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Sermons on Spouse

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Preaching on Spouse? Browse these sermons to find fresh ideas.

Divorce and the Seeds of Resurrection

Even in the midst of a heartrending divorce, we can find the hope and power of Christ's resurrection.

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What Your Spouse Wants You to Figure Out

From the editor:

Few preachers make better use of humor than Dave Stone. He's especially gifted at knowing exactly the right point to insert a funny line ...

Strive to be intimate friends who unselfishly serve one another.

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A Passion for God's Covenant

If you knew of something that shattered dreams, that generated overwhelming stress in people's lives, that would induce in them panic attacks and even ...

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Christian Singles


Currently 17 to 20 million unmarried women and several million fewer unmarried men live in the United States. It's estimated that, at ...

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When Love Fails

From the editor

Given that Valentine's Day is this coming Sunday, many of you will probably be addressing themes like love, relationships, dating, and ...

God made marriage, so it should be honored.

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Battered into Submission


Not long ago, someone said to me, "I've never heard a sermon about violence in the home. I've never heard the preacher pray about it. I've ...

Domestic violence is an unqualified evil.

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For Better, but Worse


When the great Chicago Cubs second baseman Ryne Sandberg was inducted into the Baseball Hall of Fame this past summer, he began a speech as ...

When it looks like you've married badly

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The Incredibles
The Incredibles


As we saw last week, every great family is founded first and foremost on the Covenant Principle—on a radical commitment to one ...

Making the most of your family unit

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Hilarious Hupotasso


This is a hot button issue: the woman's role in church and family. Feelings are running high, and we all bring a certain bias with us.

© Jill Briscoe, 1993 Preaching Today Issue #117 A resource of Christianity Today International
Wives should submit to their husbands voluntarily, without losing their God-given identities.

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Rediscovering Marriage


I think we'd all agree that marriage has fallen on hard times these days. They tell us that the number of people getting married has declined ...

Discover the transforming power of mutual submission

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Becoming a Man


What is the most powerful word in the English language? Is it "honor," or "love," or "country?" Maybe it's "sacrifice." Stu Weber, who has ...

We need to admit our incompetence and grow in competence.

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