Preaching on Tongues? Browse these sermons to find fresh ideas.
1–4 of 4 Matches

What Does This Mean?
I hope the Book of Acts is easy for you to find because you’ve got your handy dandy Acts bookmark with you. This is not just a bookmark; it’s ...
The Holy Spirit is a sign of God's faithfulness.
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When the Spirit Comes with Power
Acts 2 brings us to an event that most of us are relatively familiar with—Pentecost. The drama we are dealing with here in these verses ...
In order to fulfill the Great Commission, we need empowerment from the Holy Spirit that is beyond method or technique.
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The Basic Need
From the editor:
Here's a great sermon from one of our featured preachers, Haddon Robinson.
T. S. Elliott, in one of his poems, asked a penetrating ...
Many things matter in life, but the most important thing is to do everything in love.
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Tongues of Flames
The very first Christian festival was Easter. The early church celebrated the resurrection of Jesus before it thought of celebrating anything ...
By matching the condition of the early church, we can receive the same power that God poured out on Pentecost.
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1–4 of 4 Matches