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Sermons on Sin

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Preaching on Sin? Browse these sermons to find fresh ideas.

Transforming Knowledge
Transforming Knowledge


It’s been my habit for more years than I can remember to read the Bible in a Year, with Zoe, in the morning.

We follow various plans ...

How are we to live now that we know God?

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Transforming Light
Transforming Light


In our previous sermon we started to see what true Christianity is because John was faced with false teachers bringing counterfeit versions ...

Who is a true Christian?

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‘Imago Dei’: One Kingdom. Indivisible.
‘Imago Dei’: One Kingdom. Indivisible.


We’re in an election year. While we won’t tell you who to vote for, we do want to equip you with a biblical understanding of our ...

God created people to steward over his creation, but sin divided people against one another.

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A Body You Have Prepared
A Body You Have Prepared


At Christmas we remember that Jesus came among us. The Second Person of the Trinity lowered himself, condescended, and became a man. That’s ...

He took a body to give his body.

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Take a Look in the Mirror
Take a Look in the Mirror


When I worked in publishing, my boss called me into his office one day, and held up the latest issue of a magazine I was responsible for. ...

To avoid God’s judgment, we must face the hard truth about ourselves.

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Behold the Lamb of God
Behold the Lamb of God


I hope you had a good Thanksgiving. Now we flip the page and enter the season on the church calendar known as Advent. Advent is different ...

Christmas is about the revelation of the Lamb, but it’s also about the renewal of humanity.

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God’s Restless Love
God’s Restless Love


Have you ever heard the phrase that “love will make you do some reckless things”? How many of you have ever experienced a love ...

God’s reckless love will comfort you every time you need it.

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‘What Child Is This?’
‘What Child Is This?’


In the year 1865, William Chatterton Dix, who was a businessman in Glasgow, Scotland, suddenly came down with a serious illness. ...

The Child is God for us, God with us, and God over us.

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Waiting for a God-Given Perspective
Waiting for a God-Given Perspective


We are in the second week of our Advent series called “Christmas with Joseph: When Things don’t Go as Planned.” ...

The Lord leads his people, saves his people, and reassures his people.

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The Healing Power of No
The Healing Power of No


What is a two-letter word that we often don’t like to hear? It is a word you have probably used on your kids, maybe a word ...

Practicing the Christian act of nay saying.

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The Gift of Christmas Light
The Gift of Christmas Light


In his book Every Good Endeavor, Tim Keller explains the three elements of a story. He points out that a story begins when something knocks ...

Jesus comes to light the way to peace and reconciliation with God.

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Life of Seth: An Expository Character Narrative Sermon
Life of Seth: An Expository Character Narrative Sermon

[Hoeing. Pulling weeds – Has a pain in hand]

Ow! These cursed thorns! Oh, I didn’t see you there. Welcome friend. The name’s Seth. Why ...

Life is not what it’s supposed to be or what it used to be, but God promises to restore life through his appointed One.

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Grieve, Not as the World Grieves
Grieve, Not as the World Grieves


Some years ago, when I first heard the phrase “bright sadness” to describe the season of Lent, I loved the way it sounded, but ...

The Bright Sadness of Lent is the hope of once again being close to God.

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The Danger of Descending into Sin
The Danger of Descending into Sin


To err is human—am I right? We as human beings, we often do things wrong. We mess up. We sin. And when we sin, when we mess up, we usually ...

David lusts, rapes, attempts deception, and kills—and yet God’s grace is big enough to redeem him.

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God Takes Sin Seriously
God Takes Sin Seriously


Has it taken you a long time to get where you are today? Maybe you’re in a good place in life right now, but it was a long road getting ...

God can build a temple out of our sin.

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The Man the King Delights to Honor
The Man the King Delights to Honor


[Read Esther 3:1-6 and 6:1-10]

Esther is a Jewish woman who becomes queen of Persia, and as we have seen and will continue to see, she uses ...

All pride is deadly—but there is a cure.

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Well, What Do You Know?
Well, What Do You Know?


