Preaching on Talents? Browse these sermons to find fresh ideas.

Begin with the End in Mind
As an instructor of preaching at the Moody Bible Institute in Spokane, every semester I have the privilege of teaching classes of 10 to 14 ...
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Where Do You Want to Finish Your Life?
Friends, the text before us is in Luke's Gospel. You have it in your books. Nowadays in Nigeria, young men and women have it in ...
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As Good As It Gets
In 1969, Malcolm Muggeridge, a British journalist, broadcaster, and the editor of Punch, a satirical magazine, went to Calcutta to make a ...
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Love Does Not Boast
From the editor:
Over the next few months, is going to run an entire transcript series from Haddon Robinson on 1 Corinthians 13. The ...
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The Basic Need
From the editor:
Here's a great sermon from one of our featured preachers, Haddon Robinson.
T. S. Elliott, in one of his poems, asked a penetrating ...
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Rebuilding the Walls
In the countryside near Leicester, England, there stands an ancient church whose walls are inscribed with an eloquent memorial. The inscription ...
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Follow the Leader
A church fails for one of two reasons.
The first reason is poor leadershipthe failure of those whom God has called to lead, to lead well, ...
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Finding Financial Freedom
We're talking this winter about living a life that counts. When all is said and done, we want our days and our dollars to add up to something worthwhile, ...
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Tithes, Offerings, and Thieves
So, how do you feel when the offering basket comes around? Pressured? Guilty? Confused? Grateful? How do you feel when the pastor announces a series on ...
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Living In the Zone
When the New England Patriots take the field this evening, they want to be "in the zone." The zone is a state of being in which an athlete is performing ...
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A Sad Man Walking
I was out for a run a week ago or so. It was one of the first warm days after the big snow. As I made my way through one of the neighborhoods, I came ...
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Spending Time
I happened to catch a song on the radio a few months ago called "100 Years," by a group named Five for Fighting. It was the tune that caught my attention ...
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The Parable of the Pounds
During these weeks I'm doing studies of four of the kingdom parables of Christ. We began that study with a parable that is fundamental—that ...
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