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Sermons on Omnipotence of God

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Preaching on Omnipotence of God? Browse these sermons to find fresh ideas.

When the Heat Is On
When the Heat Is On


Have you seen the famous photo from 1936 of a huge crowd of people all saluting Hitler, but one man stands out. Why? He keeps his ...

The Lord is with us in our fiery trials.

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How to Survive in a Fallen World
How to Survive in a Fallen World


Americans are threatened in a way today that I think is unusual in our history. Just this week I read parts of three publications freely available ...

We are attentive, humble, and obedient to God because his power is complete and his good purposes are to preserve us through trials, to give us everlasting righteousness, and to purify us through Jesus Christ.

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The One the King Delights to Honor
The One the King Delights to Honor


Don't you love hearing a behind-the-scenes story? Like from a movie, or a famous historical event, or how a couple you know got together. ...

God works miracles and gives us courage "for such a time as this."

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The Unseen King
The Unseen King


You may not know much about the Book of Esther—I didn't. It is easy to overlook. In fact, I read that for the first six or seven centuries ...

God is at work—even when we don't see him or hear his name.

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God's God-ness


When I first got to the Village Church it was at that time called Highland Village First Baptist Church in Highland Village, Texas, a suburb ...

When you preach, don't just tell people what to do; show them the beauty of Christ.

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God Knows What He's Doing
God Knows What He's Doing


There is a pattern in the New Testament Epistles of Paul. He begins by explaining doctrine and then exhorts us to duty, reminding us that ...

God is worthy to be praised because he knows what he's doing, even when we don't.

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Power, Politics, and the Example of Christ
Power, Politics, and the Example of Christ


In the Gospel of Matthew, Jesus shares some important insights on power. Mary the mother of James and John came to him and asked, "When ...

All power comes from God, but Jesus alone shows us how to use power.

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The God Who Shines Like the Sun


One Friday night I was getting in a little exercise. It was a rainy and cloudy day, but just around dusk, the sun came out for a short time. ...

Life-giving light comes from God, and we must live in light of that reality.

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Three Ways to Worship


Back when I was in college, I had a professor of American religion who gave us a really interesting assignment. He had us visit nearly every ...

Our worship must reflect celebration and sacrifice, rejoicing and reverence.

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The Kingdom of God Is Near
The Kingdom of God Is Near

From the Editor

Hamilton's passage is but two verses long, but the chief idea of those two verses—the kingdom of God—knows no bounds. ...

The kingdom of God is both present reality all around us and a vision that we work toward in the future.

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The Grieving Heart of God


On the first day teaching his class for 250 college freshmen, R. C. Sproul carefully explained the assignment of three term papers. Each paper ...

Divine judgment is sprinkled with the tears of divine pain.

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God's Noninterventions


When I was a boy, my sister left our home in Pitcairn, Pennsylvania, and traveled to Central Bible College. She had a lifelong problem with ...

There is a purpose to God's silence.

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Jesus Wept
Jesus Wept


I have a friend, a businessman, who sat in a hotel room in the Midwest watching early news reports of an airliner hitting the World Trade ...

God understands and rules over the terror of this world.

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"Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall. Humpty Dumpty had a great fall. All the king's horses and all the king's men couldn't put Humpty Dumpty together ...

The power of Jesus trumps everything else.

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Victorious Prayer

"From which comes wars and fightings among you? Come then not hence even of your lust that war in your members? Ye lust and have not. Ye kill and desire ...

When our lives are linked to the omnipotent God, our prayers are undeniable.

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Where Can God Be Found?

When Elvis Presley died there were a lot of different ways in which the news was covered concerning the reactions of the people who really loved him and ...

We must not live in middle ground because God is in lofty and lowly places

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by John Stott

There are two reasons why I have chosen the topic of freedom. The first is that everybody is thinking and talking about freedom today, and ...

Jesus Christ sets us free from sin, guilt, and self-centeredness.

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By Faith, Miracles!


I sometimes feel when I get to a passage like Hebrews 11 that I'm almost like a little boy walking through the Hall of Fame wearing sneakers ...

Rather than trusting in people, trust in God, because he might have a miracle to get you through.

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