Preaching on Veteran's Day? Browse these sermons to find fresh ideas.

The Peace Jesus Brings
In this Advent season, we are looking at the theme of God's promise of better days for our lives. That is the hope of Advent and Christmas, ...
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Is There Any Hope When God's People Fail?
From the editor
As a part of our Getting the Gospel Right theme in the Skills section, we are currently featuring an article by Steven Mathewson, entitled ...
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The Promise of Better Days
As a 5th grader at Cornelia Elementary School in Edina, Minnesota, I always felt sorry for a fellow student named Gary. With his high squeaky ...
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And Let It Begin With Me
Listening to newscasts these days can make your heart grow heavy. There seem to be more problems than there are solutions. Personal relationships, ...
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Spiritual Weapons for Peace
You're sitting quietly at home having breakfast, and suddenly there's a blast, there's a flash, and you are engulfed in a fireball that reduces everyone ...
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Blood in Bethlehem
Two weeks ago NPR carried a story about plans to spruce up Bethlehem, the dusty little Palestinian town of Jesus' Nativity. Tourists take the bus from ...
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