Preaching on Trial? Browse these sermons to find fresh ideas.
Rebuilding the Walls
In the countryside near Leicester, England, there stands an ancient church whose walls are inscribed with an eloquent memorial. The inscription ...
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Living with Jesus
From the editor:
Just below, you'll find a few introductory remarks from Francis Chan about his sermon. We want to encourage you to go ahead and watch ...
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Desperate for God
Introductory remarks from John Ortberg:
I remember reading that when baseball great Ty Cobb was in a slump, he would battle it by resorting to bunting. ...
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Faith in Tough Times
From the editor
I'm confident we all would agree that 2008 was a tough year: war, a tumbling stock market, natural disasters, the continued threat of terrorism, ...
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God in Our Sorrow
Text: Isaiah 53; John 11
Topic: How God meets us even in our sorrow
From the editor:
You can be so enraptured by the sights, sounds, and smells of the Christmas ...
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What Would Jesus Say When the Dow Drops 700 Points?
From the editor
What would Jesus have us do in the midst of economic crisis? Mike Woodruff offers answers to that question that push us to gain new perspectives ...
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Mary: A Song of Trust
A lot of people travel at Christmas. During this time of the year, many of us would like to be with family to celebrate, so we load up the ...
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Desperate Hearts
Some years ago I experienced something that just about every stressed-out, 40-something American male experiences - chest pains. You know, ...
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Asleep at the Wheel
From the editor
Chances are, you've probably preached the story of Jesus calming the storm. The account is recorded in three of the four Gospels (Matthew, ...
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The Christian's Happiness
Text: Romans 8:2830
Topic: Our joy can be constant no matter our life circumstances.
From the editor
Romans 8 is such a beloved, oft-quoted section ...
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The Strangest Gift
In her book Tramp for the Lord, Corrie ten Boom tells the story of an old woman she met in Russia in the time of the Communist persecution ...
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The Unseen Footprints
From the editor:
Timothy George packs a lot into this sermon. Besides showing us an effective way to preach an individual psalmpaying careful attention ...
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Strong Grace, Hard Work, Good Memories
Text: 2 Timothy 2:19
Topic: A sobering look at what the Christian life entails
From the editor:
Every once in a while a sermon comes along that is ...
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Loss, Loyalty, and Lament
Text: Ruth 1:122
Topic: Learning to make the right choices in difficult times
From the editor:
Perhaps you're looking for a unique way to approach ...
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Ready or Not, Here I Come!
From the editor
Simply put: it's easy to mess up a difficult passage like Luke 21. You may find yourself applying something regarding Jerusalem's ...
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What Have We Done?
After the Chicago Cubs lost their 96th baseball game in 2006, manager Dusty Baker, was called in to meet with the general manager. We all ...
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Comfort for the Troubled Heart
The Allies had planned Operation Overlord for years, amassing vast armies, an incredible navy, and enough arms to release Europe from the ...
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Taming the Beast
Text: Genesis 4:116
Topic: How to battle envy
A few years ago, two high school girls in Californiawell liked, talented and ambitiousattended ...
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Expect God's Visitation
In Charles Dickens' novel A Christmas Carol, Ebenezer Scrooge lies down on Christmas Eve hoping to enjoy a good night's rest. In the course ...
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A Strange Résumé
It's the most dreaded question of the job interview, and when the time comes, you can't seem to push the words out of your mouth. "Tell me," ...
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Beyond Comfort
Where do you turn for comfort when you encounter loss, pain, or disappointment? Some people turn to food. For some reason, certain foods—like ...
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M. Night Shyamalan's film Unbreakable begins with a train wreck. Everyone on board is killed—over a hundred people—except for ...
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Lessons from Lepers
We often look at thanksgiving backwards. We think of thanksgiving as thanking God for something that has happened to us already. The real ...
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You Need a Good Priest
I could tell that he had been badly injured in the accident. I'm no medical expert, but I could tell by the pallor of his skin that he was ...
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Facing Off Without Falling Apart
In Acts 4 we witness an epic battle between a David-like underdog and a behemoth giant. In one corner you have two unschooled, unimpressive ...
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Warriors on Their Couches
The account of David and Bathsheba in 2 Samuel 11 begins this way:
In the spring of the year, the time when kings go out to battle, David ...
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Sense Out of Nonsense
Text: Luke 24:111
Topic: How to make sense of chaos and suffering
Ancient sailors puzzled over why some of their colleagues who sailed ...
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All I Really Need to Know I Learned by Suffering Triumphantly Until I Died
In All I Really Need to Know I Learned in Kindergarten, Robert L. Fulghum writes:
All I really need to know about how to live and what to do ...
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Battered into Submission
Not long ago, someone said to me, "I've never heard a sermon about violence in the home. I've never heard the preacher pray about it. I've ...
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We Don't Have Men Like That
[Editorial comment: Sunukjian delivers this sermon as a first-person narrative. References to props or stage directions will appear in italics.] ...
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Where's the "Gift Return" Receipt?
Let's suppose there's a small town on the edge of Iraq, near the Saudi border. Let's call the town Mosel. It's a small community with no other ...
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A Win-Win Situation
Every so often we find ourselves in a win-win situation. No matter which way it goes, we come out ahead.
For example, at school we decide to ...
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It's All About You, Lord
A poet once complained to a friend, "Life's not fair. A banker can write a bad poem, and nobody says anything about it. But if a poet writes ...
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Worship or Worry?
There's an old Greek proverb that says, "The bow that is always bent will soon break." What that proverb seems to be implying is that the ...
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Pledging Love
We have been learning how to deal with difficult people from the story of Saul and David. Today we come to the central theme of the whole ...
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Showing Grace
We are taking four Sundays to consider the subject of loyalty and what it takes to keep faith in a broken world. Our particular emphasis in ...
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Understanding Providence
A loyal person understands providence. In order to understand this, by way of contrast, consider our culture today. If there's one word that ...
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God's Noninterventions
When I was a boy, my sister left our home in Pitcairn, Pennsylvania, and traveled to Central Bible College. She had a lifelong problem with ...
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Remember Me
Several years after Jimmy Cagney had become famous portraying gangsters in Hollywood films, he and his wife were getting into a car in New ...
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Embarrassed by God
I want to tell you about my Aunt Julie, because everybody has an Aunt Julie in their family or an Uncle Harry or a cousin Jessicasomeone ...
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Who Can Take It?
Ezekiel 2:2 says: "As he spoke, the Spirit came into me and raised me to my feet, and I heard him speaking to me." The voice of this prophet, ...
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Those Who Rise
The story is told of a farmer's donkey who stumbled into an old, dry well. For hours the animal cried piteously as the farmer tried to sort ...
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Don't Waste Your Cancer
Text: Various
Topic: How to respond to life-threatening circumstances
Editor's note: The richness of John Piper's theological reflection as it relates to ...
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Why Is There So Much Suffering and Evil in the World?
Here are two photos, both showing scenes from two earthquakes of similar magnitude that happened within just days of each other just last ...
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Triumphing Over Trials
Connie Wertenberger is facing a major trial. Connie is a 30-year-old mother of two boys, a woman of faith who is excited about the birth of ...
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