Preaching on Tithing? Browse these sermons to find fresh ideas.

Blessed In Order To Be A Blessing
I want to tell you a story about my uncle. My uncle is a missionary kid in Pakistan and like myself he was a bit of a troublemaker. So, as ...
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The Divine Dare
Everybody has to make decisions about how we're going to deal with money. There are a couple scholars named who talk about two metaphors for ...
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The 10 Financial Commandments
A mom was trying to teach her two kids about Jesus and the Easter story. When she reached the part about Pilate and what he did with Jesus, ...
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When Is Enough, Enough?
Sometimes it's not just a practice but a word—just one word—that God uses in our minds and our hearts to transform us.
When ...
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Stand in the River of Grace
The Dead Sea is called the Dead Sea for a reason: it's dead. This is because of its salt content. It is the saltiest body of water on ...
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The Gravity of Greed
Do you remember watching your very first NASA rocket launch? I remember as a boy sitting on the edge of the family room sofa and listening ...
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The Motivation for Generosity
Stephen King is the author of 49 suspense and horror novels that have sold over 350 million copies. Some of his novels have been made into ...
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Becoming a Generous Giver
It is ironic that this book entitled Generosity has my name at the bottom of the cover. That God would link me with generosity makes me want ...
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The Use of Money
From the editor
From time to time, we like to feature a classic sermon from a celebrated preacher of old. Bill White, a frequent contributor to, ...
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Room to Breathe
If you lost all means of financial support tomorrow, how long could you hold onto your house? How you answer that question gets to the heart of today's ...
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The Sermon on the Amount
I heard about a little girl who experienced a major breakthrough in her life when she learned to tie her own shoes. Instead of excitement, ...
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Grace of Giving
When Paul addressed the matter of giving to the Corinthian church in his second letter to them, he did so with model tact. What he did is, he sited the ...
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What Do You Need to Be Happy?
Click here to listen to the audio.
The story behind the sermon (from Francis Chan)
This message is about being content. It comes out of Philippians ...
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Mind Your Own Business: What does the Bible say about savings and debt?
From the editor
If the prognosticators are right, the current economic crisis will probably stretch on into 2010. With that in mind, now might be a good ...
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Rebuilding the Walls
In the countryside near Leicester, England, there stands an ancient church whose walls are inscribed with an eloquent memorial. The inscription ...
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Regime Change
From the editor:
Here's a sermon by Kevin Miller that might inspire a few ideas for your own Palm Sunday sermon (April 5, 2009). As you read the sermon, ...
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Take the Risk
From the editor:
As the country sinks further and further into a time of recession, financial issues will be weighing heavily on the minds of listeners. ...
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Secrets of Financial Contentment
When I was a kid, my dad told me two stories all the time.
In the first one, a couple goes to Harvard University and asks to see the president, ...
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A Crop Is A Crop
We've been considering what it means to be jars of clay—ordinary, fragile people living in a difficult and dangerous world. The message ...
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A Lifestyle Inventory
I want to tell you exactly how to live your life and spend your money. I know I have your attention now, because when we talk about money, ...
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How To Gain a New Perspective on Money
Leadership experts like John Maxwell, Warren Bennis, and Jack Welch, along with social psychologists, agree that when it comes to change, ...
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Finding Financial Freedom
We're talking this winter about living a life that counts. When all is said and done, we want our days and our dollars to add up to something worthwhile, ...
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Tithes, Offerings, and Thieves
So, how do you feel when the offering basket comes around? Pressured? Guilty? Confused? Grateful? How do you feel when the pastor announces a series on ...
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Living In the Zone
When the New England Patriots take the field this evening, they want to be "in the zone." The zone is a state of being in which an athlete is performing ...
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A Sad Man Walking
I was out for a run a week ago or so. It was one of the first warm days after the big snow. As I made my way through one of the neighborhoods, I came ...
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Spending Time
I happened to catch a song on the radio a few months ago called "100 Years," by a group named Five for Fighting. It was the tune that caught my attention ...
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Let's Talk About Money
Do you realize Jesus had a lot to say about money? He talks very bluntly about money. He talks very bluntly about things. One day a fellow came to him ...
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Wise Up About Money
The shock disk jockey, Howard Stern, is probably most well known for his vulgar and crude antics on his radio and television shows. In fact, at last count, ...
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Stealing From God
When we put our faith and trust in the Lord Jesus Christ, we enter a love relationship with him. It's a sacred romance. It's not just a working relationship. ...
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