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Sermons on Redemption

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Preaching on Redemption? Browse these sermons to find fresh ideas.

You Can’t Look Away
You Can’t Look Away


If you haven’t had the chance yet, I highly recommend the Netflix documentary titled, My Octopus Teacher. Yes, you heard that right: ...

Seeing abortion through the lens of Creation, Fall, and Redemption.

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Behold the Lamb of God
Behold the Lamb of God


I hope you had a good Thanksgiving. Now we flip the page and enter the season on the church calendar known as Advent. Advent is different ...

Christmas is about the revelation of the Lamb, but it’s also about the renewal of humanity.

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Waiting for Christmas
Waiting for Christmas


Isn’t it so hard to wait to open your gifts? I remember when I was around 9 years old, my brother and I wanted an electric race car ...

The wait is over, comfort and redemption are found in Christ.

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Doing the Right Thing in the Right Way
Doing the Right Thing in the Right Way


Today marks the first Sunday of Advent in which Christians all across the world are preparing to celebrate the coming of Jesus.

This year as ...

Joseph may inspire us this Christmas season, but only Jesus can redeem us.

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A Better Trust
A Better Trust


Hebrews 7 has this great theme of Jesus as a high priest, not after the order of Aaron, but after the order of Melchizedek. It is ...

Trust Jesus alone.

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Worthy Is the Lamb
Worthy Is the Lamb


John, who is in prison at Patmos, writes letters to the church of Ephesus and churches that surround it. His goal is to comfort them and encourage ...

Jesus created and redeemed us. Jesus loves us and we have nothing to fear.

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Free to Stay
Free to Stay


(Read Acts 16:16-34, Psalm 97, Revelation 22:12-21, John 17:20-26)

Happy Ascension, everybody. Actually, Ascension Day was Thursday, so I'm ...

The Ascension is not about Jesus leaving us. It is about four words: 'and I in them.'

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God Wins
God Wins


(Read John 20:19-29)

On election night in 1976, I sat in a little dark storage closet at the back of a campaign headquarters in Yonkers, New ...

Because of the hope of the resurrection, we do not have to live without hope.

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We know that we can't live in this world very long without being hurt. If I were to ask who here has been hurt, every hand would go up, ...

Since God's kingdom is grounded in his gracious forgiveness, forgiven people forgive.

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I used to think I needed a personal trainer, someone who'd get me to the gym and make sure I exercised regularly, someone who would put me through ...

We walk in bondage when we walk without Christ.

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The Reigning King
The Reigning King


2017 is going to be way better than 2016. The dumpster-fire of an election is over for one. Race relations in our country can only get better? ...

The Son reigns supreme so we should trust him with all things.

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Christmas Stories: A Mission Story
Christmas Stories: A Mission Story

This sermon is part of the “Christmas Stories” sermon series. See the whole series here.


(Read Jonah 3:1-4:1)

It was a dark, stormy ...

Taking the gospel to the world reflects Christ coming to earth.

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Halloween: Rethinking This Weird Holiday
Halloween: Rethinking This Weird Holiday


Ever watch Sesame Street? Remember the old jingle "Which One Doesn't Belong?" They'd put up on the screen a picture of a beach ball, basketball, ...

How should Christians respond to October 31?

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Running to the Lost
Running to the Lost


Should God have any enemies?

The popular answer these days is basically this: "No, God shouldn't have any enemies … if there is a God, ...

Often, we're like Jonah—but we belong to Jesus.

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R-Rated: The Bible's Flawed Superman
R-Rated: The Bible's Flawed Superman


There are a lot of heroes in the Bible, but there's really only one superhero, and that's Samson. If you think about it, Samson ...

God takes sinful people and turns them into true heroes.

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R-Rated: Rated R for Redemption
R-Rated: Rated R for Redemption


(Read Joshua 2:1-20)

In 144 AD, the church father Marcion was excommunicated from the Roman Catholic Church in Rome, Italy, because he held ...

God can redeem any person out of any situation.

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The Potential of the Church
The Potential of the Church


The great English author, C.S. Lewis, is one of my intellectual and spiritual mentors and not too long ago I was re-reading one of my favorite ...

A Spirit-filled church is the answer to the problems of the world.

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Satan Strikes Out
Satan Strikes Out


Years ago Scott Peck wrote a book called The Road Less Traveled. He began that book with these memorable words: "Life is difficult. This is ...

Satan is a defeated foe.

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The Glory of the Groan
The Glory of the Groan


God started a revival with the preaching of Charles Haddon Spurgeon. The people came to hear the preacher in the church instead of the preacher ...

God can bring glory out of our groanings.

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Two Graves, Two Gardens
Two Graves, Two Gardens


Read Genesis 3:8-22 and John 19:38-20:18

There were no streetlights, headlights, or even flashlights. There was just darkness, and some women ...

Jesus not only reverses the story of Adam, but he reverses our story as well.

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The Promise of the Ages
The Promise of the Ages


Our generation has witnessed a new and compelling interest in the study of genealogy. Perhaps this is because every five years more than twenty ...

The Bible's often overlooked genealogies hold a beautiful secret.

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Loving Our Work


I want to fast forward to Revelation, and look at the last two chapters. Then we are going to backtrack to Isaiah 60. When we look at the ...

The work that we do has incredible meaning.

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The God of the Left-handed


Simon Birch is a funny and sad movie about two 12-year-old boys, Simon Birch, who is a little-person, and his friend Joe. Rejected and ignored ...

God uses unexpected people in unexpected ways to fulfill his plan.

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What's Your Story?


Have you heard of Storycorps? Storycorps is a nonprofit organization whose mission is to celebrate the lives of everyday Americans by inviting ...

