons to find fresh ideas.

Abortion or Adoption
Abortion or Adoption


In today’s Gospel we have Jesus reading scripture to the people and telling them good news. And they loved it and they loved him. In ...

Choosing life and God’s plan.

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Humanity's Mission Statement


If you have your Bible I'm going to read Genesis1:26-31. I want to read the events of the sixth day of creation as it is recorded for us here. ...

Humanity's nature and relationships are intended to be a visible expression of God.

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Behind the Headlines
Behind the Headlines


I'd like to begin with a reading from John 8:2-11.

At dawn Jesus appeared again in the temple courts, where all the people gathered around ...

The best way to address abortion is to overwhelm our culture with love.

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Who Cares?


Luke is one of the two New Testament writers who deals at length with the fundamental crisis of the early church, and that was the departure ...

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From Exclusion to Embrace
From Exclusion to Embrace

The Story Behind the Sermon

This year (2009) we have been preaching through the Gospel of Luke. As the preaching schedule was being put together, it just ...

Jesus wants us to move away from excluding others and toward embracing others.

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The Abundant Life Commitment
The Abundant Life Commitment

From the editor:

The debate over embryonic stem cell research rages on and on. It was a center-stage issue in the last presidential election, and probably ...

We need to be informed about the embryonic stem cell debate to be effective advocates for this tiniest form of human life.

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Taming the Beast

Text: Genesis 4:1–16
Topic: How to battle envy


A few years ago, two high school girls in California—well liked, talented and ambitious—attended ...

Envy will destroy us if we don't tame it with love.

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Weighing Others Heavy

Text: Exodus 20:13; Matthew 5:21–24; Romans 12:14–21; Romans 13:8–10
Topic: How to apply the sixth commandment


The sixth commandment ...

The sixth commandment is ultimately positive: treat all people with love and respect.

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Like a Living Stone


"How does it feel," Bob Dylan asks. "How does it feel to be on your own, with no direction home, a complete unknown, like a rolling stone?" ...

Finding identity, belonging, and significance in the body of Christ

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Crumbling Clay

In Isaiah 64:8 we read, "But now, O Lord, thou art our Father and we are the clay, and thou our potter, and we are all works of Thy hands." This verse ...

We are uniquely handmade by God for his glory.

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A Deeply Moving Religious Experience

It was Pentecost Sunday and I had been invited to speak at Washington Cathedral on that occasion because my background has something to do with earthquake, ...

We are responsible to live out the full meaning of God's dream for our lives.

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He Lives, As He Said He Would

There's one long sentence in Mark 16 that caught my imagination. It's the angel's words to the women: "Go, tell his disciples and Peter, 'He is going ...

In the resurrection, Jesus proves that all God's promises are true.

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