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Sermons on Testimony

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Preaching on Testimony? Browse these sermons to find fresh ideas.

Resurrection on Trial
Resurrection on Trial


Have you heard of Snopes.com? If you want to check out a rumor or a legend that’s online—you get some email that says some guy ...

The earnest listener and honest inquirer has been invited to see that Jesus is the real deal, to believe, and therefore to live.

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The Gain of Sacrifice
The Gain of Sacrifice


I returned from a two-week trip to Nairobi, Kenya, and Jos, Nigeria, where we were visiting some of our dear friends and ministry partners ...

Jesus is the treasure that is worth sacrificing everything else for.

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A Call to Hear and Embody the Gospel
A Call to Hear and Embody the Gospel


(Read Luke 8:1-3)

One of the big questions in the history of Christianity and the ancient world is this: How did a tiny group of Messianic ...

We can have a positive influence in the world if by God's grace we persevere in living out the gospel.

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The Divine Legacy


I'll never forget walking into the Smithsonian's National Museum of American Art in Washington, D.C., maybe 20 years ago. Just inside the ...

We are being built up as the temple of God.

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Deep Truth

Liz is friends with people of many religious backgrounds, and she's just starting to realize that what she claims to believe about Jesus necessarily has ...

Jesus came to rescue and redeem his creation.

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Deep Love

I want to know what love is.

Sooner or later, it had to come around to love. For six weeks now, we have been considering tests of true faith—the ...

We show true love through sacrifice.

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When the Bottom Falls Out
When the Bottom Falls Out

I remember the events that led to her tears. My wife, Kathy, had come home from a weekly grocery trip with more than groceries to be concerned about. ...

Daniel shows us a godly response in the face of great suffering.

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Faith in the Furnace

How do you win the World Series? A few decades ago, when the New York Mets were the underdog darlings of the National League, two young pitchers told ...

Daniel shows us how to truly trust God through great trial.

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Simeon: A Song of Hope


In the 1960s, psychologist Walter Mischel conducted a famous experiment that has come to be known as "The Marshmallow Test." Groups of 4-years ...

The reward is worth the wait.

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Facing Off Without Falling Apart


In Acts 4 we witness an epic battle between a David-like underdog and a behemoth giant. In one corner you have two unschooled, unimpressive ...

Seven principles for proclaiming the gospel in hostile territory.

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Weighing Others Heavy

Text: Exodus 20:13; Matthew 5:21–24; Romans 12:14–21; Romans 13:8–10
Topic: How to apply the sixth commandment


The sixth commandment ...

The sixth commandment is ultimately positive: treat all people with love and respect.

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It's All About You, Lord


A poet once complained to a friend, "Life's not fair. A banker can write a bad poem, and nobody says anything about it. But if a poet writes ...

Judging our circumstances from God's perspective

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One Step Closer


In the last days of Jesus' life, after the triumphal entry into Jerusalem, the religious leaders engaged him in a running battle of theology. ...

Evangelism isn't a one-shot presentation; it's moving people one step closer to God.

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How to Talk to Others About Jesus

We're in the second week of our series called "How to Share Your Faith." Today's message is: "How to Talk to Others About Jesus." Last week, if you'll ...

Our message is so important that we are obligated to take the extra effort to make sure the time is right and they are ready to hear us.

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The Most Crucial Element in Witnessing

In the early 1980's one of the highlights of the academic year at the University of Oklahoma was when Sister Cindy came to town. Sister Cindy was a ...

When we share our faith with someone, we're to approach the task with gentleness and respect.

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