Preaching on Transformation? Browse these sermons to find fresh ideas.

Filled with All the Fullness of God
(Read Ephesians 3:14-21)
We are often impressed and inspired to greater heights of living as we observe the world around us. Many times, we ...
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A Tale of Two Women
In the days when the judges ruled over the land of Judah there came a famine to the land. So a man from Bethlehem together with his wife and ...
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Drafting Buddies
Sam and Frodo find themselves on the final leg of their journey on the slopes of Mordor, but Frodo is losing heart. He's just about out of ...
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Testing the Limits
For the past couple of weeks we've been talking about friendship. And what we're learning is that our friendships play an important role in ...
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Beyond Friends
Where are you on your spiritual journey? And what would help you take the next step?
A couple of years ago we joined hundreds of churches across ...
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True Friends
Last week I tossed out a question and invited you to respond: is it possible to be spiritual friends with a non-believer? For the past six ...
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Richard Stearns, the president of World Vision, has a book called The Hole in Our Gospel. In this book he tells a remarkable story about a ...
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Why the Biggest Loser Wins
In Mark 10:17-27, we meet a man who is a lot like us. For one thing, he has clearly been through the part of the spiritual journey where a ...
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Measuring the Clouds
Turn in your Bible to Matthew chapter 5, beginning with verse 38. Jesus says: "You have heard that it was said, 'Eye for eye, and tooth for ...
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An Unstoppable Force
Last week we learned that the Church was meant to be a life-changing community, where people are transformed by their encounters with God ...
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The Transforming Word
It's been called the speech that changed America. I'm talking, of course, of Martin Luther King Jr.'s "I Have a Dream" speech at the Lincoln ...
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If Jesus Lived in My Neighborhood
Mark 10:3545 offers several reasons why we should be servants in our community, in our work environment, and in the neighborhood in ...
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The Testimony of a Tax Collector
I want to begin reading at verse 1: "Then Jesus entered and passed through Jericho. Now behold, there was a man named Zacchaeus, who was a chief tax collector, ...
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A group of scientists got together who wanted to win the Nobel Prize. They thought, What can we do that's never been done? How can we use ...
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It's All in Your Head
Story behind the sermon (from Mark Buchanan)
When I first came to New Life Church, I established the practice that every January I would preach a month-long ...
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Today we're going to be looking at the Book of James—incredibly practical and poignant letter for the spiritual life. This is the final ...
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Extreme Makeover
From the editor:
Looking for an example of how a sermon can speak into the energy of the New Year? This is the one to check out. One of the more powerful ...
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Blessed Are the Pure in Heart
Through the centuries there have been some people who have wanted to view Jesus' teaching in the Beatitudes as a kind of ladder that can carry ...
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A Brand New You
I've got hundreds of things around the house that I would like to see made new—sofa cushions that have begun to sag, kitchen cabinets ...
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Lent: Preparing Our Garden for Growth
From the editor
Despite its rich history in the church, many of us don't observe Lent. Maybe it's time to reconsider. As Skye points out in his ...
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John the Baptist's Story
From the editor
Very early in his sermon, Kevin Miller says, "I have the hard job of telling you a hard truth." Indeed he does. The hard truth is that ...
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The Kingdom of God Is Near
From the Editor
Hamilton's passage is but two verses long, but the chief idea of those two verses—the kingdom of God—knows no bounds. ...
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It's Not How You Start; It's How You Finish
I once read an article that listed some of the greatest comebacks in sports history. The list included the 2004 American League Championship ...
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God's Consuming Fire
Text: 1 Kings 18:1639
Topic: What we learn about God and ourselves from fire
Fire. It was there from the beginning of God's creation. He said, "Let ...
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Knowing the Bible Comes Easier Than Living the Bible
When you get a love letter or Valentine's card, what do you do with it? (Besides hide it from the kids.) Usually you read it over and over ...
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Losing Our Minds
Sermon One
How do you put together the pieces of the puzzle of life? When a terrible storm sweeps over your life and blows your careful constructions ...
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Reality Shows
Sermon Two
Imagine a report comes on the television that a terrible tragedy has just befallen a group of people beyond your town. Person "A" ...
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Quantum Communion
Sermon Three
For more than 1600 years, Christianity occupied the head seat at the vast communion table that came to be called Western Civilization. ...
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Image is Everything
Sermon Four
One of our church members recently recounted to me the story of a woman named Lorena, who directs the Onessimu Brother's Home in ...
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Choosing Sides
Sermon Five
The year was 536 B.C., the third year after the great Persian king, Cyrus, had overthrown the vast kingdom of Babylon, and a new ...
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Payback Time
Sermon Six
Almost everyone I know wants to believe what the Bible says in the first verse of Psalm 73—that "surely God is good to … ...
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Bad to the Bone
Sermon Seven
On all sides today we are reminded that something in this world has gone wrong. Women are abducted in increasing numbers. Precious ...
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A House on Hope Street
For many years John Cox and his wife, Wendy, did their best to provide a home for themselves and their three daughters. He was an itinerant youth minister, ...
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Anakin's Choice
The TV makeover craze began a few years ago with a couple of shows that promised to transform ordinary looking people into beauty queens and chick-magnets. ...
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Setting Sail
You know, I really don't understand myself sometimes. I want to do what's right, but I don't do it. Instead, I do the very thing I hate. I know perfectly ...
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The Great Reveal
It's the most dramatic moment in any makeover show. It's the reason the participants endure 3 months of surgery, workouts, coaching, and separation from ...
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God's Game Plan for Life
If you follow football at all, as almost everyone does these days, you know that every coach has a game plan before he begins the gamea plan they ...
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