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Sermons on Opposition

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Preaching on Opposition? Browse these sermons to find fresh ideas.

The Unstoppable Gospel
The Unstoppable Gospel


Before I came to Trinity Evangelical Divinity School, I attended a church mostly of immigrants from India. During one of our fellowship meals, ...

Believers can rejoice amidst any persecution because the driving hope of our lives is an unstoppable gospel.

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There’s a little acronym that’s become common in managerial circles—VUCA, which stands for “Volatility, Uncertainty, ...

When you find yourself sidetracked or shipwrecked: expect difficulty, exercise leadership, and express faith.

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The Hard Side of Epiphany
The Hard Side of Epiphany

From the editor:

January 6th is Epiphany—the day that many Western Christians commemorate the visitation of the Magi to Jesus. With that date just ...

The good news of Jesus arouses the ugliness of sin and violence in the world.

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Because of Righteousness


The movie Braveheart tells the story of how a 13th century Scottish commoner named William Wallace led his country to freedom from an oppressive ...

Following God may bring persecution

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The Difference-Making Difference


Have you ever noticed that some passages of Scripture are crystal clear and easy to understand—the previous passage, for example? And ...

Christians are to be different, different in such a way that we make a difference in the world.

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Getting In the Last Word


When we began this series, I mentioned that First Peter deals with some topics that Americans don't always immediately relate to. Peter ...

If you are willing to endure suffering, you can fulfill God's calling on your life.

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Get Ready for a Rough Ride


This is the sixth message in our series on First Peter: Living Bold in Tough Times. Peter wrote this letter to encourage believers to live a ...

Things get rough from time and time, but you can prepare yourself for the difficult days ahead.

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When the Going Gets Tough

Each one of has, at one time or another, played Tug-of-War. You know the game; you have a long rope, with one team on this end and one team on that end, ...

Leaders can deal with any problem involving other people by listening.

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Path of Preparation


One of the great tragedies of this century is the number of high-profile people who have professed faith in Christ and suddenly found themselves ...

God will prepare us for his use by asking us to walk the path of obscurity, the path of obedience, and the path of opposition.

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Dealing with Opposition

In this section of Matthew 10 Jesus addresses an unfortunate—but very real—aspect of pursuing greatness. Opposition. Persecution. In this ...

If you seek to follow Jesus faithfully, you will be mistreated and rejected by others.

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When Trouble Strikes

Growing up in the sixties and seventies I heard a prediction made several times by a variety of preachers and evangelists speaking on the subject of ...

God will help you outlast the darkness.

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When The Going Gets Tough

Each one of has, at one time or another, played Tug-of-War. You know the game; you have a long rope, with one team on this end and one team on that end, ...

Leaders can deal with any problem involving other people by listening.

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