The life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ is the world's greatest story—and it's entirely true.

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Boasting in the Cross


Brothers and sisters, think of what you were when you were called. Not many of you were wise by human standards; not many were influential; ...

Although we come from lowliness, God raises us up to shame the proud.

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The Bible Alone

True North Backstory

One reason I enjoyed preaching the sermons in this series was the contrast between a "head" message and a "heart" message.

The message ...

God's Word accomplished creation, it brings hope in times of despair, it brings power in times of weakness, and it brings guidance in times of darkness. Only God’s Word has authority over your life.

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God's Great Heart of Love


In John Bunyan's famous Pilgrim's Progress, right from the outset of the book we are introduced to a man who is deeply troubled and who is ...

The One who judges our sin also invites us to find refuge in his grace.

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The World's Best Love Story
The World's Best Love Story


Ralph Waldo Emerson observed that the entire world loves a lover. And if he was right that all the world loves a lover, then the best loved ...

God keeps pursuing us and waiting for us to cast ourselves on his faithful love.

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A God Who Redeems


Today, we're not only talking about a God who is with us, but also a God who redeems us. I want to talk to those who feel helpless and hopeless ...

God promises, we mess it up, Jesus redeems.

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The Guest List


We're in part two of a series called The Heart of Christ, and I want to begin this week with a question: Do you remember the first Christian ...

Jesus came for those who are sick.

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Love Keeps Going


Several years ago there appeared on Broadway a political satire called Of Thee I Sing. The opening scene of that musical took place in a smoke-filled ...

When love is rooted in Christ, it will hope and endure in all things.

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Blessed Forever


In his book Leaving Home, Garrison Keillor tells a fictional story about a family from Lake Wobegon, Minnesota. Grace Tollefson married Alex ...

We are a part of God's royal family, because we share in the heritage of Christ.

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We Can Do This the Easy Way or the Hard Way


For most of my time in college, I attended a small church in Chicago with my now wife, Jamie. The pastor of this church had been commissioned ...

God chooses to fulfill his promises in a variety of ways.

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Getting Out
Getting Out


I want us to look at the account of the crossing of the Red Sea. You might call it the climax or epitome of Exodus. It's hard to overstate ...

The Good News of Jesus, like the Exodus, enables us to walk into a brand new life.

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Deep Clean

Whatever became of sin?

Some years ago a Harvard psychiatrist wrote a provocative book entitled Whatever Became of Sin? In it he expressed his fear that ...

Our sin is real, but our God willingly forgives.

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Deep Truth

Liz is friends with people of many religious backgrounds, and she's just starting to realize that what she claims to believe about Jesus necessarily has ...

Jesus came to rescue and redeem his creation.

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Jesus, Lord of the New Creation

The first sermon in this series started exploring this passage by looking at how Jesus is the Lord of Creation. Part two is titled "Jesus is Lord ...

The work of Christ: from separation to reconciliation

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Jesus, Lord of the Cross

There are few more exciting units of the U.S. Military than the Combat Search and Rescue (or the CSAR). If you've seen the movie Black Hawk Down, ...

Through Christ's death on the cross we are offered acceptance, forgiveness, and victory over evil.

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The Power of Identity

The story behind the sermon (from Jeff Manion)

In preparing to preach on Ephesians 1:3-14, I felt that there were a couple significant challenges to overcome. ...

We find our identity in Christ—the one who adopts, redeems, and seals us.

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The Larger Story of Christmas
The Larger Story of Christmas


It's just after ten o'clock on Christmas Eve, which means there are a handful of questions floating around this room: Did I remember ...

The story of Christmas sweeps us into God's larger story to rescue his people.

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Heart Burn

The man's name was Toby. He was the youngest son of a lawyer from Cleveland who'd struck it rich and moved his family to the upscale community of Rancho ...

What does God do with a selfish heart?

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Encounter on Golgotha Road
Encounter on Golgotha Road

From the editor:

We recently posted an Easter message by John Ortberg, because the themes like atonement, the Cross, resurrection, etc. are never out of ...

God is always at work, leading us to times and places where we might meet him.

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The Uncomfortable Truth of Easter
The Uncomfortable Truth of Easter

From the editor:

At the 2008 National Pastors Conference in San Diego, Preaching Today got to interview N. T. Wright about his book Surprised by Hope and ...

As Easter people, it is our duty to make Christ's kingdom and justice known in his world.

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A Christian's Happiness
A Christian's Happiness


If you're a Christian, you know that Christianity is supposed to be about joy. You probably also know that you're supposed to experience ...

Paul offers three principles for finding joy in suffering.

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Buying Friends

Have you started your income taxes yet? I started working on mine this week. I pulled up my computer records and looked at my general spending categories. ...

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Forgiven, Forgotten


Guilt runs rampant in the body of Christ. Though you already know you often feel guilty, it's important that we say it, because you would ...

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The World's Greatest Step

The story behind the sermon (from John Ortberg):

For Easter I wanted to present some of N. T. Wright's material on the Resurrection. I love his work on ...

The story of the resurrection is not just good news; it's true news.

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Death Is Life

From the editor:

Easter draws closer and closer (April 4), and we're here to help out with sermon ideas to inspire you in your own preaching. This week ...

Life isn't really life, and death isn't really death. But death is life.

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Worth Your Attention

From the editor

More helpful resources for Easter! This week we're featuring a message from Mike Woodruff, pastor of Christ Church Lake Forest in Lake ...

In an age of information overload, we need to pay careful attention to the message of the Resurrection.

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The Last Enemy

From the editor:

This week we continue to roll out great Easter resources to help inspire ideas for your own preaching. Below is a sermon by Donald Sunukjian ...

We must put our faith in the one who has conquered our greatest enemy.

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