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Sermons on Love for enemies

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Preaching on Love for enemies? Browse these sermons to find fresh ideas.

What Is Love?
What Is Love?


All of us have a working definition of love in our minds. Love is one of those words that we instinctively know what it means. We ...

God shows us how to love through his love for us.

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Outrageous, Miraculous Love
Outrageous, Miraculous Love


In the fall of 2001, I was a senior in college. Because of where my college was located, I was an hour and a half away from my hometown ...

Love others with extraordinary, genuine, God-given love, knowing God first loved you.

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Are We Really Supposed to Love Our Enemies?
Are We Really Supposed to Love Our Enemies?


I was at the airport getting ready to fly out for Easter weekend. I arrived at my gate early and got a nice seat by the window. After ...

Love generously without expecting reciprocity.

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National Reflections
National Reflections


This past week, our elders met to pray and talk about our church and the level of churning in our nation these days around issues of political ...

How to think biblically in times of political chaos.

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Praying Our Hate

The story behind the sermon (from Darrell Johnson)

This sermon was the second in a series for the summer on "Praying the Psalms in the City." I preached ...

As we pray our hurt and even our hate, Jesus can free us to love our enemies.

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What Makes You Happy?
What Makes You Happy?

In John's first letter of correspondence to the churches, there are some troublesome verses. First John 4:9-10 is not difficult: "This is how ...

God's love is made visible when we don't delight in evil and we rejoice in truth.

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A Prescription for the Spiritually Challenged


I'm musically challenged—anyone who knows me will tell you that. Even people who don't know me know I'm musically challenged. When I ...

God calls "spiritually challenged" people to show love through forgiveness.

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Release Resentment


It may have been King David's lowest moment. His son Absalom was leading a revolution against him. Absalom was a charmer and had convinced ...

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It's About the People
It's About the People


Recently our church softball thoroughly trounced our opponents. The game ended with what's called the mercy rule: when one team is ahead ...

True worship results in justice.

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Releasing Resentment

Text: John 21:15–22; 1 Corinthians 13:5
Topic: How we forgive those who hurt us


It may have been King David's lowest moment: His son Absalom ...

Resentment will destroy us, but Christ empowers us to forgive.

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Doing Justice
Doing Justice


I want to talk to you about a concern that lies at the heart of the Prophets, but let's start with a question. Think about the basic human ...

Our response to the injustice highlighted by the Prophets should be to do justice, love kindness, and walk humbly with our God.

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Showing Grace


We are taking four Sundays to consider the subject of loyalty and what it takes to keep faith in a broken world. Our particular emphasis in ...

A loyal person shows grace.

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Reactions to Evil


John Roth tells what happened to him late one night on a commuter train in Hamburg, Germany. John says:

The train car was completely empty ...

Christians should respond to evil by acting in love on the side of truth.

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The Problem of Discrimination


The physician of the soul, as of the body, must be capable of doing three things. He must be able to diagnose the malady, to prescribe the ...

The only way we can reject discrimination, as James exhorts us to, is to make ourselves servants who care about others more than ourselves.

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My Favorite Heroes: Joseph


We are in a series looking at different heroes of the faith, and today we'll be looking at Joseph. You can turn in your Bibles to Genesis ...

An example that we all need to follow in becoming ministers of reconciliation.

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The Love Connection

Text: 1 John 2:1–11
Topic: How to walk as Jesus walked


First John is a book of assurances. It tells us what God wants his people to know. ...

We obey God by walking as Jesus walked; walking as Jesus walked begins by loving others.

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Gratitude Gives Way to Resentment


I will never forget a meeting I had with unhappy parishioners a few years ago. We had made deliberate changes in our church in order to better ...

A lesson from the Prodigal's brother

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Separation Can Lead to Isolation


Imagine a weird world where, before you can be admitted to a hospital, you have to have a clean bill of health. A world where doctors won't ...

Why the Pharisees liked bubbles, and why we should avoid them

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The Most Beautiful People on Earth


The latest rage in reality TV is the makeover show, in which a team of experts are brought in to transform somebody's wardrobe, car, backyard, ...

How to become a person of irresistible influence

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The Church in a Non-Christian Culture
The Church in a Non-Christian Culture

A significant event takes place in Acts 7, marking a trend in church history that unfortunately continues to this day: persecution. In this text, Stephen, ...

Our mission is to change the world by changing lives in humble, merciful love.

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How to treat a mistreater

The tagline to A & E's Biography series new advertising campaign is "You're either 'Biography' or you're not." Today we'll look at the story of ...

Recognize God's hand in your circumstances and let him transform your attitude.

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You Get What You Give


On February 3, 1998, Karla Faye Tucker was executed by lethal injection in Huntsville, TX, for her role in a 1984 double homicide. In the ...

We need to show mercy to others because of God's great mercy toward us.

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Getting Rid of Resentment


This morning we come face to face with a practical problem confronting everyone here; namely, overcoming our resentment toward people we ...

We can get rid of our resentment by loving, serving, and praying for our enemies.

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It Matters Who You Know

There are certain clichés you hear all through your life that, upon closer inspection, prove to be false. They are so ingrained in our consciousness ...

Knowing Jesus makes available to us God's never-ending supply of acceptance, mercy, and forgiveness.

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A Perfect Alternative to Revenge

It has been said that few passages of Scripture summarize Christian ethics more succinctly than today's passage. It could also be said that few passages ...

Jesus calls us to be perfect in love by loving our enemies.

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When Your Enemy Prospers

God spares Nineveh, and Jonah is angry. He said: God, I knew you'd do that. That's why I didn't go, because I know you're gracious and forgiving, and ...

When we believe God's grace for ourselves and for our enemy, we really live

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When Your Enemy Prospers

When Your Enemy Prospers

by Bruce Larson

God spares Nineveh, and Jonah is angry. He said: God, I knew you'd do that. That's why I didn't go, because I ...

When we believe God's grace for ourselves and for our enemy, we really live

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I Can Do All Things Through Christ

"I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me."

I'm thinking the apostle Paul is not imagining we're going to defy the gene pool, thinking lumpy, ...

When we lean on Christ’s strength, we learn his strength is enough.

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