Skill Builders
Article's Top Ten Lists
Top Ten Sermons from 2013
Here's's list of the Top Ten sermons from 2013. Rick McKinley's sermon on homosexuality was the most-viewed sermon of the year. Apparently, in the wake of broad and rapid cultural changes, preachers are seeking resources for addressing controversial social issues from a biblical, pastoral stance. But many of the sermons on this list reflect classic, unchanging concerns of Christian living—renewing the church (#2 on the list); dealing with grief, suffering, and doubt (#3, #5, and #6) ; understanding God's character (#7, #9, and #10); and growing in generosity and gratitude (#4, and #8). In the coming year, we'll continue to offer sermons that are grounded in Scripture, well-organized and illustrated, and relevant for people in your ministry context.

Rick McKinley
1. Homosexuality: Rick McKinley
Your primary identity is not your sexuality; it's who you are as a man or woman in Christ.

John Stott
2. The Marks of a Renewed Church: John Stott
Four things about the church that should never change.

Stuart Briscoe
3. Mediation for a Fallen Police Officer: Stuart Briscoe
In times of deep crisis the Bible offers even deeper words of encouragement.

H.B. Charles
4. A Psalm for Thanksgiving: H.B. Charles
You have a duty to give thanks to God for who he is and what he has done for you.

Jeffrey Arthurs
5. What to Do When Your Fig Tree Doesn't Blossom: Jeffrey Arthurs
We can trust the person of God even when we can't grasp the plan of God.

Chuck DeGroat
6. Finding God in the Dark: Chuck DeGroat
By bringing our laments to God, we engage God and declare our trust in him.

Dan Meyer
7. God Is Holy: Dan Meyer
Gaining a glimpse of God's holy fire

John Ortberg
8. The 10 Financial Commandments: John Ortberg
How are we doing when it comes to living with financial wisdom? Let these 10 biblical principles serve as a guide.

Haddon Robinson
9. The World's Best Love Story: Haddon Robinson
God keeps pursuing us and waiting for us to cast ourselves on his faithful love.

Juan Sanchez
10. What Child Is This?: Juan Sanchez
What's the big deal with Christmas? Jesus is God 'with' us and God 'for' us
Top Ten Skills Articles from 2013
Preaching is never easy. Exegeting the text, organizing all the great possibilities, writing a simple big idea, finding good illustrations, applying the text for your people, preparing your own soul—whew, it's a monumental task. Fortunately, you're not doing this alone. The Triune God is on your side. You also have a host of mentors, coaches, and colleagues who are also sharing God's Word week after week. At we try to provide a community of fellow-preachers. This Top Ten list represents your favorite (in terms of page views) skills articles from 2013. Enjoy the list and may it inspire and encourage you.

Aaron Damiani
1. The 15 Preaching Best Practices: Aaron Damiani
Tips from great preachers that make a difference in the pulpit

Peter Scazzero
2. Ten Questions to Guide Every Preacher: Peter Scazzero
When it comes to preaching there's something even more important than what we say or how we say—it's our walk with God.

Wesley Hill
3. Preaching to the Washed and Waiting: Wesley Hill
How can pastors speak to the complex issue of homosexuality? An Interview with Dr. Wesley Hill

Kevin Emmert
4. Five Tips for Illustrating the Atonement: Kevin Emmert
How to make sure your illustrations are grounded in Scripture and connect with your people.

Gardner Taylor
5. The Preacher's Dialogue: Gardner Taylor
Son of man, can these bones live again? How does one answer that kind of question?

Bill White
6. Sinning in the Pulpit: Bill White
How to repent and preach at the same time

Peter Scazzero
7. The Life Cycle of the Sermon: Peter Scazzero
Most sermons follow a similar pattern: birth, death, burial, resurrection, and ascension.

Jeffrey Arthurs
8. The Big Idea: Let's Get Back to the Text: Jeffery Arthurs
Before you rush to application, get the A(a)uthor's meaning of the text right.

Stewart Ruch III
9. Preaching on Celibacy: An Interview with Stewart Ruch III
By preaching on celibacy you can challenge your single adults to live into their full calling in Christ.

Matthew Kim
10. The Big Idea: Exegete Your Culture and the Text: Matthew Kim
How preachers can exegete their culture: An interview with Dr. Matthew Kim
Top Ten Illustrations from 2013
In case you didn't notice, we love sermon illustrations. Stories, statistics, quotes, films; culture, sports, current events, literature, history—we search high and low to find the best and freshest ways to help people see and hear God's Word afresh. According to preaching Professor Bryan Chapell, illustrations don't just "stimulate interest." They also "unite biblical truth with experience," making God's Word more accessible and understandable. Here's the list of your Top Ten illustrations from 2013. (And don't forget to check out our weekly News That Illustrates column as well.)
The Man Who Snuck into Auschwitz -
Vision Statements from Fortune 500 Companies -
Tithing Illustration Using Apples -
Research Study Uncovered the "Ikea Effect" -
Foster Mom Called the Baby "Whisperer" -
Husband Cares for Wife with Alzheimer's -
Coach Chases Down School Shooter -
Orchestra Formed at Garbage Dump -
Man Reflects on His Struggle with Same-Sex Attraction -
Survey Finds Worth of Mom's "Salary"
Matt Woodley is the pastor of compassion ministries at Church of the Resurrection in Wheaton, Illinois.