Preaching on Works Righteousness? Browse these sermons to find fresh ideas.

The Great Exchange
The New York Times magazine ran an article that was simply called "Happiness 101." They want to get to the root of what really makes people ...
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Grace Alone
True North Backstory
One reason I enjoyed preaching the sermons in this series was the contrast between a "head" message and a "heart" message.
The message ...
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Faith Alone
True North Backstory
One reason I enjoyed preaching the sermons in this series was the contrast between a "head" message and a "heart" ...
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Brother, Interrupted
Introduction: A tale of two brothers
In 1989, two brothers from Boston started a T-shirt business. For five years Bert and John traveled the East Coast, ...
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Consequential Strangers
Introduction: Everyday people
So who have you bumped into lately? Think for a minute about the multitude of people—strangers or acquaintances—whose ...
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A Hard Saying
Introduction: A hard saying
This morning we come to one of the hard sayings of Jesus. There are quite a few of them, actually. I have a book on my shelf ...
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No Strings Attached
For the last several weeks, we've been sowing the seeds of a revolution around here. Being in Massachusetts, this area is familiar with ...
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What Can One Person Do?
Introduction: What now?
For five weeks we have been teaching ourselves to see what Jesus sees and feel what Jesus feels, as we make our way through our ...
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How Christians Abandon God
In the year 47 B.C.—14 years after the Romans had executed Jesus, thinking they were done with him, but God raised him from the dead ...
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If Jesus Lived in My Neighborhood
Mark 10:3545 offers several reasons why we should be servants in our community, in our work environment, and in the neighborhood in ...
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The Kingdom of God Is Like
Introductory remarks from Mark Buchanan:
This sermon was the second-to-last sermon of an eight-week series on the kingdom of God. I wanted, with this sermon, ...
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Brothers, Interrupted
The story behind the sermon (from Bryan Wilkerson):
This sermon was preached early in September to launch our ministry focus for the year, which we're ...
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A Better Peace Prize
At the turn of the 20th century, a man named Alfred was one of the preeminent scientists and entrepreneurs of his day. He made his fortune ...
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The Flames of Heaven
Text: Revelation 21:13
Topic: What would happen if heaven crashed into earth
In Revelation 21:13, John gives us a glimpsea ...
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Don't Just Do Something, Sit There
Have you ever wondered how Jesus spent his evenings and his nights? Some of his disciples came to him early on to ask about the fringe benefits ...
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The Christian Subculture: Righteous or Rubbish?
As believers, we sometimes feel pressured to act in certain ways, fit in with certain norms, or participate in certain activities. The pressure ...
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A Personal Relationship
I want to share with you something that had a decisive impact on my life; it was a turning point for me. And ever since, it's been an anchor ...
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Walking in the Light
Most of us are familiar with Jesus’ dramatic self-revelation in John 8:12: “I am the light of the world. He who follows me shall not walk ...
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Fasting as Fuel for the Soul
We're in the third week of a series called Fuel For the Soul. We're looking at some ancient Christian disciplines that serve to strengthen us spiritually. ...
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The Heart of a Servant
We're in the final week of a series called Fuel for the Soul. We've been talking about things you can do to turbo-charge your spiritual lifeto ...
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A New Agenda
In Luke's gospel, the theme of food is significant in its meaning and widespread in its scope. It appears as if every time a chapter in the Gospel ...
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