Preaching on Trust in God? Browse these sermons to find fresh ideas.

The Blessing of Presence
Christmas is nearly here. Even though it’s been in the shops a lot longer, we as believers in Jesus celebrate the most important day ...
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Lose It All to Gain It All
What are we willing to do to gain something of value? Well, you may respond that it depends on what it is. In so many realms of our lives, ...
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Relief for the Uncertain
In recent days you’ve probably heard people around you say and found yourself repeating, “I’ve never seen anything like ...
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Miraculous Births: John the Baptist
This sermon is part of the “Miraculous Births” sermon series. See the whole series here.
It's Christmas Eve 1945 in Bedford ...
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Death Is Not the End of the Story
On the morning of October 1, 2015, a young man entered a classroom at Umpqua Community College (UCC) in Roseburg, Oregon, and began shooting people. Nine ...
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Christians Aren't Always Happy
You may have come here this morning seeking happiness. In one sense, how could you not? Seeking happiness is as natural for us as our desire ...
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God's Surprising Use of Governments
We are going to begin a very important study in what is arguably the most important passage in all of the Bible, regarding how we as Christians ...
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A God-Centered Vision of Politics
(Read Matthew 22:15-22)
"Give back to Caesar what is Caesar's, and to God what is God's" (Matt. 22:21). This is certainly one of the most famous ...
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A Picture of Praise
Thanksgiving Day was near. The first grade teacher gave her class a fun assignment—to draw a picture of something for which they ...
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Broken but Bold
We all are going to face giants. We all are going to be on battlefields where we will face things bigger than we are, things we cannot defeat ...
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