"Well, what do you know?"

Knowledge plays a huge role in our Gospel reading today. The man born blind repeatedly admits, "I don't know." Where's ...

How has Jesus opened our eyes?

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Greed and Envy: The Twin Terrors
Greed and Envy: The Twin Terrors


Let's begin with a story I read in The New York Times. It's a story told by a young Wall Street trader who found himself addicted to money—not ...

When we set our sights on God, we're freed from greed and envy by practicing generosity and gratitude.

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Sloth? Seriously?
Sloth? Seriously?


Of all the deadly sins, surely sloth is the lightweight. I mean, sloth? Seriously—a deadly sin? When it comes to the other six, we get ...

We need to combat sloth with devotion and attentiveness.

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Freedom from Lust
Freedom from Lust


The voices of lust are varied—young and old, male and female, single and married—but all of them are strained, brittle, and sad. ...

What we were made for, what we long for, is something greater.

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Anger Mis-Management
Anger Mis-Management


If pride is the most subtle of the seven deadly sins, anger is the most obvious. For one thing, it's visible. The other sins are internal—lust, ...

What you do with your anger will either be helpful or hurtful.

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It's Not About Me
It's Not About Me


"What is it, Doc? What do I have? What's wrong with me?"

It's a question we all ask ourselves from time to time. When we ...

When we remember who we are before God and in Christ, we're freed.

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Suffering and the 'U-Curve' of Life
Suffering and the 'U-Curve' of Life


A story that I think about from time to time may also be one that you are familiar with. There was a wise man who lived on the northern frontier ...

What we consider to be the worst can result in God's best for us.

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Your Best Life Is Not Now
Your Best Life Is Not Now


This room is full of hopes: fans hoping for a championship season, all of us hoping for another beautiful summer. Hopes can be more personal, ...

In the midst of hopelessness, there’s only one place where true hope can be found.

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God Uses Suffering for Our Good
God Uses Suffering for Our Good


I remember standing next to the late Joan Rivers. It was May 2006, and I had been in Sydney, Australia, preaching in some Anglican churches ...

Suffering under the supervision of our good God should have good results in our lives.

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Christians Aren't Always Happy
Christians Aren't Always Happy


You may have come here this morning seeking happiness. In one sense, how could you not? Seeking happiness is as natural for us as our desire ...

Following Jesus transforms our lives—but it doesn't mean we'll always have a smile on our face.

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God's Anger and Mercy Toward Sin
God's Anger and Mercy Toward Sin


If you want to know the three points that I'm going to walk through this morning, they are very simple. I want to talk about God's heaviness ...

We are called to turn from our idols and 'seek him and live.'

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R-Rated: The Bible's Flawed Superman
R-Rated: The Bible's Flawed Superman


There are a lot of heroes in the Bible, but there's really only one superhero, and that's Samson. If you think about it, Samson ...

God takes sinful people and turns them into true heroes.

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R-Rated: Genocide and Jericho
R-Rated: Genocide and Jericho


I think if you're at all human, there are tensions that come up. The idea of genocide, or of this powerful people massacring innocents, ...

God's plan is to evict the world of sin.

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Your Body: Under New Management
Your Body: Under New Management


Sometimes when we read the Bible we fail to appreciate the way it was first experienced. For example, most of the New Testament books were ...

Use your body in a way that honors the One who owns it.

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God's Big Story: The Bible on Homosexuality
God's Big Story: The Bible on Homosexuality

Editor's Note: This sermon was originally part of a three-sermon series given by Jim Nicodem. (That's why you'll notice that this sermon ends ...

How should Christians view homosexuality within the Bible's larger gospel story?

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The Potential of the Church
The Potential of the Church


The great English author, C.S. Lewis, is one of my intellectual and spiritual mentors and not too long ago I was re-reading one of my favorite ...

A Spirit-filled church is the answer to the problems of the world.

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Satan Strikes Out
Satan Strikes Out


Years ago Scott Peck wrote a book called The Road Less Traveled. He began that book with these memorable words: "Life is difficult. This is ...

