Preaching on Trinity? Browse these sermons to find fresh ideas.

Party of Three
Oprah recently interviewed Diane Nyad, the 64yr old who completed a 53 hour solo swim from Cuba to Florida. In the interview Nyad said that ...
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Who Is God When I Sin?
If you follow sports, you are well aware of the news that broke this week. Major League Baseball's highest paid player, Alex Rodriguez, admitted ...
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What Do Christians Think About the Holy Spirit?
In this sermon series we've been trying to look at the basic beliefs of the Christian faith in a way that both irreligious people and Christians ...
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Living on the Edge of Whatever Happens
From the editor
One of the great joys in preaching is when you know you have something special to offer. Perhaps it's a particularly well-crafted thesis ...
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All God Does Is Good
From the editor
Chuck's sermon is an excellent example of a sermon that sharpens the way we read the Bible. Notice how Chuck challenges us to take the ...
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Down the Ladder to the Highest Place
Editorial note: Sunukjian uses a six-foot stepladder as a prop throughout this sermon. References to the prop will be noted in the text in ...
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Getting to Know Your God
Well, here it is, a Sunday morning in the lazy heat of summer, and you could be sleeping in, working on your golf game, biking on the Prairie ...
© 2006 Kevin Miller A resource of Christianity Today International[Read More]
How Does the Trinity Work?
I want to begin our discussion of this difficult question about the Trinity not with intellectual speculation about how God is three and yet ...
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"Trinity": The Christian Name for God
Sermon One
Over the next few Sundays we'll explore a concept of God unique to Christian spirituality called the Trinity. It's ...
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The Art of "Hanging Out"
One of my favorite movie scenes occurs in City Slickers, when Billy Crystal and Rob Reiner have a heart-to-heart conversation. Reiner tells ...
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Is the Father of Jesus the God of Muhammad?
Text: John 1:118
Topic: The commonalities and irreducible differences between Christianity and Islam
In 1995 there was a book published by Professor ...
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