Preaching on Tongue? Browse these sermons to find fresh ideas.

Set a Seal Over the Door of Your Lips
During World War II artists were called upon to use their skills for the war effort. John Atherton created a poster warning citizens to guard ...
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Enduring Hardship Faithfully
Life is hard and full of uncertainties. You don't always know what will get you. You just know something will: coronavirus, unemployment, ...
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Me and My Big Mouth
“Pad kid poured curd pulled cod." Researchers from MIT say this is the world's most difficult tongue twister. Have a go. If ...
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The Awesome Power of Speech
Last week in making a point about the importance of this congregation being a witnessing congregation I said, "When I think of all the people who ...
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A Father's Words
In June 1992, Jim Davidson and Mike Price climbed Mt. Rainier. On the way down, the two climbers fell 80 feet through a snow bridge into a ...
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Wisdom for Work
From the editor:
One of the more popular shows on TV right now is NBC's The Office. Though its comedy is often over-the-top, the audience still feels ...
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Two Bad Examples
Click here to listen to the audio.
The story behind the sermon (from Mark Buchanan)
This sermon came near the end of a 10-week series on the letter to the ...
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Cravings and Conflicts
Text: James 4:12
Topic: Identifying and addressing the source of conflict
There is a relational conflict in your immediate future. You ...
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Peace in the Church
When I was a pastor in Arizona, there were two men in the church who were greatly admired. They were both successful businessmen who desired ...
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Speak carefully
A friend of mine named Joi told me when she was growing up her parents invented a ploy to keep her from talking all time. They told her that ...
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Getting In the Last Word
When we began this series, I mentioned that First Peter deals with some topics that Americans don't always immediately relate to. Peter ...
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How to Improve Your Standard of Living
Today's message should come with a warning. Caution: This passage requires no interpretation. Peter writes Chapter 3 in a way that makes ...
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What Words Can Do
We all have access to a powerful weapon that can be used in any situation to make things better or to make things worse: our words. Anyone with the ...
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Correcting Careless Words
A man was driving cautiously down the highway when he was pulled over by a Highway Patrolman. As the officer approached the man's car, however, he was ...
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