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Sermons on Mocking

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Preaching on Mocking? Browse these sermons to find fresh ideas.

What Makes You Happy?
What Makes You Happy?

In John's first letter of correspondence to the churches, there are some troublesome verses. First John 4:9-10 is not difficult: "This is how ...

God's love is made visible when we don't delight in evil and we rejoice in truth.

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A Day of Surprises

I remember the day that John Kennedy died. I remember the day when Martin Luther King, Jr. died. I remember the day when Robert Kennedy died. I remember ...

If we turn to Christ, his death becomes our day of salvation.

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Four Ironies of the Cross
Four Ironies of the Cross

We all know what irony is. Some of it is bitter. Some of it is vicious. Some of it is funny. But at its best, irony has the capacity to clarify an incident ...

In his weakness on the cross, Jesus Christ revealed his greatness.

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