Editor's Update
Inside the Preaching Brain of Jeffrey Arthurs

This week we feature an amazing exclusive: an in-depth brain-o-scan on the mind of Dr. Jeffrey Arthurs as he prepared this week's sermon. Why and how did he preach on an obscure story that covers ten years of David's life and two whole chapters from 1 Samuel? Well, he didn't know either—until he turned the brain-o-scan on himself.
Seriously, though, in this week's sermon—"Praying While Running"—Jeffrey provides step-by-step instructions on how he wrote his sermon. And his preaching skills article provides an even deeper brain-o-scan with seven principles for preaching on Old Testament narrative texts. We all need preaching mentors and coaches, so let Dr. Arthurs' insights serve as practical training in the craft of preaching.
This week to help you in your preaching efforts we offer the following:
- Featured Illustration: Museum Dedicated to Failed Relationships
- Preaching Skills Article: Inside the Preaching Brain of Jeffrey Arthurs by Dr. Jeffrey Arthurs
- Video: Thanksgiving Chair
In Christ,
Matt Woodley
Managing Editor, PreachingToday.com
P.S. Thanksgiving and Christmas—they're coming to a church near you and we want to help you get ready. Next week we feature a Thanksgiving sermon from H.B. Charles. In two weeks we'll start running a series of seven Christmas/Advent-related sermons.
Matt Woodley is the pastor of compassion ministries at Church of the Resurrection in Wheaton, Illinois.