Satan is a defeated foe.

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The Final Week, Were You There?
The Final Week, Were You There?


Artist Hieronymus Bosch painted Christ carrying his cross in 1505. Christ was surrounded in the painting by such notably ghoulish and revolting ...

Jesus takes expediency, injustice, and selfishness into himself, and offers us resurrection.

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Two Graves, Two Gardens
Two Graves, Two Gardens


Read Genesis 3:8-22 and John 19:38-20:18

There were no streetlights, headlights, or even flashlights. There was just darkness, and some women ...

Jesus not only reverses the story of Adam, but he reverses our story as well.

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God's New World Now
God's New World Now


Well, I am a bit of a news junkie and so it's a good day for me when I go out to the mailbox at the end of the driveway and there ...

The kingdom is at hand.

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There Must Be Some Mistake


Do you know who TIME magazine's Person of the Year was for 2011? The Protester. Protesters were the big story in Tunisia, Egypt, Libya, Syria, ...

God reigns and all will know it.

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The World Is in Trouble
The World Is in Trouble


What's wrong with the world? That's a question that many people are asking, and there's no shortage of answers being given: the ...

The gospel exposes our desperate need before God.

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Who Am I When I Sin?


The early Christian movement had a list that is famous to this day: "The Seven Deadly Sins." The seven sins on the list were pride, envy, ...

We're not just "mistakers" who need self-help; we're sinners who need a Savior.

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Who Am I After I Sin?


Last week we started a series called "Wicked." We're attempting to wrestle with one of the defining realities of our life: we screw up. We ...

Stop hiding and blaming others when you sin; repent and be forgiven.

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Who Is God When I Sin?


If you follow sports, you are well aware of the news that broke this week. Major League Baseball's highest paid player, Alex Rodriguez, admitted ...

Because he is holy, God crucifies our sin on the cross of Christ.

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Who Is God After I Sin?


I once read a book called The Book of Failures. It was filled with all kinds of failures that people have made. For instance, the book introduces ...

Even when we sin repeatedly, God offers forgiveness and a new beginning.

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Who Am I When I Sin?


The early Christian movement had a list that is famous to this day: "The Seven Deadly Sins." The seven sins on the list were pride, envy, ...

We're not just "mistakers" who need self-help; we're sinners who need a Savior.

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The Three Gifts of Christmas
The Three Gifts of Christmas


I'd like to begin by reading the entire passage of Hebrews 2:5-18 this morning, and then we're going to talk about how this passage helps ...

Through the glory of Christ in his humanity, we receive wonderful gifts.

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How God Brings Light into a Dark Situation
How God Brings Light into a Dark Situation


Today we will be looking at 1 Samuel 2:12-36, although we'll focus on verses 12-26. About a year ago now, the Arab Spring was just starting, ...

In the midst of political and spiritual corruption, God raises up leaders who listen to his word.

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Broken and Repentant


Last week I talked about the road to compromise and the road to integrity. We are either on one or the other. David eventually walked the ...

God will forgive us and use us for his purposes when we repent of our sin.

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The Warrior Rises


Do you ever watch wrestling? If you do, are you afraid to admit that you watch it? I recently read that you probably watch too much wrestling ...

Jesus died in our place, satisfied God's justice, and rose from the dead to give us life.

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The Warrior Returns


There is a distinctive facial expression that is common to all countries and cultures. There is something that can happen to any human being ...

One day Christ will return to forever defeat Satan, sin, and death.

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Grace Alone

True North Backstory

One reason I enjoyed preaching the sermons in this series was the contrast between a "head" message and a "heart" message.

The message ...

Only Christ’s grace, not our works, can give us the love, acceptance, and forgiveness we want.

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The Bible Alone

True North Backstory

One reason I enjoyed preaching the sermons in this series was the contrast between a "head" message and a "heart" message.

The message ...

God's Word accomplished creation, it brings hope in times of despair, it brings power in times of weakness, and it brings guidance in times of darkness. Only God’s Word has authority over your life.

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