Preaching on Wisdom? Browse these sermons to find fresh ideas.

Learning from Ecclesiastes
You are going to die. And no one is going to remember you. The stuff you’re working hard on is going to be completely undone. As if ...
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Growing in Wisdom
This sermon is part of the “More Than a Holiday” sermon series. See the whole series here.
I’m excited to kick off our Advent ...
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The Gift of the Son: Wonderful Counselor
This sermon is part of “The Gift of the Son” sermon series. See the whole series here.
The first Sunday of Advent marks the beginning ...
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Learn God's Law
We naturally like to hear of philanthropy, of charity, of giving. Our hearts may be warmed as we hear of Bill Gates or Warren Buffett choosing ...
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Formulas and Fantasies Will Always Fail
A few years back when I was pastoring Aspen Grove Community Church, we had a terrific team of volunteers for VBS and a great plan for that ...
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Pursuing Fulfillment
On the 4th of July we celebrate the day of American independence. As we all know, the writers and signers of the Declaration of Independence ...
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Wisdom in the Cross
In his book Once upon a Tree, Calvin Miller writes about an experience years ago when he went to a movie. This was in a day (that some of ...
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Boasting in the Cross
Brothers and sisters, think of what you were when you were called. Not many of you were wise by human standards; not many were influential; ...
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God Is Holy
The story behind the sermon (from Dan Meyer)
The idea for this series grew out of a frank appraisal I did of my preaching curriculum over the past couple ...
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The Only Wise God
The most revolutionary book ever written wasn't Karl Marx's Das Kapital or Mao's Little Red Book or any of that nonsense. The most revolutionary ...
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Church: The Wisdom of God on Display
The last couple of weeks, we've been going through a series in the Books of Acts and looking at this very important question: What is the church? ...
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The Muchness of God
In this very moment, God is ready to pour out upon you—from the lavish abundance and overflow of his reserves—blessings that will ...
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Don't Think for Yourself
Undoubtedly you have seen the movie The Dead Poet's Society. In that movie, an energetic teacher at an exclusive prep school is depicted as ...
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Wisdom for Work
From the editor:
One of the more popular shows on TV right now is NBC's The Office. Though its comedy is often over-the-top, the audience still feels ...
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Avoiding Foolishness
In the early 1980s a very wealthy Swiss couple started acting like mutual fools. It all began when the husband cancelled a vacation. The wife ...
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We have built in us the desire to see things work, and we are an inventive people. That's in part a by-product of living in our American culture. ...
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Paul Anka penned a song back in 1968 that was made famous by Frank Sinatra: "I'll Do It My Way." It became his signature song and rose as ...
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Lately, I've been monitoring the gas pump—carefully. I know how many gallons will fit in my tank, so when I go to fill it up at $3 and ...
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At Ease in Athens
I was reading an article from Newsweek recently: "In Search of the Spiritual." Apparently, the religious website Beliefnet sends out more ...
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The story behind the sermon (from John Ortberg)
I have grown to love the theme of God's guidance. This is a chance to ...
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The Abundant Life Commitment
From the editor:
The debate over embryonic stem cell research rages on and on. It was a center-stage issue in the last presidential election, and probably ...
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Image Management
In her wonderful book Breathe, author Keri Wyatt Kent names four crucial commitments necessary to finding our way into a saner kind of life ...
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You're Fantastic
Of all the comic books turned into motion pictures of late, my favorite one is the Fantastic Four. For those not in the know, it is a tale ...
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Trophy Kids
When our eldest son was making preparations to start his freshman year of high school, I overheard him telling a classmate that he was planning ...
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More Better
On my way to work this week, I had this peaceful time to think as I drove. Actually, I had even more time than usual, because I was kindly ...
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The Neighbors Are Nuts
When I was a kid, my parents used to drag me out to church on Sundays. I'd walk into this big building in a shirt and shoes that seemed too ...
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A Lesson Wise Moms and Other Influential People Can Teach the Next Generation
From the editor:
Mother's Day is just around the corner (May 9), and should you decide to offer a message for the occasion, Steve Mathewson's look ...
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The Peace Keeper
A man is shipwrecked. He spends months alone on a desert island. Finally, a passing ship sees him and sends a boat in to rescue him. When ...
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The Way of Wisdom
As Christians, we say we want to love God, and we want to love people. We want to serve the world. This idea comes from the core of Jesus' ...
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Solomon's Wish
If you could wish for anything in the world, what would it be? Some people wish they had different abilities. Others wish for a change in ...
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Putting the Kingdom First
In an article entitled "A new kind of urban Christian," Tim Keller argues that "Christians should be a dynamic counterculture. ...
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David's Last Words
A life is a terrible thing to waste. In his life saving book, Don't Waste Your Life, John Piper recounts a story his father often told in ...
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Long Live the King!
According to ancient custom, the death of a ruler is greeted with the following words: "The king is dead; long live the king!" This may seem ...
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A Royal Conspiracy
The right to rule as king has been the occasion of many bitter conflicts. Often brother has fought against brother to wear the crown, forcing ...
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Finding God in Desperate Places
I'd like to write a book someday called Desperate Places: How God Shines Through Our Weakness. These desperate places are places of weakness, ...
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The Danger of a Strong Faith and a Weak Theology
Jessica Ann Liberger was a 5-week-old baby girl who made it into the nation's press. Jessica came down with pneumonia, and her father, John ...
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Older People: The Future of Our Church
On October 29, 1998, the space shuttle Discovery launched with a seven-member crew. One of them, John Glenn, was 77 years old. John Glenn ...
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The "Muchness" of God
Text: James 5:1316
Topic: How to experience God's provision and power
In this very moment, God is ready to pour out upon youfrom ...
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The Miracle of Christmas
In Luke 11:3335, Jesus says, "Your eye is a lamp, lighting up your whole body. If you live in wide-eyed wonder and belief, your body ...
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Facing Off Without Falling Apart
In Acts 4 we witness an epic battle between a David-like underdog and a behemoth giant. In one corner you have two unschooled, unimpressive ...
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Choosing What Is Best
There were about 20 of us: the engaged couple, their parents, the bridesmaids and groomsmen who were going to be in the wedding the next day, ...
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Things I'm Glad I Don't Know
I once heard R. C. Sproul conduct a question-and-answer session during which he gave a delightful answer to a very complicated question: "The ...
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The Wisdom of Small Creatures
My task this evening is to tell you how to live wisely now and for the rest of your life. Quite frankly, I've run out of ideas of my own, ...
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The Right Way to Handle Church Conflict
I am by nature an idealist. I start almost everything in life by thinking about the best-case scenario. As a young man, I had a best-case ...
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A Life without Regrets
This morning, let’s begin by taking a trip together. We’re going to a funeral. Yours. Doesn’t that sound like fun? What’s more, you get to witness the ...
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Speak carefully
A friend of mine named Joi told me when she was growing up her parents invented a ploy to keep her from talking all time. They told her that ...
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