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Sermons on Spirituality

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Preaching on Spirituality? Browse these sermons to find fresh ideas.

A Tale of Two Women


In the days when the judges ruled over the land of Judah there came a famine to the land. So a man from Bethlehem together with his wife and ...

Spiritual friendships turn the journey of life into a journey of faith.

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Drafting Buddies


Sam and Frodo find themselves on the final leg of their journey on the slopes of Mordor, but Frodo is losing heart. He's just about out of ...

Spiritual friends set the pace for one another, they stick by each other, and they speak faith into each other's lives.

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Testing the Limits


For the past couple of weeks we've been talking about friendship. And what we're learning is that our friendships play an important role in ...

Spiritual friends challenge us to move past our selfishness and impatience in order to live out the power of the gospel.

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There's a famous speech in Shakespeare's play Henry V. It's the night before the battle of Agincourt. As a young king, Henry prepares to lead ...

Deep, spiritual friendships are formed when believers share experiences of serving God together.

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Beyond Friends


Where are you on your spiritual journey? And what would help you take the next step?

A couple of years ago we joined hundreds of churches across ...

Friends will take you farther and deeper in your spiritual journey than you could alone.

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True Friends


Last week I tossed out a question and invited you to respond: is it possible to be spiritual friends with a non-believer? For the past six ...

Spiritual friendships with people of other faith or no faith are not only possible, they're powerful.

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