Editor's Update
The Easiest Place for Heresy in Your Sermon

John Koessler
Sermon applications … they're so important and so tricky. Haddon Robinson once observed, "More heresy is preached in application than in Bible exegesis." Preaching Professor Dr. John Koessler agrees. And in this week's masterful preaching skills article—"Step 7: Apply Your Message"—he walks us through all the opportunities, challenges, and potential pitfalls of sermon application. This is a rich article written by a wise preaching guide.

Brad Wong
During the Christmas season materialism practically hits us in the face. Pastor Brad Wong calls it "materialism on steroids." But Brad suggests that this rampant consumerism can also help us by raising a key question: "In a season of gift buying and gift giving, what is the gift that you most seek?" Check out his fresh take on a familiar Advent/Christmas story in this week's featured sermon—"Preparing for the Gift."
Also, check out these new resources:
- Advent-Christmas Illustration: St. Nicholas—Patron Saint of Pawn Shops
- Featured Video: The Cure: don't miss out on God's gifts in life now because you're focused on tomorrow.
- Featured Sermon: "Preparing for the Gift" by Brad Wong
- Featured Skills Article: "Step 7: Apply Your Message" by John Koessler
In Christ,
Matt Woodley
Editor, PreachingToday.com
Matt Woodley is the pastor of compassion ministries at Church of the Resurrection in Wheaton, Illinois.