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Sermons on Life

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Preaching on Life? Browse these sermons to find fresh ideas.

Taking Life Seriously
Taking Life Seriously


A lot of things happened in 1973. I was a teenager with a face filled with acne and an appetite for adventure. Beth was a cute ten-year-old ...

Because the preborn are people they must be protected.

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You Can’t Look Away
You Can’t Look Away


If you haven’t had the chance yet, I highly recommend the Netflix documentary titled, My Octopus Teacher. Yes, you heard that right: ...

Seeing abortion through the lens of Creation, Fall, and Redemption.

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Abortion or Adoption
Abortion or Adoption


In today’s Gospel we have Jesus reading scripture to the people and telling them good news. And they loved it and they loved him. In ...

Choosing life and God’s plan.

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Transforming Knowledge
Transforming Knowledge


It’s been my habit for more years than I can remember to read the Bible in a Year, with Zoe, in the morning.

We follow various plans ...

How are we to live now that we know God?

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Blessed to Rest
Blessed to Rest


What if one of the most important things you could possibly do to live the blessed life, to have life in all fullness as Jesus promised, ...

God wants us to learn from the way he works, how to live.

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What’s Your Eau De Toilette?: An Extravagant Example for an Extraordinary God
What’s Your Eau De Toilette?: An Extravagant Example for an Extraordinary God


If you had one opportunity to show Jesus how much you loved him, what would you do? What might you say? What offering might you bring? ...

When we worship Jesus, no gift is too precious.

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You Have the Words of Eternal Life
You Have the Words of Eternal Life


One of the great joys of my life to officiate weddings. Sure, there is a lot of pressure to get things right, but one aspect I love ...

Look to Jesus with soul-satisfying faith and treasure his Word.

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Life, Liberty, and Happiness
Life, Liberty, and Happiness


A few years ago, I participated in a ceremony held at the National Archives in Washington, D.C. Following a mic-check before the ...

Finding real freedom in a free-for-all world.

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How to Get Dialed into God’s Plan for Your Life
How to Get Dialed into God’s Plan for Your Life


In the summer of 1994, I had a most unusual job. I served as an assistant at a funeral home in northeast Tennessee.

My responsibilities were ...

You do what you already know God wants you to do. You identify your God-given shape. You ask God to show you, then look for his answer. You listen.

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Stand Firm
Stand Firm


There are days when I open my eyes and wish I awoke to a simpler world. Pandemics, politics, gender issues, racial injustice, loss, ...

Inward perseverance produces outward godliness.

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Learning from Ecclesiastes
Learning from Ecclesiastes


You are going to die. And no one is going to remember you. The stuff you’re working hard on is going to be completely undone. As if ...

The Teacher pairs his frustration that everything is hebel with a call to enjoy God’s good gifts.

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An Event That Changes Everything
An Event That Changes Everything


Philippians is Paul's final letter to a church. He writes it from his imprisonment in Rome. In Philippians 2:6-11, we listened to St. ...

We can wager on truth and we can wager on life because of God’s love, God’s love that is the event that happened.

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The Great Interruption
The Great Interruption


Some of the most significant spiritual lessons are learned from the most unlikely people. Such is the case with the story of Simon of Cyrene. ...

Following Jesus in the great interruptions of life.

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Our Journey with God
Our Journey with God


“Life’s a journey, not a destination,” Steven Tyler sang in the rock band Aerosmith’s 1993 song, “Amazing.” ...

Our journey begins with the LORD in our distress, trusting his truth over falsehoods, and living for peace in the midst of conflict.

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The Giant of Disappointment
The Giant of Disappointment

In the musical version of Victor Hugo’s Les Misérables, the character Fantine sings a sorrowful song about disappointment called “I ...

God can use your disappointment for his glory.

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The Counterintuitive Life
The Counterintuitive Life


I'm going to say something you can't argue with, and in fact, if you try to argue with it, you will simply prove my point. You ...

Dying to ourselves to see life spring up.

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Enjoy Your Life Now
Enjoy Your Life Now


Age is becoming a bigger and bigger issue in our society because more and more Americans are living longer and longer. 10,000 Americans turn ...

Our lives are a gift from God.

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God is the Center of Reality


Back in the 1960s the mayor of the city of Chicago was Richard Daley. He was famous for a number of things, most notably for being the last ...

God is great, he's at the center of reality, so focus your life on him.

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The Satanic Strategy
The Satanic Strategy


I am going to read to you from Genesis Chapter 3, verses 1 to 7. It says,

"Now the serpent was more crafty than any of the wild animals ...

Satan tries to deceive by offering us radical independence from God.

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Fully Human, Fully Alive


I want to read to you from Genesis 2. Verse 4 says,

"This is the account of the heavens and the earth when they were created.

"When the LORD ...

Genesis reveals four aspects of our humanity: we are physical, spiritual, relational, and sexual beings.

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The Making of Marriage


If you have your Bible, I am going to read from Genesis Chapter 2. Verse 18, then Verse 21 to 25. Verse 18 says, "The LORD God said, 'It is ...

Marriage is the cornerstone of society; Genesis 2 shows us God's blueprint for making it work.

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In the Beginning


Let me read to you from Genesis Chapter 1. I'm going to read part of the chapter—beginning in verse 1:

In the beginning God created the ...

God's work of creation is still happening in our lives.

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The Life Was Made Manifest


Christmas is definitely a wonderful time of year. But it's also a bit of a production, right? On average there will be $800 spent for every ...

