Preaching on Temple? Browse these sermons to find fresh ideas.

Return of the King
When was the last time you couldn’t wait for something to happen? During the summer of 2020, my wife, Sierra, and I could not wait to ...
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Cursing the Tree and Curing the Temple
When the emergency room staff at a Rhode Island hospital viewed the scans of this 86-year-old man, they discovered a blood clot, a hematoma, ...
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Your Body: Under New Management
Sometimes when we read the Bible we fail to appreciate the way it was first experienced. For example, most of the New Testament books were ...
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The Divine Legacy
I'll never forget walking into the Smithsonian's National Museum of American Art in Washington, D.C., maybe 20 years ago. Just inside the ...
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As Good As It Gets
In 1969, Malcolm Muggeridge, a British journalist, broadcaster, and the editor of Punch, a satirical magazine, went to Calcutta to make a ...
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New and Improved
Today, it seems everything is hawked as "new and improved." We have new and improved shampoo, new and improved TV dinners, new and improved ...
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