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Sermons on Jesus Christ

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Preaching on Jesus Christ? Browse these sermons to find fresh ideas.

Transforming Joy
Transforming Joy


Around 100AD, the churches in and around Ephesus underwent all kinds of turmoil, tension, and conflict. This was not so much to do with external ...

Who is Jesus really?

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The Characters of Christmas: Simeon
The Characters of Christmas: Simeon

This sermon is part of “The Characters of Christmas” sermon series. See the whole series here.


With this sermon, we conclude our ...

When you "see" Jesus are you filled with excitement and anticipation?

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The Characters of Christmas: Wise Men
The Characters of Christmas: Wise Men

This sermon is part of “The Characters of Christmas” sermon series. See the whole series here.


Every manger scene includes the ...

The Wise Men's desire to find and worship the King should cause each of us to consider our own personal worship of the King.

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The Characters of Christmas: Joseph
The Characters of Christmas: Joseph

This sermon is part of “The Characters of Christmas” sermon series. See the whole series here.


Matthew’s gospel tells the ...

We must learn to align our lives to God’s plan as he leads.

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The Characters of Christmas: Mary
The Characters of Christmas: Mary

This sermon is part of “The Characters of Christmas” sermon series. See the whole series here.


Dave Richards was raised in a strong ...

When God’s will is made clear in life and we obey, nothing is impossible.

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Begin with the End in Mind
Begin with the End in Mind


As an instructor of preaching at the Moody Bible Institute in Spokane, every semester I have the privilege of teaching classes of 10 to 14 ...

As a new year approaches, what will we do with the opportunities God gives us?

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Our Felt Need, Our Deepest Need
Our Felt Need, Our Deepest Need


I promise I will not fall into that well-worn tradition of preaching on those well-intentioned, moralistic oaths, doomed to fail, that we ...

Following the Messiah means finding a new perspective on our greatest needs.

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Becoming a 'Thanksgiver' at Thanksgiving
Becoming a 'Thanksgiver' at Thanksgiving


"Don't forget to say 'thank you.'" If you are like me, then you probably heard this phrase often when you were a child. If you are a parent, ...

How can we turn our 'grateful' into 'thankful'?

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The King Liked to Listen
The King Liked to Listen


The king liked to listen to him. So did most people.

"Repent. Stop what you're doing. You know it's wrong, so stop it. Make a ...

Hearing the call to repentance and acting on it.

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The World's Greatest Talk: Choices
The World's Greatest Talk: Choices

Introductory Remarks from John Ortberg

This message was designed to do one thing: challenge people to decide to follow Jesus wholeheartedly.

Part of ...

We all have to decide whether we will be merely an admirer of Christ or a devoted follower of Christ.

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Changed People, Changing Lives


Read Acts 5:12, 17, 19, 21, 29-31

The holy city of Jerusalem has had a wonderful event. They had tried their best to say no to what Jesus Christ ...

You have to be changed if you want to change others.

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Hope Is a Who


Life has a way of killing dreams, doesn't it? You set out with high hopes—for your schooling, your career, your family, and your ...

If life has a way of killing dreams, Christ's resurrection has a way of bringing them back to life.

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The Best Is Yet To Come


It all began with Mary and Martha—that cool Easter morning—coming to a lonely Palestinian tomb. I don't think they had any idea ...

Smelling the sweet aroma of the Christ's resurrection.

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Jesus Vindicated
Jesus Vindicated


Luke 24, verses 1 to 53—this stuff is too wonderful for words. It's very easy to outline this chapter:

  • Lk 24:1-12, The empty tomb;

The Resurrection makes the future certain, personal, and unimaginable.

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Jesus, Betrayed and Crucified
Jesus, Betrayed and Crucified


If you have ever flown into Ireland, north or south, one thing will strike you. From the air, Ireland is remarkably green. What the tourist ...

Nothing compares to the toxic effect of taking Jesus and his death for granted.

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The Life Was Made Manifest


Christmas is definitely a wonderful time of year. But it's also a bit of a production, right? On average there will be $800 spent for every ...

How to experience the real life that fills the void in our heart.

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What's Your Story?


Have you heard of Storycorps? Storycorps is a nonprofit organization whose mission is to celebrate the lives of everyday Americans by inviting ...

The life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ is the world's greatest story—and it's entirely true.

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God's Great Heart of Love


In John Bunyan's famous Pilgrim's Progress, right from the outset of the book we are introduced to a man who is deeply troubled and who is ...

The One who judges our sin also invites us to find refuge in his grace.

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Keep yourself from idols


I want to direct your attention to one particular verse of Scripture this morning—the final verse of the First Letter of John to the ...

As we avoid idolatry, we need to make certain that we not only know about God, but that we know him.

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Lost and Found


Some of you may have heard of Anthony Bourdain. He has a reality show on The Travel Channel called "No Reservations." He's a chef who travels ...

Jesus' encounter with Zacchaeus is a fulfillment of his mission.

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The House God Built

Some years ago friends gave me this extraordinary book, Churches, about the architecture of great churches. I'm partial to country churches, but the beautiful ...

Jesus Christ fulfills God’s covenant to establish David’s throne forever.

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Deep Truth

Liz is friends with people of many religious backgrounds, and she's just starting to realize that what she claims to believe about Jesus necessarily has ...

Jesus came to rescue and redeem his creation.