How to experience the real life that fills the void in our heart.

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Treasury Notes in Heaven


Our son-in-law, Keith, works on the trading floor of the commodities market exchange in Chicago. I've been there to watch him. You stand in ...

To make investments that will last forever, value what God values.

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I Am the Light of the World
I Am the Light of the World


John 8:12-30:

Again Jesus spoke to them, saying, "I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will not walk in darkness, but will ...

Jesus is the saving, redeeming, and creation-filling light of the world.

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Created with a Purpose
Created with a Purpose


This is the first of a six sessions in our Living Free series. We're going to cover some foundational truths about God's purpose for ...

We need to discover and live out God's original design for the world, humanity, and each individual.

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Deep Joy

Story behind the sermon series (Bryan Wilkerson)

This fall series was prompted by some listening sessions with congregation members the previous spring. ...

Are you experiencing the fullness of Christ?

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Heart Burn

The man's name was Toby. He was the youngest son of a lawyer from Cleveland who'd struck it rich and moved his family to the upscale community of Rancho ...

What does God do with a selfish heart?

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Heart Attack

If I asked you to take your finger and point to yourself, where would you point? Most of us, I imagine, would not point to our heads. That's interesting ...

The importance of the heart

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Heart Scan

I'm going to talk today about the most important thing there is about you or me or anyone else we are ever going to meet. To get there, I want to take ...

What is your heart, and why is it important?

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Heart Ache
Heart Ache

More than 3,000 years ago, near the city of Shechem, in the land we know today as Israel, an unknown seeker began digging a hole in the crusty soil where ...

What does God do with a thirsty heart?

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Murderers and the Murdered One


We're in our sixth week in our series on the Ten Commandments and today we're talking about the sixth commandment, Deuteronomy 5:17: "You ...

Understanding our violation of the sixth commandment

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The Dark Side of Grace


In the structure of John's gospel, John 11 serves as a hinge between two halves. The first 10 chapters are concerned with the ministry of ...

The dark side of God's grace is that a sovereign God who is in control sometimes uses the things he allows as much as he uses the things he directs.

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Strong Grace, Hard Word, Good Memories


Be strong. Suffer hardship. Remember Jesus Christ. These are Paul's words of counsel to Timothy in a fallen world and imperfect church. Timothy ...

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God in Our Sorrows
God in Our Sorrows

The Advent is where God meets us in our sorrow.

The word advent means an arriving or an appearing. It's the arrival of something we hoped for, something ...

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Choose Life

Today I want to show you arguments from Scripture against abortion. They are not primarily rooted in biology; for example, when is life viable. That's ...

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A Little Lower Than the Angels

There are times when the church of Jesus Christ needs to confront straightforwardly a supreme national tragedy. On Wednesday of this week we will mark ...

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Victory for Us


There are two things we discover at Easter. They both have to do with the victory of Jesus Christ, the victory he won on this the first day ...

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The Good News Is the Bad News Is Wrong


I'd like you to use your imagination this morning and picture our world, your world, as a terrarium. You know what a terrarium is. My version ...

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The Journey to Integrity


If I had just one gift to give you, I think it would be the gift of integrity—such a gift that when you come to the last chapter of ...

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Knowing the God Who Knows You


Have you ever asked yourself how many times you are photographed in a day? When you walk into the bank or return your cart to the corral in ...

A study of Psalm 139

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When the Seeds Come Up


Someone hearing for the first time that the dead will be raised—physically—from the grave could easily picture something from ...

The new life of our heaven-ready bodies

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The Abundant Life Commitment
The Abundant Life Commitment

From the editor:

The debate over embryonic stem cell research rages on and on. It was a center-stage issue in the last presidential election, and probably ...

We need to be informed about the embryonic stem cell debate to be effective advocates for this tiniest form of human life.

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God in Our Sorrow

Text: Isaiah 53; John 11
Topic: How God meets us even in our sorrow

From the editor:

You can be so enraptured by the sights, sounds, and smells of the Christmas ...

God meets us in the whole range of our human experience.

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It's No Mistake

From the editor:

One of the more important things you can do for your listeners—both believers and nonbelievers alike—is to find an appropriate ...

The sooner you embrace the fact that you're a sinner, the sooner you can engage in God's grace.

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Strong Grace, Hard Work, Good Memories

Text: 2 Timothy 2:1–9
Topic: A sobering look at what the Christian life entails

From the editor:

Every once in a while a sermon comes along that is ...

Sacrifice and hard work are part and parcel of the Christian life.

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To Live Is Christ

From the editor

In this sermon Ed Rowell looks to tackle the tricky issue of joy and happiness. Most would agree that the two words have become synonymous, ...

You must give your life to the purpose God has for you, no matter the cost.

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Gone Fishin'

From the editor

John 21 is a powerful story of a fallen disciple, Peter, being restored by Christ. Many a sermon has been preached on the varying uses ...

If we love Christ, we will care about what he cares about.

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John the Baptist's Story

From the editor

Very early in his sermon, Kevin Miller says, "I have the hard job of telling you a hard truth." Indeed he does. The hard truth is that ...

God is a God who sorts things out, and not every life pleases him.

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Ready or Not, Here I Come!
Ready or Not, Here I Come!

From the editor

Simply put: it's easy to mess up a difficult passage like Luke 21. You may find yourself applying something regarding Jerusalem's ...

If we know what to look for and act accordingly in faith, we'll be ready for the Second Coming.

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