Skill Builders
Baseball Bungles

In this COVID-19 era, baseball season may be shorter than usual this year, but the "penalties" called by the officials know no limit. Infractions are called-out no matter if the season is sixty or one hundred and sixty-two games. The wise preacher will take into consideration the penalty call and improve upon the fundamentals and performance of his or her preaching.
The umpiring team of Jared Alcántara, Scott M. Gibson and Joel Gregory suggest the following as penalties that preachers might avoid as they preach from week-to-week.
When the sermon went a lot better yesterday when you practiced it.
Strike Out
A three-part series on the three frogs from Revelation.
Foul Ball
When you reveal the counseling session from the day before in your sermon.
Foul Out
The 45-minute wedding sermon, which is a bird-brain idea!
Charging the Mound
When the preacher leaps to the pulpit when the congregation is singing verse one instead of verse four.
When the sound guy kills your mic during your best illustration.
Arguing Balls and Strikes
When you print out someone else’s sermon on Saturday night from a sermon website and preach it the next day.
When you get in the way of the meaning of the text.
When you pause too long—and everyone is leaning forward—between points.
Sign Stealing
Your series looks like the series preached by the pastor down the street—but one week later.
Illegal Substance
Using someone else’s personal story and telling it as if it were your own.
Preaching infractions take place periodically. The thoughtful preachers takes a look at their form and performance to determine how they might improve their game. Good preaching deserves good effort toward improvement. The next time you stand up to preach, reflect on your past violations and determine, by the power of the Spirit, to do better. You’ll be glad you did—and your listeners will, too.