Preaching on Workplace? Browse these sermons to find fresh ideas.
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Work: Now and in the World to Come
J.R.R. Tolkien had a vision to write a kind of story that had never been told before.
He began working on what would eventually become the ...
Because our work will continue and be redeemed in the world to come, we are inspired to do excellent work here knowing that our work for the Lord is not in vain.
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A Christian View of Work
The voice of God comes out of the burning bush, and says, "I've heard the cries of my people in slavery, and I'm going to liberate them. And guess who's ...
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Who's the Boss?
Story behind the sermon (from Lee Eclov)
I wonder if people aren't a little suspicious when we preach about work. When we say that all work is a calling, ...
At the core of the Christian work ethic is not what we do, but whom we serve.
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1–3 of 3 Matches