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Sermons on Spiritual Perception

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Preaching on Spiritual Perception? Browse these sermons to find fresh ideas.

Church: The Wisdom of God on Display

The last couple of weeks, we've been going through a series in the Books of Acts and looking at this very important question: What is the church? ...

The church exists for a supernatural purpose: to declare God's wisdom to the world's rulers and authorities.

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The Audacity to Hope

Editor's note: In light of current political controversy, questions have been raised about the following sermon by Jeremiah Wright. Preaching Today published ...

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The Miracle of Christmas


In Luke 11:33–35, Jesus says, "Your eye is a lamp, lighting up your whole body. If you live in wide-eyed wonder and belief, your body ...

God wants us to celebrate the mystery of Jesus' birth.

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Inquiring of the Lord


I want to read to you an obscure little verse from an obscure part of the Old Testament. Very few people know this story, but it has a lot ...

Inquiring of the Lord enables us to identify God's plan for our lives and experience his provision.

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Knowing the Bible Comes Easier Than Living the Bible


When you get a love letter or Valentine's card, what do you do with it? (Besides hide it from the kids.) Usually you read it over and over ...

How to move beyond information and experience God's transformation

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His Own Knew Him Not


In a recent survey conducted by the Section on Worship and Board of Discipleship, namely Hoyt Hickman calling his friends in the evening, ...

Familiarity with spiritual things can interfere with our recognition of Jesus, blind us to the truth, and cause us to reject both.

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The Gift of Vision

Every human being has a frame of reference through which he or she looks out at the world. These glasses were not given to us by an ophthalmologist. ...

If we are to grow, we must focus upon the Lamb who was slain.

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