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Sermons on Knowledge of God

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Preaching on Knowledge of God? Browse these sermons to find fresh ideas.

Transforming Knowledge
Transforming Knowledge


It’s been my habit for more years than I can remember to read the Bible in a Year, with Zoe, in the morning.

We follow various plans ...

How are we to live now that we know God?

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The Beginning of Courage
The Beginning of Courage


What gives you courage? What gives you courage to do hard things, unthinkable things?

If you grew up watching sports on television, you probably ...

The fear of the Lord gives us courage and a place with his people.

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The Gain of Sacrifice
The Gain of Sacrifice


I returned from a two-week trip to Nairobi, Kenya, and Jos, Nigeria, where we were visiting some of our dear friends and ministry partners ...

Jesus is the treasure that is worth sacrificing everything else for.

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What Do We Want in Prayer?
What Do We Want in Prayer?


In the event of a fire in your home, the last thing you want to do is run around in the burning house (as is often seen on TV). The temperature ...

Prayer is a gift—and it brings us back to reality.

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Why Pray?
Why Pray?


Even though we know we should pray constantly, many—if not most—of us would confess we don't pray as often as we should. But I ...

What if the purpose of prayer is knowing God—not getting answers?

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Not What We Expected
Not What We Expected


(Illustration: Description of seeing the Mona Lisa for the first time.)

Have you ever had an experience where things didn't turn out as you ...

What happens when Jesus opens our eyes to recognize him?

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God Is Self-sacrificing
God Is Self-sacrificing

Introduction: Recovering a knowledge of God

As wonderful as life is in so many respects, many of us look at our world today and wonder how we are ever ...

Learning from the One who lays it down

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Deep Certainty

How do you feel about the future? What kind of world will our children and grandchildren, grow up in? What can we count on to give us any kind of confidence ...

To know Jesus is to know, for certain, eternal life.

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