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Sermons on Love, divine

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Preaching on Love, divine? Browse these sermons to find fresh ideas.

Transforming Knowledge
Transforming Knowledge


It’s been my habit for more years than I can remember to read the Bible in a Year, with Zoe, in the morning.

We follow various plans ...

How are we to live now that we know God?

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What Is Love?
What Is Love?


All of us have a working definition of love in our minds. Love is one of those words that we instinctively know what it means. We ...

God shows us how to love through his love for us.

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A 7-11 Song
A 7-11 Song


Psalm 118 is a type of psalm this is what is known as an antiphonal psalm, which means it has echoes whereby God’s people respond to ...

God intends for us to remember that the steadfast love of the Lord endures.

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Love Keeps Going


Several years ago there appeared on Broadway a political satire called Of Thee I Sing. The opening scene of that musical took place in a smoke-filled ...

When love is rooted in Christ, it will hope and endure in all things.

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Think Hard, Stay Humble

Today I'm going to preach on humility. This is the topic assigned to me for this conference. Let's start by looking at 1 Corinthians 8:1-3:

Now concerning ...

Does your love-in-action make people say, "Being with you is like being with Jesus?"

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The Greatest of These
The Greatest of These

The story behind the sermon (from Mark Buchanan)

This was the second-to-last sermon of one of the longest series we've ever done at our church—20 ...

Nothing is more transforming—and commissioning—than the love of Christ.

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Love is More Than a Feeling

For a word that we use so often, love is a very difficult word for us to define. I looked up love in the dictionary on my shelf, and found that it is ...

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Worship and Love

Text: Malachi 1:1-5
Topic: The first steps toward restoring right worship

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The Story Behind the Sermon (from Steve Mathewson)

The first step in restoring our worship is restoring our confidence in God's love.

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The Refining Love of God


In this Advent season, we are looking at the theme of God's promise of better days for our lives. That is the hope of Advent and Christmas, ...

Malachi bring assurance and warning.

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Unprovoked Love
Unprovoked Love

From the editor

Mark Buchanan offers a few twists on a theme we've all preached one time or another: agape love. Perhaps you've preached about fostering ...

The three groups of people for whom we need agape love are the losers, the winners, and our enemies.

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The Self-giving Servant Father
The Self-giving Servant Father

I invite you now to come with me into the very center of the Christian faith. And I invite you to do so through a text of Scripture with which you are, ...

We were created out of a servant love, for a servant love.

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Letters from Dad


I'd like to talk on this Father's Day to the men. There will be obvious relevance to women as well, but my express purpose today is to speak ...

Fathers and mentors should encourage those they lead by celebrating, challenging, and clearing a way for them.

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A Personal Relationship


I want to share with you something that had a decisive impact on my life; it was a turning point for me. And ever since, it's been an anchor ...

Our relationship with God validates everything else.

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The Love Connection

Text: 1 John 2:1–11
Topic: How to walk as Jesus walked


First John is a book of assurances. It tells us what God wants his people to know. ...

We obey God by walking as Jesus walked; walking as Jesus walked begins by loving others.

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The Love That Brought Him


One of the greatest Georgians who ever lived was Bishop Arthur Moore, the beloved Methodist bishop of our state. Bishop Moore once said that ...

The love of Christ never ends, is personal, and sets us free.

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A Calvinist Talks About His Friend, John Wesley


If you had been a student at Oxford University in the early part of the eighteenth century, you probably would have been a swinger. The bars ...

God in his loving sovereignty reaches out to us in our utter helplessness.

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Knowing and Loving God


Have you noticed it's often very difficult to talk rationally and logically about the things that are most real to us? Great beauty, great ...

God's love creates value in us.

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The Sleepy Invasion

The stage was set. It was finally the fullness of time. The world had long been in prison, caught in a web of sin and death, controlled by a network of ...

Jesus became human so that he could be the Savior we need

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Message From an Empty Tomb

I'm not quite sure how to say this. We have always said in the church that our faith was based upon facts. It was a faith built upon evidence that led ...

The resurrection of Jesus offers us a message of hope, love, and grace.

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Belonging and Becoming

The relentless creativity of God has affected my life in such a consistent manner that I'd like to share with you what I'm learning.

The plane I got on ...

We are infinitely beloved by God

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A Vision for Holiness

I want to invite you to meditate with me on a biblical text which has come to mean a great deal to me over the years. I have quoted this text, I think, ...

Love is the key to holiness.

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by John Stott

There are two reasons why I have chosen the topic of freedom. The first is that everybody is thinking and talking about freedom today, and ...

Jesus Christ sets us free from sin, guilt, and self-centeredness.

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It was his first day on the job. He was a new clerk in the green goods department of a supermarket. A lady came up to him and said she wanted to buy half ...

There is no rational reason God loves us; he loves us just because.

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In this passage our Lord calls us his friends and gives us four tests or proofs, or signs of the friendship. Two signs or proofs are on his side and ...

Jesus provides the example of how to be a friend.

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