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The First Hymn

Please turn to the first hymn. No, not the first one in the hymn book. The first one in history, or at least the first one in the history of the church. ...

The church's first hymn retells the story of Jesus with poetic beauty.

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Measuring the Clouds


Turn in your Bible to Matthew chapter 5, beginning with verse 38. Jesus says: "You have heard that it was said, 'Eye for eye, and tooth for ...

In order to experience a true change in our hearts, we must see the world like Jesus sees it.

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Encounter on Golgotha Road
Encounter on Golgotha Road

From the editor:

We recently posted an Easter message by John Ortberg, because the themes like atonement, the Cross, resurrection, etc. are never out of ...

God is always at work, leading us to times and places where we might meet him.

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Strong Grace, Hard Word, Good Memories


Be strong. Suffer hardship. Remember Jesus Christ. These are Paul's words of counsel to Timothy in a fallen world and imperfect church. Timothy ...

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The Uncomfortable Truth of Easter
The Uncomfortable Truth of Easter

From the editor:

At the 2008 National Pastors Conference in San Diego, Preaching Today got to interview N. T. Wright about his book Surprised by Hope and ...

As Easter people, it is our duty to make Christ's kingdom and justice known in his world.

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The Neglected Joseph Davidson


I think I had better introduce myself. My name is Joseph Davidson. Many of you already know me. I've been hanging around Christmas for a long ...

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Forgiven, Forgotten


Guilt runs rampant in the body of Christ. Though you already know you often feel guilty, it's important that we say it, because you would ...

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The Critical Transaction

Most Broadway musicals begin with something called an overture. The writer of the musical tries, in the early moments, to give us some sense of all the ...

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The Forgiveness Factor


"If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us all of our sins." What do you do when you forgive someone? What really happens ...

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Christian Singles


Currently 17 to 20 million unmarried women and several million fewer unmarried men live in the United States. It's estimated that, at ...

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Life Together


The first week we moved into the small town where I served as pastor, my wife Jane and I decided to take a walk down Main Street. We immediately ...

Discovering true unity in Psalm 133

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Coming to Grips with the Authority of Christ
Coming to Grips with the Authority of Christ

From the editor

Donald Sunukjian is a master at making a text come alive for a congregation, carefully and memorably pointing out all the details that ...

We must come to grips with the authority of Christ and live accordingly.

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A Tiny Gift—Strangely Wrapped, Silently Delivered

Text: 2 Corinthians 9:15
Topic: How God wrapped the indescribable gift of Jesus.

From the editor:

It's not yet Thanksgiving, but we suspect you are well ...

In the birth of Jesus, God has delivered an indescribable gift to us.

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God's Protection and Delight

Zephaniah paints a picture of love.

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The Power of Hope


In this Advent season, we are looking at the theme of God's promise of better days for our lives. That is the hope of Advent and Christmas: ...

Jeremiah prophesies the movement of God.

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The Peace Jesus Brings
The Peace Jesus Brings


In this Advent season, we are looking at the theme of God's promise of better days for our lives. That is the hope of Advent and Christmas, ...

Micah predicts the coming Messiah.

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Good Riddance


"Isn't there somewhere else you're supposed to be?" Has God ever said that to you? God seems to be saying that a lot around here lately. He ...

Finding our way to God's place of blessing

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The Really Good Shepherd


According to the United States Social Security Administration, Jacob was the number one male baby name for the year 2007. In the Bible the ...

Recognizing God as the architect of blessing

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The Messy Family of God


"Happy families are all alike; every unhappy family is unhappy in its own way." So reads the first line of Leo Tolstoy's famous novel, Anna ...

Learning to choose the right way over the hard way

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The Voice from the Top of the Stairs


There's a story oft-told on the Internet—true or not, I don't know—about Susan, a 34-year-old woman who lost her sight due to ...

Trusting in the God who is near

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Odd Man Out


Some wedding requests pose a dilemma for pastors. Most of us will not officiate at a wedding between a believer and an unbeliever, believing ...

Recognizing the immense value of God's blessing

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When Sin Creeps In

From the editor

If you remove the first three chapters of Genesis, anything goes. So much foundational theology is packed into those seminal verses. One ...

Sin is costly, but Jesus has come.

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Forgiven and Forgotten

Text: Hebrews 10:1-18
Topic: The effectiveness and scope of Christ's forgiveness of our sin

From the editor

As Brown points out at the very start of his ...

The sacrifice of Christ is not a reminder of your sin but a reminder of your forgiveness, your liberation.

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Regime Change
Regime Change

From the editor:

Here's a sermon by Kevin Miller that might inspire a few ideas for your own Palm Sunday sermon (April 5, 2009). As you read the sermon, ...

When Jesus comes to town, he often challenges the things that are most dear to us.

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What if it's true?


Several friends were talking in a restaurant when the conversation came around to dying. They asked each other what they would like to have ...

A call to faith in the risen Christ

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On the Cross
On the Cross


A.D. abbreviates the Latin words "Anno Domini," which means "Year of Our Lord." Our calendars are all dated by the birth ...

The account of Good Friday

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Crown of thorns for the King of Kings


It's almost Easter, but do you remember Christmas? We heard the joyous story that starts on the first page of the New Testament. Matthew ...

The fulfillment of prophecy

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The Greatest Trial Ever Held


It was a long and difficult night. Jesus' best friends abandoned him. One of his closest colleagues committed suicide. Police arrested ...

The story of Pilate

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