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Sermons on Waiting on God

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Preaching on Waiting on God? Browse these sermons to find fresh ideas.

Miraculous Births: John the Baptist
Miraculous Births: John the Baptist

This sermon is part of the “Miraculous Births” sermon series. See the whole series here.


It's Christmas Eve 1945 in Bedford ...

Even when God seems silent or unresponsive, he is working out his plan and will be faithful.

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God Uses Suffering for Our Good
God Uses Suffering for Our Good


I remember standing next to the late Joan Rivers. It was May 2006, and I had been in Sydney, Australia, preaching in some Anglican churches ...

Suffering under the supervision of our good God should have good results in our lives.

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Simeon's Song


I've been reading a gift somebody got for me. It's a fascinating book called Medieval Views of the Cosmos. When I say it's fascinating, ...

We're all in the waiting business. How we wait on God makes all the difference.

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Praying While Running
Praying While Running

Editor's Note: Throughout this document Dr. Jeffrey Arthurs has provided a running commentary on his sermon. It's an invaluable guide for how ...

When you experience painful times of waiting follow David's example—run and pray.

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Blessed Are Those Who Do Not Stumble over Jesus


If you pay close attention to the Advent wreath, you'll notice that it contains three purple candles. We talked last week about how the purple ...

It's okay to have questions and doubts about God, but we must not allow ourselves to become trapped by them.

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Prayer: A Journey of Desire

One of the toughest things in life is living with unfulfilled desire. To experience desire is a normal part of life. It's as natural as an infant ...

In God's sovereign plan, our unfulfilled desires drive us to pray and to grow in our faith.

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Waiting for the Fullness of Time


Last Saturday I wrote these words:

I'm at the airport—waiting. I arrived at 7:15 A.M. It's now 9:40. My 8:38 flight was canceled ...

Advent reminds us that God's plan always includes seasons of waiting.

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Speed Dial


Jesus had some very specific things to say about prayer, and often they're different than some of the things we've been raised thinking about ...

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Doubters Anyonymous


"He is risen": it's the heartbeat of the message of the Christian church. These three English words are translated from one Greek word, egeirō, ...

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A Christian's Happiness
A Christian's Happiness


If you're a Christian, you know that Christianity is supposed to be about joy. You probably also know that you're supposed to experience ...

Paul offers three principles for finding joy in suffering.

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What to Do with Trouble

The continuing dilemma of the Christian life is how to cope with recurring instances of trouble and travail in our lives. There is a prevailing notion ...

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Yet Will I Praise Thee


Have you ever asked God questions and felt you haven't received a good answer? I heard about a little boy once who said to his father, "How ...

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Regaining Lost Joy


I remember talking to a girl here in this church two or three years ago. She said, "Jill, I've lost my joy, I've lost my peace, ...

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The Wise Men Cry Glory
The Wise Men Cry Glory

From the editor:

Here's a great sermon from one of our featured preachers—Mark Buchanan—that explores the story of the Magi and Herod through ...

Christ is worthy of the long journey to find him and worship him.

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More Better


On my way to work this week, I had this peaceful time to think as I drove. Actually, I had even more time than usual, because I was kindly ...

When enough is not

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I've jumped into this series on inSanity not because I'm throwing stones, but because crazy has become the new normal for me. I feel like ...

When we are hooked on speed

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I'll Stand by You


So far in our series we've talked about three big ideas—love, joy, and peace. These Christ-like qualities offer a grand vision for our ...

The patience of the Holy Spirit

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I spent many early years in a northern mill town—a town with a heavy reputation. It's a place that made ice in winter and mud in summer, ...

God breaks through the desolate places.

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Confession: I've lived nearly 50 years and, for most of them, have never heeded the truth of Ecclesiastes 3:1-8. For everything there is a ...

The wasteland of spiritual barrenness

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When You Really Want to Quit

From the editor

We all struggle with the reality that sometimes bad things happen to good people. Adding to our inner turmoil is the reality that sometimes ...

Trust in God during life's disappointments, and never, never give up.

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Simeon: A Song of Hope


In the 1960s, psychologist Walter Mischel conducted a famous experiment that has come to be known as "The Marshmallow Test." Groups of 4-years ...

The reward is worth the wait.

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Mary: A Song of Trust


A lot of people travel at Christmas. During this time of the year, many of us would like to be with family to celebrate, so we load up the ...

Moving from anxiety to adoration

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Zechariah: A Song of Faith


As familiar as we are with the songs of Christmas, there are four songs recorded in the Bible sung by people surrounding the birth of Jesus ...

Even in silence, God is at work.

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In God We Trust (Though We'd Rather Pay Cash)


Have you ever felt really anxious and stressed? If I don't accept this offer, then …. If my child doesn't get into the right ...

Surrendering control to receive God's blessing

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In the Father's Arms

Text: Job 36, 38
Topic: How a Christian should respond to suffering

From the editor

As you read Jill Briscoe's sermon, notice how she takes a classic story-story-story ...

