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Sermons on Light

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Preaching on Light? Browse these sermons to find fresh ideas.

Transforming Light
Transforming Light


In our previous sermon we started to see what true Christianity is because John was faced with false teachers bringing counterfeit versions ...

Who is a true Christian?

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Kingdom Values: One Kingdom. Indivisible.
Kingdom Values: One Kingdom. Indivisible.


There is a surface need: American values vs Kingdom values. I want to look at Kingdom values.

Let’s start with a definition. Value means, ...

Kingdom people live with kingdom values.

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A Preview of Coming Attractions
A Preview of Coming Attractions


When I was in college, I helped out with my church’s Vacation Bible School. The theme for VBS was the miracles of Jesus. So, each morning, ...

Jesus chooses suffering so we can share in his glory.

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Light of the World
Light of the World


As we grow up, most of us learn the basics of life. One of those basics is that we have five senses: sight, hearing, smell, taste, and touch. ...

Can we hear, see, and feel Jesus?

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God’s Presence, God’s Promises
God’s Presence, God’s Promises


There’s no title it just says, Of David. We don’t know for sure, unlike some of the psalms, the situation at the time ...

We need to make space and wait on the LORD with expectation.

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Advent: Christmas Eve
Advent: Christmas Eve


Happy Christmas!

Christmas is very much a thing at our church. You may be watching this on Christmas Eve, or Christmas Day, or the ...

When we light the candles of Advent, we get in touch with the love, joy, peace, and hope, of the gospel of Jesus.

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Advent Conspiracy: Christmas Eve
Advent Conspiracy: Christmas Eve


When I was a teenager, I worked at the mall at a shoe store. And I loved working on Christmas Eve, because as a salesman on commission, I ...

The church is supposed to be beacons of hope and beacons of light.

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The Gift of Christmas Light
The Gift of Christmas Light


In his book Every Good Endeavor, Tim Keller explains the three elements of a story. He points out that a story begins when something knocks ...

Jesus comes to light the way to peace and reconciliation with God.

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An Event That Changes Everything
An Event That Changes Everything


Philippians is Paul's final letter to a church. He writes it from his imprisonment in Rome. In Philippians 2:6-11, we listened to St. ...

We can wager on truth and we can wager on life because of God’s love, God’s love that is the event that happened.

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Grieve, Not as the World Grieves
Grieve, Not as the World Grieves


Some years ago, when I first heard the phrase “bright sadness” to describe the season of Lent, I loved the way it sounded, but ...

The Bright Sadness of Lent is the hope of once again being close to God.

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'A Thrill of Hope'
'A Thrill of Hope'


I don’t know if you’ve noticed this, but we’re going through a season of change. Maybe you’ve felt it, the leaves ...

Only Jesus has the power to push back the darkness.

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The Properties of Light
The Properties of Light


At this time of year, many of us find our mailboxes filled with cards, most of them photo cards. Those photo cards are the results of a well-orchestrated ...

We need to pierce the darkness with the light of Christmas.

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Estimating the Value of God's Gift
Estimating the Value of God's Gift


Christmas was an exciting time and Joey was excited too; as excited as any 10-year-old boy could be. For him Christmas was still a time ...

Open, receive, and use God's gift?

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Who Is Jesus?
Who Is Jesus?


Who is Jesus? So this is the time we celebrate Christ's birth. And we have many traditions to commemorate Christ's birth. But the question ...

Whoever this Jesus is, he is all-encompassing.

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Have Yourself a Global Little Christmas
Have Yourself a Global Little Christmas


[The sermon began with a 30-second clip from the song "Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas," performed by Michal Bublé.]

I really ...

What does it mean to have a global Christmas message?

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I Am the Light of the World
I Am the Light of the World


John 8:12-30:

Again Jesus spoke to them, saying, "I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will not walk in darkness, but will ...

Jesus is the saving, redeeming, and creation-filling light of the world.

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Deep Walk

A real Christian?

How do you know if someone's a real Christian? Is it the fish sticker on the car, or Bible on the desk? Is it that they don't use bad ...

Becoming more like Jesus

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What Do Christians Think About Jesus?


From the standpoint of world history, Jesus Christ looms as the most incredible and significant person who's ever lived. Yale historian ...

Key concepts and teachings about God's Son

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The Flames of Heaven

Text: Revelation 21:1–3
Topic: What would happen if heaven crashed into earth


In Revelation 21:1–3, John gives us a glimpse—a ...

The flames of heaven will illuminate, expose, and refine our lives on Earth.

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God's Consuming Fire

Text: 1 Kings 18:16–39
Topic: What we learn about God and ourselves from fire

Fire. It was there from the beginning of God's creation. He said, "Let ...

When we surrender to God, he will transform our lives with his fire.

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The Truth About Forgiveness

Text: 1 John 1:1–10
Topic: Why we need forgiveness


First John is a book of certainties. The word know appears frequently throughout its ...

God offers us total forgiveness of our sin so that we can learn to walk in the light with him.

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Turning on the Light


A young boy about 9-years-old went with his parents to Europe one summer. Part of their tour was visiting the great old cathedrals of the ...

Living in the light simply means realizing that Jesus has set us free from the darkness.

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Walking in the Light


Most of us are familiar with Jesus’ dramatic self-revelation in John 8:12: “I am the light of the world. He who follows me shall not walk ...

We are to be noticeably different from those who dwell in darkness.

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Salt and Light
Salt and Light

Alienation was originally a Marxist word and Karl Marx meant by it the alienation of the worker from the product of his labors. When what he produces ...

We must repent of Christian pessimism and reaffirm our confidence in God's power.

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Seeing the Light
Seeing the Light

We're all familiar with the traditions relating to the Wise Men. For instance, for some reason we've decided there were three of them. The Bible doesn't ...

Humans have spirituality, but unless we believe in Christ, we do not have life.

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Jesus Came to Be the Light

About twenty years ago a house near the entrance of our subdivision kept their Christmas lights burning long into January, even though the Christmas season ...

Light accompanied Jesus at his birth, and it’s been with him, and us, ever since.

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