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Sermons on Provision

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Preaching on Provision? Browse these sermons to find fresh ideas.

Fully Alive: The Call of Men
Fully Alive: The Call of Men

Probably one of the top five Ruch family favorite films would be a really beautiful film made several years ago called The Nativity. As a matter of fact, ...

Men are called by God to be providers and protectors.

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Perfectly Provided For


The reason we are looking at John is to learn what it means to meet the Lord Jesus on his terms. John is a little different than the other ...

How the wedding at Cana manifested Christ's glory.

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The Goodness of Sabbath Rest
The Goodness of Sabbath Rest


Let me read to you from Genesis Chapter 2. We have spent a number of weeks looking into Genesis Chapter 1, which gives to us the record of ...

God's gift of Sabbath allows us to rest in his sufficiency.

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The Undefiled
The Undefiled

When I was in seminary, the wife of one of my classmates worked as a quality control inspector at a pharmaceutical company downtown in order to support ...

God desires and rewards holiness.

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When the Bottom Falls Out
When the Bottom Falls Out

I remember the events that led to her tears. My wife, Kathy, had come home from a weekly grocery trip with more than groceries to be concerned about. ...

Daniel shows us a godly response in the face of great suffering.

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Faith in the Furnace

How do you win the World Series? A few decades ago, when the New York Mets were the underdog darlings of the National League, two young pitchers told ...

Daniel shows us how to truly trust God through great trial.

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Looking Up to Heaven

A shattered Colossus

The poet Percy Bysshe Shelly tells of meeting a traveler from an "antique" land who describes the ruins of a great statue in the desert. ...

God is in control and can soften the hardest of hearts.

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The Judgment of Grace

Chapter five of Daniel addresses the question of what would happen if you gave a party, and God crashed it. Nebuchadnezzar was no longer on the throne. ...

In the fate of King Belshazzar, we see God's righteous judgment.

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The Song of a Broom

Sunday school pictures of a ruddy faced lad in a lions' den have scant resemblance to the actual situation described in this sixth and last chapter of ...

God's call through Daniel to trust and live

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Loss, Loyalty, & Lament


I've never been one to read romance novels, but lately I've been reading one. It's been a good one, too. Believe it or not, it's a book I ...

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The Muchness of God


In this very moment, God is ready to pour out upon you—from the lavish abundance and overflow of his reserves—blessings that will ...

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The Use of Money
The Use of Money

From the editor

From time to time, we like to feature a classic sermon from a celebrated preacher of old. Bill White, a frequent contributor to PreachingToday.com, ...

Gain all you can, save all you can, and give all you can.

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Why Worry?
Why Worry?


We're probably all familiar with the story of Howard Hughes. Hughes was a big-time businessman who dabbled in oil, entertainment, and ...

Make up your mind to glorify Christ today by making a decision not to worry.

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Our Fathers Who Are on Earth
Our Fathers Who Are on Earth

From the editor

Father's Day is just around the corner (June 21), and should you decide to offer a message for the occasion, Mark Mitchell's look at a ...

An earthly father should reflect the heavenly Father.

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Praying the Savior's Way

From the editor:

The Lord's Prayer is one of the more popular passages in all of the New Testament—believers and non-believers alike have even taken ...

Jesus is training our hearts to turn us to the bread that really satisfies.

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Loss, Loyalty, and Lament

Text: Ruth 1:1–22
Topic: Learning to make the right choices in difficult times

From the editor:

Perhaps you're looking for a unique way to approach ...

In the midst of our loss, God is still at work, and his ultimate aim is to bless us.

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Finding God in Desperate Places


I'd like to write a book someday called Desperate Places: How God Shines Through Our Weakness. These desperate places are places of weakness, ...

Experiencing God's strength in our weakness

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You Go Your Way; I'll Go God's Way.


Many people who study the times say that there isn't much we can trust today. Andy Crouch put it this way in Christianity Today:

The emptiness ...

God's way is the way of truth and trust.

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The "Muchness" of God

Text: James 5:13–16
Topic: How to experience God's provision and power


In this very moment, God is ready to pour out upon you—from ...

The fervent prayers of the righteous release God's provision and power into our lives.

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How Should a Pastor Think About His People's Giving?


When I mentioned the title of this sermon to a group of pastors at our monthly denominational meeting, it elicited considerable response. ...

Giving indicates spiritual growth and participation in the gospel.

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The Lord Is My Shepherd
The Lord Is My Shepherd


I don't know much about sheep. I was born and raised in the suburbs, and we didn't have sheep. In fact, they were probably illegal. ...

When we say, "The Lord is my shepherd," we acknowledge our dependence upon him, his ownership of us, and our personal relationship with him.

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Thanksgiving: The Truth About Thanksgiving


The first Thanksgiving dinner I ever ate outside of the United States was in Belgium. The people of Belgium are as thankful as any other ...

All good gifts come from God.

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You're In Good Hands


Have you ever noticed that the fear of getting a shot is often worse than the shot itself? You dread the moment, dread the moment, dread ...

You are in good hands here, because you are in God's hands.

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Reflections on the Lord's Prayer


Most of us have had the experience of putting together something that we bought unassembled. Whether it was a swing set, a bicycle, a radio ...

The Lord's Prayer is a pattern that teaches Christians several important principles of prayer.

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God Is On Our Side

About 250 years ago a preacher by the name of Jonathan Edwards preached a sermon called "Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God." That title reflects ...

The message of the Bible is that God is for us, not against us.

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God's Promise to Meet Your Needs

Don't miss the premise to the promise.

At this time of year, between Christmas and New Years, I usually do two things: I write thank you notes to everybody ...

God’s promise of abundant provision is premised on our giving.

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Overcoming Disappointment

There once lived a little girl who really liked Beanie Babies. In fact, one day when she and her parents were at the store, she saw the newest Beanie ...

The better we know God, the more thankful we will be.

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