God watches over, comforts, and delivers us in and through suffering.

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Asleep at the Wheel

From the editor

Chances are, you've probably preached the story of Jesus calming the storm. The account is recorded in three of the four Gospels (Matthew, ...

When the storms of life come and God seems silent, our doubts come to light and we must decide who we believe Jesus is.

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King Me!

If you need an overall title, you could try something like this: "The King Takes His Throne: Solomon's Rise to Power."
By submitting to the kingdom of Christ, we put Jesus on his rightful throne.

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The Christian's Happiness

Text: Romans 8:28–30
Topic: Our joy can be constant no matter our life circumstances.

From the editor

Romans 8 is such a beloved, oft-quoted section ...

Your bad things turn out for good, your good things can never be lost, and the best things are yet to come.

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Finding God in Desperate Places


I'd like to write a book someday called Desperate Places: How God Shines Through Our Weakness. These desperate places are places of weakness, ...

Experiencing God's strength in our weakness

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Doubters Anonymous

Text: John 20:19–29
Topic: Dealing with doubt


"He is risen": it's the heartbeat of the message of the Christian church. These three English ...

If the resurrection is true, it demands our whole life.

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What Have We Done?


After the Chicago Cubs lost their 96th baseball game in 2006, manager Dusty Baker, was called in to meet with the general manager. We all ...

When something has to change in your life, turn to your unchanging God and serve the Lord with all your heart.

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Prepare for God's Visitation
Prepare for God's Visitation


I have a friend named John who is a medical doctor. He was once making a commercial flight across the Atlantic Ocean, when a teenage boy who ...

God's visitation demands a response.

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Secrets of Financial Contentment


When I was a kid, my dad told me two stories all the time.

In the first one, a couple goes to Harvard University and asks to see the president, ...

Contentment is a daily decision about how you address your financial anxieties.

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Beyond Comfort


Where do you turn for comfort when you encounter loss, pain, or disappointment? Some people turn to food. For some reason, certain foods—like ...

God gives comfort enough to share.

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M. Night Shyamalan's film Unbreakable begins with a train wreck. Everyone on board is killed—over a hundred people—except for ...

We demonstrate the power of Christ by enduring hardship.

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Sense Out of Nonsense

Text: Luke 24:1–11
Topic: How to make sense of chaos and suffering


Ancient sailors puzzled over why some of their colleagues who sailed ...

We find peace by trusting that God creates order in the midst of chaos.

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It's All About You, Lord


A poet once complained to a friend, "Life's not fair. A banker can write a bad poem, and nobody says anything about it. But if a poet writes ...

Judging our circumstances from God's perspective

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Between Despair and Hope


This is our final sermon in our series on Deuteronomy. We have been in between the wilderness and the Promised Land, waiting and listening. ...

Our pain is real, but so is the presence of God.

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Between Memory and Imagination


Last week we learned that Deuteronomy is a book about transition. The people of Israel are standing on the banks of the Jordan River with ...

How the past can give you an identity and a hope

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The Hardest Part of the Journey


Today marks the beginning of a four-week series on the one book of the Bible that perhaps is read less often than any other. If we took a ...

It's okay to ask, "Are we there yet?"

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Understanding Providence


A loyal person understands providence. In order to understand this, by way of contrast, consider our culture today. If there's one word that ...

The providence of God can stir loyalty

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The Process of Transformation

Text: 1 John 3:1–10
Topic: How to attain holiness


Imagine that you've been asked to write a book on marriage. Your publisher says, "We ...

Christians defeat sin by abiding in Christ.

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The Bad News About Jesus ...


Charles Swindoll has written a rather telling poem about what many feel on the day after Christmas:

'Twas the day after Christmas, When all ...

Jesus' birth was the best thing that could happen to you—or the worst. How can you tell?

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Long Past Prime


One of the happiest memories I have from this past Easter was the chance to see Judy and Ralph's daughter, Katie, coming into her prime. I ...

When you think you have nothing left to give

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Praying Through God's Silence


Hear these words from the Word in Matthew 15:21–28:

Leaving that place, Jesus withdrew to the region of Tyre and Sidon. A Canaanite woman ...

When we worship and humbly persist, God will speak.

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Preparing for Adversity

In Matthew 17 there's a story about Jesus that also appears in the Gospels of Mark and Luke, so clearly it is an important story in the life of Jesus. ...

We all need to know how to prepare for adversity.

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Yet I Will Praise Thee

Have you ever asked God questions and felt you haven't received a good answer? I heard about a little boy once who said to his father, "How many people ...

When we can't escape our circumstances we must trust God's ultimate plan

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God's Marshmallow Test

Back in the 1970s a research team of psychologists from Stanford University performed on a group of 4 an experiment they called the "marshmallow test." ...

To wait well, our hearts must be filled with hope that is focused on Jesus.

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