Preaching on Incarnation? Browse these sermons to find fresh ideas.

Behold the Lamb of God
I hope you had a good Thanksgiving. Now we flip the page and enter the season on the church calendar known as Advent. Advent is different ...
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Waiting for a God-Given Perspective
We are in the second week of our Advent series called “Christmas with Joseph: When Things don’t Go as Planned.” ...
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Christmas Presence
I invite you take a moment, in this busy season, to just breathe. Be present in this body, in this moment, in this place, with these people. ...
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Advent Conspiracy: Love All
Every Christmas there is that one toy that everyone wants and that creates all sorts of craziness.
In 1983 it was the Cabbage Patch Doll! The ...
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Growing in Wisdom
This sermon is part of the “More Than a Holiday” sermon series. See the whole series here.
I’m excited to kick off our Advent ...
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Persevering Through Suffering
This sermon is part of the “More Than a Holiday” sermon series. See the whole series here.
Isaiah 53, a very familiar chapter for ...
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The Gift of the Son: Wonderful Counselor
This sermon is part of “The Gift of the Son” sermon series. See the whole series here.
The first Sunday of Advent marks the beginning ...
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Estimating the Value of God's Gift
Christmas was an exciting time and Joey was excited too; as excited as any 10-year-old boy could be. For him Christmas was still a time ...
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Who Is Jesus?
Who is Jesus? So this is the time we celebrate Christ's birth. And we have many traditions to commemorate Christ's birth. But the question ...
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More Than a Baby
We find in Luke 1 the well-known story of the prophecy of the birth of Jesus that comes to Mary. Most of you could give me the details of ...
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Have Yourself a Global Little Christmas
[The sermon began with a 30-second clip from the song "Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas," performed by Michal Bublé.]
I really ...
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A Disgraceful Christmas
I want to ask us a question: What words do you associate with Christmas? I did that exercise with myself and this is the list of words that ...
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God with Skin
I don't know if you saw the story in the CBC News about the data from NASA that was recently published. This data shows that in our galaxy, ...
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When God Came to the BBC
"The virgin will be with child and will give birth to a son and they will call him Immanuel, which means God with us."
Dorothy Sayers is known ...
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A View from the Choir
The story behind the sermon (Bryan Wilkerson)
After doing first person narratives at Christmastime for many years, I was running out of characters—the ...
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Deep Truth
Liz is friends with people of many religious backgrounds, and she's just starting to realize that what she claims to believe about Jesus necessarily has ...
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Jesus, Lord of the New Creation
The first sermon in this series started exploring this passage by looking at how Jesus is the Lord of Creation. Part two is titled "Jesus is Lord ...
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Jesus, Lord of the Cross
There are few more exciting units of the U.S. Military than the Combat Search and Rescue (or the CSAR). If you've seen the movie Black Hawk Down, ...
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Jesus Christ, Our Lord
"Paul, a servant of Christ Jesus, called to be an apostle and set apart for the gospel of God-the gospel he promised beforehand through his prophets in ...
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Jesus Christ: His Human Nature
"The gospel of God … regarding his Son, who as to his human nature was a descendent of David …" (Romans 1:3).
Paul says, "Jesus Christ is ...
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Jesus Christ: His Resurrection from the Dead
"The gospel of God … regarding his Son, who as to his human nature was a descendent of David according to the flesh, and who was declared to be ...
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The Hard Side of Epiphany
From the editor:
January 6th is Epiphany—the day that many Western Christians commemorate the visitation of the Magi to Jesus. With that date just ...
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The Christmas Plunge
From the editor:
Who doesn't love reflecting on the amazing story of Mary, a teenage girl swept up in something so unexpected, so epic? The Incarnation ...
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A Tiny Gift—Strangely Wrapped, Silently Delivered
Text: 2 Corinthians 9:15
Topic: How God wrapped the indescribable gift of Jesus.
From the editor:
It's not yet Thanksgiving, but we suspect you are well ...
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The Peace Jesus Brings
In this Advent season, we are looking at the theme of God's promise of better days for our lives. That is the hope of Advent and Christmas, ...
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The Virgin Birth
From the editor:
In the conversations I've had with seekers, Paul's assertion in 1 Corinthians 1:23 is spot on: the mysterious death of Christ is quite ...
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The House of Love
This message concludes our series on the four best places to live. We've looked at the House of Worship, the House of Prayer, and the House ...
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God on the Ground
From the editor
In this sermon, Knute Larson examines the Incarnation through an Old Testament lens. Learn ways to help your audience make connections ...
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Redneck Christmas
Editor's note: The following monologue is delivered in character by a shepherd named Larry. There was a live nativity scene on stage for the Children's ...
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The Promise of Better Days
As a 5th grader at Cornelia Elementary School in Edina, Minnesota, I always felt sorry for a fellow student named Gary. With his high squeaky ...
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The Self-giving Servant Father
I invite you now to come with me into the very center of the Christian faith. And I invite you to do so through a text of Scripture with which you are, ...
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Great Expectations
There is a lot of hype to the holidays. We buy presents; we attend countless parties and holiday events. We travel to see relatives. We ...
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Triumph of the Self-giving One: Meditations for Holy Week from the Book of Isaiah
Triumph of the Self-giving One:Meditations for Holy Week from the Book of Isaiah
by Kevin Conrad
Introduction: God responds to suffering.
As long as humans ...
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God's Christmas Grace
The world system that you and I are part of has been celebrating the holiday called Christmas. And on that holiday, people have benefited by it. Gifts ...
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The Sleepy Invasion
The stage was set. It was finally the fullness of time. The world had long been in prison, caught in a web of sin and death, controlled by a network of ...
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Glory to God in the Lowest
Christmas is a time of surprises. A lady was preparing her Christmas cookies. There came a knock at the door. She went to find a man, his clothes poor, ...
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Martin Luther's Christmas Sermon
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A God's-Eye View of Christmas
At the turn of the millennium, people are looking back to the great events of the twentieth century: the amazing journeys people have made, ...
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Blood in Bethlehem
Two weeks ago NPR carried a story about plans to spruce up Bethlehem, the dusty little Palestinian town of Jesus' Nativity. Tourists take the bus from ...
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Christmas As the Angels Saw It
The words we are going to read from Scripture were probably part of a hymn sung by the early Christian believers. You'll notice that the first line of ...
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The Purpose of Christmas
First John 1:1—4:
That which was from the beginning, which we have heard, which we have seen with our eyes, which we have looked at and our hands ...
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A Tiny Gift- Strangely Wrapped, Silently Delivered
Since the Christmas season began, one word has fallen from our lips more than any other. Maybe you haven't stopped to think about which ...
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