Preaching on Thankfulness? Browse these sermons to find fresh ideas.

Advent: Joy
Christian Wiman, the celebrated poet, professor of literature at Yale and Christian intellectual, in his book Joy, which is a collection ...
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Reasons to Be Thankful
As a little boy I recall thumbing through an old church hymnal. I came across a piece that has become one of my favorite Thanksgiving songs. ...
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A Heart of Gratitude
Stone Mountain is a very large, naked hill of solid granite that is located about 15 miles northeast of Atlanta. If you've been there, you ...
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Becoming a 'Thanksgiver' at Thanksgiving
"Don't forget to say 'thank you.'" If you are like me, then you probably heard this phrase often when you were a child. If you are a parent, ...
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A Thankful Life
We're going to be thinking about Thanksgiving Day today. You may be thinking to yourselves, Why? Because Thanksgiving Day is important. ...
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An Unthankful Life
I want to begin by actually playing a little game. It's called the Opposite Game, and the way it works is I'm going to say a word and then ...
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The Family Silver
When I was twenty-six, a package arrived at my home accompanied by a note from my grandmother that simply read, "Take good care of this. It's ...
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A Psalm for Giving Thanks
Psalm 100 reads:
A psalm for giving thanks. Make a joyful noise to the Lord, all the earth! Serve the Lord with gladness! Come into his presence ...
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The Great Gratitude Experiment
There's a theme in the Bible that appears in several different places. Paul says to the church in Thessalonica, "Rejoice always, pray continually, ...
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Why Worry?
We're probably all familiar with the story of Howard Hughes. Hughes was a big-time businessman who dabbled in oil, entertainment, and ...
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Lessons from Lepers
We often look at thanksgiving backwards. We think of thanksgiving as thanking God for something that has happened to us already. The real ...
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Fear of God
A few summers ago, my family took a family trip to Toronto. We'd never been there before, so we didn't know what to see. But all the guidebooks ...
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How Should a Pastor Think About His People's Giving?
When I mentioned the title of this sermon to a group of pastors at our monthly denominational meeting, it elicited considerable response. ...
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We Don't Have Men Like That
[Editorial comment: Sunukjian delivers this sermon as a first-person narrative. References to props or stage directions will appear in italics.] ...
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Worship or Worry?
There's an old Greek proverb that says, "The bow that is always bent will soon break." What that proverb seems to be implying is that the ...
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An Attitude of Gratitude
Not long ago, as I was talking with one of my teenage sons, he recounted an experience he had on a commuter train outside of New York City. ...
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How God works his plan for your life
Psalm 138 contains a verse that absolutely thrilled me the first time I heard it. And today, all these years later, I'm still enthusiastic ...
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Cultivating a Thankful Heart
My wife and I watched a sitcom the other evening, where the plot revolved around the old standby device called “the flashback.” The show’s ...
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A Life Worth Saving
There’s a story of a man who risked his life to save a boy trapped in a burning building. The doorway was blocked, the room was filled with ...
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What Do I Have To Be Thankful For?
Do you know what I like about Thanksgiving? It's the least commercialized of all the national holidays. The stores cash in on Halloween, Christmas, ...
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Reflections on Psalm 23
When most people think of the Bible, they usually think of its numerous rules and restrictionsthe "Thou shalts" and the "Thou shalt ...
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Only the Grateful Believe
Thankfulness is difficult for most of us. An elementary school teacher was trying to teach thankfulness to her students, so she asked them to write down ...
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Thinking Right (Gratitude)
Monday afternoon I went to a Veteran's Day assembly at the high school (My daughter had won first place in a speech contest, and was asked to deliver ...
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Living Expectantly
I'm sure that you hear it sometimes on the elevator. At other times if you're waiting in a doctor's office, you hear it. If you're shopping in the mall, ...
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The Praise of an Old Man
Shortly after David came to power, he brought the ark to Zion. The ark was a box about the size of a piano bench, and in it were some famous artifacts. ...
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How to Behave in a Worship Service
When I was a boy, I grew up in a war zone. I lived halfway between Chicago and St. Louis, in the heart of baseball country. I remember many playground ...
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Overcoming Disappointment
There once lived a little girl who really liked Beanie Babies. In fact, one day when she and her parents were at the store, she saw the newest Beanie ...
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