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Sermons on Uprightness

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Preaching on Uprightness? Browse these sermons to find fresh ideas.

Solomon's Wish


If you could wish for anything in the world, what would it be? Some people wish they had different abilities. Others wish for a change in ...

The wisdom of God is our greatest gift.

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Putting the Kingdom First
Putting the Kingdom First


In an article entitled "A new kind of urban Christian," Tim Keller argues that "Christians should be a dynamic counterculture. ...

This world is passing; use God's good gifts for his kingdom.

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David's Last Words


A life is a terrible thing to waste. In his life saving book, Don't Waste Your Life, John Piper recounts a story his father often told in ...

We cannot waste our lives if we obey the Word of God.

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Long Live the King!


According to ancient custom, the death of a ruler is greeted with the following words: "The king is dead; long live the king!" This may seem ...

By supporting God's anointed king, we advance his everlasting kingdom.

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A Royal Conspiracy


The right to rule as king has been the occasion of many bitter conflicts. Often brother has fought against brother to wear the crown, forcing ...

If we believe in the kingdom of God, we will act toward its fulfillment.

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Comfort for the Troubled Heart


The Allies had planned Operation Overlord for years, amassing vast armies, an incredible navy, and enough arms to release Europe from the ...

The cure for turmoil of the soul is trust in God's character and obedience to him.

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Joy: A Time to Dance

A PowerPoint presentation for this sermon series is available here.

Series Subject: How to express and manage emotions rightly

Series Purpose: To inform ...

Learning to rejoice in the past, present, and future

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Abandonment: When You Feel Alone

A PowerPoint presentation for this sermon series is available here.

Series Subject: How to express and manage emotions rightly

Series Purpose: To inform ...

Finding strength when we feel forsaken

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Fear: When You're Scared Senseless

A PowerPoint presentation for this sermon series is available here.

Series Subject: How to express and manage emotions rightly

Series Purpose: To inform ...

Finding peace when we are afraid

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Gratitude: More than just an attitude

A PowerPoint presentation for this sermon series is available here.

Series Subject: How to express and manage emotions rightly

Series Purpose: To inform ...

How to be thankful for all things at any place and at any time

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Anger: When Your Back Is against the Wall

A PowerPoint presentation for this sermon series is available here.

Series Subject: How to express and manage emotions rightly

Series Purpose: To inform ...

Our anger is dangerous but doesn't have to be destructive

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Contentment: When Your Soul Is at Rest

A PowerPoint presentation for this sermon series is available here.

Series Subject: How to express and manage emotions rightly

Series Purpose: To inform ...

Finding serenity regardless of the circumstances

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Depression: When Darkness Is Your Closest Friend

A PowerPoint presentation for this sermon series is available here.

Series Subject: How to express and manage emotions rightly

Series Purpose: To inform ...

How to live victoriously when just living is hard

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Disappointment: When Your Dreams Die

A PowerPoint presentation for this sermon series is available here.

Series Subject: How to express and manage emotions rightly

Series Purpose: To inform ...

How to handle the pain of what might have been

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Uncertainty: When You're Not Sure of Your Next Move

A PowerPoint presentation for this sermon series is available here.

Series Subject: How to express and manage emotions rightly

Series Purpose: To inform ...

How to make right and wise decisions when the path ahead is unclear

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Restlessness: When You Still Haven't Found What You're Looking For

A PowerPoint presentation for this sermon series is available here.

Series Subject: How to express and manage emotions rightly

Series Purpose: To inform ...

The cause of and cure for our incessant inner hunger

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Outrage: When Your Heart Is Filled with Revenge

A PowerPoint presentation for this sermon series is available here.

Series Subject: How to express and manage emotions rightly

Series Purpose: To inform ...

Finding room for forgiveness when you want to fight back

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Seasons of the Soul

A PowerPoint presentation for this sermon series is available here.

Series Subject: How to express and manage emotions rightly

Series Purpose: To inform ...

How and why to praise God at any place, at any time, and in all ways

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