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Sermons on Love

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Preaching on Love? Browse these sermons to find fresh ideas.

Transforming Knowledge
Transforming Knowledge


It’s been my habit for more years than I can remember to read the Bible in a Year, with Zoe, in the morning.

We follow various plans ...

How are we to live now that we know God?

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Transforming Joy
Transforming Joy


Around 100AD, the churches in and around Ephesus underwent all kinds of turmoil, tension, and conflict. This was not so much to do with external ...

Who is Jesus really?

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God’s Restless Love
God’s Restless Love


Have you ever heard the phrase that “love will make you do some reckless things”? How many of you have ever experienced a love ...

God’s reckless love will comfort you every time you need it.

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Love Conquers Envy
Love Conquers Envy

Preacher’s Intro:

This sermon on how love conquers envy was part of a sermon series on how grace covers our shame.

The remarkable response to Brené ...

We can overcome our shame, which connects to envy, as we experience and express God’s love.

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Ode to a Donkey
Ode to a Donkey


Today is Palm Sunday, the day the church celebrates Jesus’ triumphant entry into the city of Jerusalem, only to be crucified by the ...

The donkey points to Jesus and serves him, so we can too.

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A Bad Day
A Bad Day


As we walk thru life all of us are going to have some good days, some average days, and some bad days.

One of my bad days happened ...

The worst day for Jesus was the best day for us.

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What Is Love?
What Is Love?


All of us have a working definition of love in our minds. Love is one of those words that we instinctively know what it means. We ...

God shows us how to love through his love for us.

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A Song of Contentment
A Song of Contentment


One of my favorite films of all time is Chariots of Fire. Chariots of Fire is based on the true story of two runners named Harold ...

If we know we are loved, refuse to compare, and accept God’s will, we will sing the song of contentment.

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The Endurance of God's Promises
The Endurance of God's Promises


As we read the verses this morning, I admit that my mind wandered a bit. And though I'm not proud of what I thought about, I admit that ...

God still cares for his people, even when we take our eyes off him.

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Because He Loved Us
Because He Loved Us


About 25 years ago I almost became a hero for the cause of justice and compassion. For my first job after college, every morning ...

Jesus displayed incredible compassion and then he told us to do likewise.

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It’s Time for a Fresh Start
It’s Time for a Fresh Start

Introduction: The Story

(Read John 21:1-14)

It was an early morning on the North Shore of the Sea of Galilee. A light haze of fog hung over the water making ...

The resurrection of Jesus forgives your past and restores your future.

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Advent: Christmas Eve
Advent: Christmas Eve


Happy Christmas!

Christmas is very much a thing at our church. You may be watching this on Christmas Eve, or Christmas Day, or the ...

When we light the candles of Advent, we get in touch with the love, joy, peace, and hope, of the gospel of Jesus.

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Advent Conspiracy: Love All
Advent Conspiracy: Love All


Every Christmas there is that one toy that everyone wants and that creates all sorts of craziness.

In 1983 it was the Cabbage Patch Doll! The ...

Jesus came to earth to love all.

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Outrageous, Miraculous Love
Outrageous, Miraculous Love


In the fall of 2001, I was a senior in college. Because of where my college was located, I was an hour and a half away from my hometown ...

Love others with extraordinary, genuine, God-given love, knowing God first loved you.

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Do You Love People?
Do You Love People?


Soon after I graduated from seminary one of my first ministries was as an assistant pastor of First Baptist Church in Medford, Oregon. ...

If you really love people, they will see it in your manners, motives, and mood.

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When You Say I Do
When You Say I Do

Introduction – Upsetting the Equilibrium

Jacob thought he was marrying one person but he got stuck with two, the Rachel he wanted and the Leah he ...

Loving lackluster Leah (Church) makes us Leahs more like radiant Rachel (Christ) and enables us to experience more intimate union with radiant Rachel.

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Christian Unity in a Politically Diverse Congregation: Why Both Sides Are Right
Christian Unity in a Politically Diverse Congregation: Why Both Sides Are Right


In this two part series we are going to explore how our baptism can help us achieve Christian unity in light of our political diversity. And ...

Baptism provides a theological framework for helping us gladly and charitably embrace each other as Christian brothers and sisters in the midst of our political diversity.

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The Sudden Turn of Joy
The Sudden Turn of Joy


It’s a wonderful day and I’m really honored to be preaching on the first Sunday of the New Year it’s a great joy. I have ...

In our journey with Christ we need the work of faith, the labor of love, the uppomano of hope, and the sudden turn of joy.

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Count Your Blessings
Count Your Blessings


The Chamber of Commerce invited a pastor to offer the blessing at a banquet honoring elected officials. The master of ceremonies forgot to ...

A person blesses God by remembering all that God has done and thanking him for it.

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Fake Faith
Fake Faith


In a now famous experiment, two social psychologists at Princeton University in 1973 wanted to examine whether thinking religious thoughts ...

God-talk without God-acts is outrageous nonsense.

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A 7-11 Song
A 7-11 Song


Psalm 118 is a type of psalm this is what is known as an antiphonal psalm, which means it has echoes whereby God’s people respond to ...

God intends for us to remember that the steadfast love of the Lord endures.

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Through Love, Serve One Another
Through Love, Serve One Another


Have you ever been loved in a way that really astounded you? Have you ever been served in a way that, when you sat back and thought about ...

Use your Christian freedom as an opportunity to love through serving others.

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Hope in the Present
Hope in the Present

IntroductionIt’s a popular statement. I heard it years ago though I’m not sure who first said it.: Human beings can live for 40 days without ...

God is present in your present.

