Preaching on Threats? Browse these sermons to find fresh ideas.

Lose It All to Gain It All
What are we willing to do to gain something of value? Well, you may respond that it depends on what it is. In so many realms of our lives, ...
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Where Do We Find Hope?
On the hillsides and on the mountainsides along the ocean in Japan there are stone markers, some of them over six hundred years old, and on ...
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Facing Off Without Falling Apart
In Acts 4 we witness an epic battle between a David-like underdog and a behemoth giant. In one corner you have two unschooled, unimpressive ...
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My Name Is Harbona
My name? Harbona. My job? The title depends on what country you're in. In Britain, I would be called a personal valet. In America, I would be a male private ...
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Harassed but Hopeful
On November 14, 1999, thousands of churches around the world observed the International Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church. This day ...
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Worship and Spiritual Warfare
It was seven on a Friday evening in San Francisco. Jerry Brandt, head of Action Evangelism, had scheduled an outdoor praise-and-prayer ...
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