Preaching on Vocation? Browse these sermons to find fresh ideas.

Work: Now and in the World to Come
J.R.R. Tolkien had a vision to write a kind of story that had never been told before.
He began working on what would eventually become the ...
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God Is at Work
Do you have any recurring dreams? When I was a student, and for many years after, I had a recurring dream: I am enrolled in a math or French ...
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The Blessing, the Curse, the Calling
How many hours in a day? 24. Let's break a 24-hour day down. First off, the average human sleeps how many hours a night? Not counting ...
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The Good of Our Work
When you read the word, "job" what comes to mind? You might think, "I'm glad tomorrow's a holiday!" Still others think, "Boy, am I glad I ...
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Empowered to Work
Editor's note: for needed context be sure to see Kim's first sermon on this topic, "Loving Our Work," available here.
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Loving Our Work
I want to fast forward to Revelation, and look at the last two chapters. Then we are going to backtrack to Isaiah 60. When we look at the ...
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"You, Moses!"
A long beginning
Try to look at this thing from Moses' point of view: it was all just so, well, implausible. Oh, yes, there had been the dramatic circumstances ...
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Planting Roses When the World Burns
In the 1930s there was a group of artists in Europe that met regularly as the shadow of war spread across the continent. The Nazis were on ...
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Connecting Our Work to God's Mission
Undoubtedly you have heard the phrase, "TGIF-Thank God It's Friday." It's a broadly-shared sentiment, as we head home from work looking forward ...
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Pursuing Your "Higher Calling"
Imagine a stunningly beautiful church building: a limestone exterior, stained glass, and a slate roof. For 90 years, many people simply drove ...
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Work Is More Than a Curse
Whether it as at home, in a classroom, on a factory floor, or in the office, work can be a big pain!
You can face an urgent deadline and have ...
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Renewing Work: Cupcakes and the Glory of God
We're in a series called (re)new and we're looking at how the gospel makes everything new again. How does the gospel change the way I look ...
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A Christian View of Work
The voice of God comes out of the burning bush, and says, "I've heard the cries of my people in slavery, and I'm going to liberate them. And guess who's ...
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Who's the Boss?
Story behind the sermon (from Lee Eclov)
I wonder if people aren't a little suspicious when we preach about work. When we say that all work is a calling, ...
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Wisdom for Work
From the editor:
One of the more popular shows on TV right now is NBC's The Office. Though its comedy is often over-the-top, the audience still feels ...
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The House of Love
This message concludes our series on the four best places to live. We've looked at the House of Worship, the House of Prayer, and the House ...
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To Live Is Christ
From the editor
In this sermon Ed Rowell looks to tackle the tricky issue of joy and happiness. Most would agree that the two words have become synonymous, ...
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Stop Witnessing, Start Working
A few months ago, I came across an article in The Boston Globe about religion in the workplace. The columnist, who is one of the few Jewish ...
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Good to Great
Suppose someone were to show up at your workplace tomorrow, shove a microphone in your face, and ask, "How do you think your work affects ...
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Your Whole Life Matters to God
I once read an article in the New York Times entitled "How the Worm Turns." The article focused on a group of scientists who spend ...
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A Strange Résumé
It's the most dreaded question of the job interview, and when the time comes, you can't seem to push the words out of your mouth. "Tell me," ...
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Beyond Comfort
Where do you turn for comfort when you encounter loss, pain, or disappointment? Some people turn to food. For some reason, certain foods—like ...
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M. Night Shyamalan's film Unbreakable begins with a train wreck. Everyone on board is killed—over a hundred people—except for ...
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Don't You Believe It! It's Wrong, Even If...
Once a man was wanting to rob a downtown Bank of America. He walked into the branch and, on a deposit slip, wrote "this iz a stikkup. put ...
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Jesus' Vacation
Many of us have recently returned from our summer holidays and are trying to adjust to normal life once again. There was a little blurb ...
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A Woman's Worth Is Never Done
A woman of keen mind and understanding heart gazed at Whistler's portrait of his mother. "It is a remarkable painting of a very lovely ...
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