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The Story Before the Grand Story
The Story Before the Grand Story


In the Bible there are two books that begin with these words: “In the beginning, God spoke.” The most famous is the Book of Genesis. ...

From the very start, God speaks his love for us.

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My Name is Hosea
My Name is Hosea


My name is Hosea. My profession is prophet of the Lord Jehovah. My prophetic ministry took place in the northern kingdom of Israel between ...

You can break God's heart, but you can't break God's love.

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How to Love the Lord Your God
How to Love the Lord Your God


(Read Deuteronomy 11:1-7)

I want to label the message "How to Love the Lord Your God." In the Book of Deuteronomy, Moses has already ...

To love God is to obey God.

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God's Love Language
God's Love Language


Why does it take so long to learn how to love the important people in our life? Am I the only slow learner in this crowd? When our kids were ...

Live and love in a way that makes God smile.

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Looking Otherward
Looking Otherward


Many years ago, I had dinner at a place called Windows on the World. The restaurant sat atop a skyscraper so high that the wait staff literally ...

Jesus is what our world needs most—will we conceal him or reveal him?

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Will You Forgive?
Will You Forgive?


Anybody you're having a hard time with these days? Ever forgiven anybody who doesn't deserve it? If so, this sermon's for you. And if you've ...

Our ability to forgive starts with realizing we are forgiven.

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National Reflections
National Reflections


This past week, our elders met to pray and talk about our church and the level of churning in our nation these days around issues of political ...

How to think biblically in times of political chaos.

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Freedom from Lust
Freedom from Lust


The voices of lust are varied—young and old, male and female, single and married—but all of them are strained, brittle, and sad. ...

What we were made for, what we long for, is something greater.

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The Love Reaction
The Love Reaction


(Read 1 Thessalonians 3:6-10)

A single mother struggles to pay for a college education for her only child. She hates her job but knows she ...

How the spiritual condition of those we love can inspire us to persevere.

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The Love Expression
The Love Expression


(Read 1 Thessalonians 3:1-5)

God is the source of love, Jesus is the proof of love, and believers must be the agents of love in this world.

In this world, believers must be the agents of love.

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The Love Connection
The Love Connection


Dick Purnell, in his 2003 publication Finding a Lasting Love, makes the following statement: "We all need to love and accept the love of other ...

God's love keeps people together—even when distance, time, and the Enemy try to tear them apart.

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Learn God's Law
Learn God's Law


We naturally like to hear of philanthropy, of charity, of giving. Our hearts may be warmed as we hear of Bill Gates or Warren Buffett choosing ...

Trust that the God who made you is wiser than you are, and obey him.

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Called Out and Called Up
Called Out and Called Up


Our title for today's message is "Called Out and Called Up." One of the things that people misunderstand about the Christian ...

Commit to consistently grow up in your spiritual walk.

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When Small is Great
When Small is Great


Every once in a while in American culture there will be a court case that sort of captures our whole nation. That's not a recent ...

Living small lives of great significance.

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Yet . . .


I'm sure there are times when you have wondered, "What will become of me?" Were you standing, bewildered, outside of your boss's office door? ...

We receive strength from God to climb above the dark powers of this world.

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Two Inseparables: Truth and Love


Thanksgiving and Christmas are a time when we like to open our home to family and friends. However, in the ancient Mediterranean world it ...

Do not sacrifice truth for love or love for truth.

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True Relationships


As we wrap up our series on 1 and 2 Thessalonians, we are going to continue our focus on Christ's second coming.

I am a member at Sam's Club ...

How does Christ's return impact our relationships today?

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Family Matters


Colin Smith suggests a number of common, but faulty, metaphors for the church. He says the church can be viewed as a gas station—a place ...

When Jesus Christ is our priority, his family becomes our priority.

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Party of Three
Party of Three


Oprah recently interviewed Diane Nyad, the 64yr old who completed a 53 hour solo swim from Cuba to Florida. In the interview Nyad said that ...

Our vision of God as Trinity determines how we see everything else.

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Jesus, Betrayed and Crucified
Jesus, Betrayed and Crucified


If you have ever flown into Ireland, north or south, one thing will strike you. From the air, Ireland is remarkably green. What the tourist ...

Nothing compares to the toxic effect of taking Jesus and his death for granted.

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God's Stolen Identity


Identity theft is one of the most rampant crimes sweeping across America. A thief steals someone's Social Security number and personal information ...

When we catch a vision of God's true identity, we'll fall down and worship him.

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When the Perfect Comes


We have been going through 1 Corinthians, chapters 12 through 14, and we have been studying the Holy Spirit and spiritual gifts. We saw the ...

In heaven we'll experience an unending life in God's unlimited joy and love.

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Love Keeps Going


Several years ago there appeared on Broadway a political satire called Of Thee I Sing. The opening scene of that musical took place in a smoke-filled ...

When love is rooted in Christ, it will hope and endure in all things.

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God Is Good


Can you recall the first prayer you learned by heart? Was it for you, as it was for me, the one still prayed by children around dinner tables ...

Believing in the heart of God

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God Is Love


God is love. This is the characteristic of God that we will explore today in our Discovering God series. The fact that God is love means that ...

Living in the shadow of the Cross

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Hanging on When You Feel Like Giving Up


Helen Hayes, a stage actress of another decade, was talking about charm when she said, "Charm is that thing which, if you have it, you don't ...

Christlike love bears with people, offering protection and trust.

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The Power of a Blessing


Nancy and I had gotten married and were celebrating our first Christmas together. I was in grad school. We had no money at all. There was ...

Throughout the Bible God graciously blesses us so we can richly bless others.

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