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Editor's Update

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Don't Waste Your Sermon Prep

Hershael York

Hershael York

You've done your sermon prep work. Careful exegesis, a well-crafted introduction and conclusion, a clear outline, perfect illustrations—the sermon is ready to preach. Now don't waste all your prep with a thoughtless, sloppy, flat, and emotionally disconnected delivery. That's the advice from preaching professor Hershael York in this week's preaching skills article from our new "Preacher's Complete Skills Guide." Check out his rich and practical advice in our 8th Step—how to deliver and evaluate your sermon. As Hershael argues, "Any preacher who is serious about the message must also be serious about the manner in which that message is preached."

Aaron Damiani

Aaron Damiani

We're also wrapping up Aaron Damiani's excellent four-part sermon series based on John 13: "Humble Leadership," "Sturdy Grace," "Personal Transformation," and "Joyful Service." When Aaron shared with me his concept of the three circles—the Circle of Condemnation, the Circle of Affirmation, and the Circle of Transformation—I told him, "Wow, this is such a powerful way to share the gospel in our culture today. You have to get this into the hands of other preachers." So take a look at his last two sermons in this series on the power of Christian community—and help your people move into the gospel-centered Circle of Transformation.

Also, check out these new resources:

In Christ,

Matt Woodley
Editor, PreachingToday.com

Matt Woodley is the pastor of compassion ministries at Church of the Resurrection in Wheaton, Illinois.