Preaching on Wholehearted devotion? Browse these sermons to find fresh ideas.
The God Who Answers By Fire
Read 1 Kings 18:16-46
I want to praise God very much for Jesus who came into my heart when I was eighteen. I was [raised in the church]. My ...
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The Great Adventure
In his wonderful book, The Island of Lost Maps, author Miles Harvey shares a sentiment with which I think many of us can probably resonate. ...
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Affections Matter
This December will mark my ten years as pastor of the Village Church. In my first few weeks, I just felt it out. I just keep thinking, Okay, ...
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The Foundation of a Nation
This weekend we want to celebrate our nation's independence. We have very much to be grateful for. We pause to say "thank you" ...
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Hungry World
Story behind the sermon (from Mark Buchanan)
"Hungry World" is part of series our church's preaching team did in the fall of 2010. The series was called ...
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Think Hard, Stay Humble
Today I'm going to preach on humility. This is the topic assigned to me for this conference. Let's start by looking at 1 Corinthians 8:1-3:
Now concerning ...
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Heart Throb
If you've picked up nothing else from our study over these past weeks, I hope you've absorbed this simple truth: the heart of God throbs for human hearts. ...
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A New Philadelphia
There is something in a name. My name is Mike. Actually, Michael's not my first name; my first name is Jerry. I'm Jerry Michael Breaux. On ...
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Jesus and John - Together to Trust
The year was 155 AD and the place was Smyrna, in the Roman province of Asia. There was a new wave of persecution that was sweeping against ...
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Life After Victory
Early in his career, the great American playwright Eugene O'Neill wrote an imaginative play called "Lazarus Laughed" about Lazarus's life ...
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What Do You Need to Be Happy?
Click here to listen to the audio.
The story behind the sermon (from Francis Chan)
This message is about being content. It comes out of Philippians ...
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Let's Get This Straight
The first thing I noticed about our story today was the stories on either side of it. When we last saw Jacob, he finally had been reconciled ...
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The Blessed Limp
A blessing is a mysterious thing. In her Pulitzer Prize-winning novel, Gilead, Marilynne Robinson's narrator is an elderly pastor named John ...
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Your Arm's Too Short to Box with God
Jacob was facing the biggest crisis of his life. Esau, the twin brother he had conned out of both birthright and blessing, was coming his ...
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Journey Mercies
Unless you go to the theater regularly, you may not be used to thinking of stories in terms of acts. But most of the stories you read, or ...
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Good Riddance
"Isn't there somewhere else you're supposed to be?" Has God ever said that to you? God seems to be saying that a lot around here lately. He ...
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The Really Good Shepherd
According to the United States Social Security Administration, Jacob was the number one male baby name for the year 2007. In the Bible the ...
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The Messy Family of God
"Happy families are all alike; every unhappy family is unhappy in its own way." So reads the first line of Leo Tolstoy's famous novel, Anna ...
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A Fine Mess
What a great promise from God: "I am with you and will watch over you wherever you go." We talked about this great promise in the last sermon—a ...
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The Voice from the Top of the Stairs
There's a story oft-told on the Internet—true or not, I don't know—about Susan, a 34-year-old woman who lost her sight due to ...
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Odd Man Out
Some wedding requests pose a dilemma for pastors. Most of us will not officiate at a wedding between a believer and an unbeliever, believing ...
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The Strange Blessing of God
Do you live a blessed life? I did a Google search on the phrase, "I live a blessed life." I stumbled upon one guy who wrote, "I live a blessed ...
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The Stew Is Divine
Jacob, at 130 years of age, stood before Pharaoh, the great ruler of Egypt. Jacob was the grandson of Abraham and the son of Isaac. He was ...
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God's Unstoppable Purpose
Text: 2 Chronicles 17:1-18:34
Topic: The unstoppable will of God
From the editor:
Here's a sermon from Old Testament professor Dennis Magary (Trinity Evangelical ...
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God Is Strong—Am I?
From the editor:
Here's another great sermon from one of our featured preachers, Francis Chan. A few noteworthy items: Just below this editor's ...
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Total Freedom
From the editor:
Here's another great sermon from one of our featured preachers, John Ortberg. This is actually John's message from Palm Sunday (2009). ...
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Blessed Are the Persecuted
Imagine you are in the market for a new car. You visit the dealer and the salesman who is showing you the latest model takes you for a test ...
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Blessed Are the Peacemakers
The troops the United Nations deployed to the war-torn Darfur region of Sudan look like they could be soldiers from just about any nation. ...
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Blessed Are the Pure in Heart
Through the centuries there have been some people who have wanted to view Jesus' teaching in the Beatitudes as a kind of ladder that can carry ...
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Blessed Are the Merciful
Prince Felix of Schwarzenberg entered the diplomatic service and was appointed foreign minister of Austria in November 1848. After the Hungarian ...
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Blessed Are Those Who Hunger and Thirst for Righteousness
A businessman decided to throw a party for some of his clients, and because he was doing so well, he spared no expense. He hired the most ...
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Blessed Are the Meek
Suppose the company you work for were to write a description of the ideal person to be its new CEO. Do you think meekness would be on the ...
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Blessed Are Those Who Mourn
"No one ever told me that grief felt so much like fear." That is how C. S. Lewis begins his book A Grief Observed, a compelling account of ...
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Less is More, More or Less
A few months ago my two teenage sons came to me and asked if they could go camping for a week … on Lower Wacker Drive in the city of ...
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The World's Greatest Talk: Choices
From the Editor:
Just below, you'll find a few introductory remarks from Ortberg about his sermon. With that in mind, there really doesn't need to be much ...
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What the Heart Wants
What the heart wants
Back in the 1990's, the comedian and filmmaker Woody Allen was an icon of the movie industry—until his personal life began ...
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A New Name for Philadelphia
Text: Revelation 3:713
Topic: We have a new name, and we're going to live in a new city that cannot be shaken.
From the editor
Like Dave Stone of Southeast ...
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Jesus and John—Together to Trust
Text: Assorted texts from the Gospel of John
Topic: A probing question for Christ-followers
From the editor:
John is one of the more intriguing people ...
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Gone Fishin'
From the editor
John 21 is a powerful story of a fallen disciple, Peter, being restored by Christ. Many a sermon has been preached on the varying uses ...
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Free and Focused
From the editor
Bev Savage's sermon on Philippians 3 has a few "twists" here and there. We're used to focusing on the biblical mandate to remember; Savage ...
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Ready or Not, Here I Come!
From the editor
Simply put: it's easy to mess up a difficult passage like Luke 21. You may find yourself applying something regarding Jerusalem's ...
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Cross Here
One of the great ironies of history is that those who took Jesus to Calvary believed they were forcing him to his dead-end; in reality, Jesus ...
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The Shadow of Jesus
Well over a hundred years ago, Robert Robinson wrote a hymn that resonates with many of us. One line reads like this: "Prone to wander, ...
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The Prime Principle
Abiding in Christ is simply staying near a friend who loves you. But what happens to a person who abides in Christ? If I really walk with ...
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