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Editor's Update

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Your Easter Sermon Starts Here

Easter buzz. Church people come expecting a word of Christ-centered hope. Nominal Christians or spiritual seekers might not know what they want. So you better say something profound, creative, life-changing. It's a lot of pressure. Where do you start? Well, in this week's skills article, veteran preacher and seminary prof John Johnson says that our Easter preaching needs to start right here—by preparing our own soul. Take everything he says in this brief but powerful article and apply it this week.

This week we feature a brilliant one-sentence sermon on Easter. No, I'm not talking about a PreachingToday.com sermon. I'm referring to the profound one-sentence sermon from the apostle Peter in 1 Peter 1:3-4. It's filled with Resurrection reality, and preaching maestro Mark Mitchell unpacks it with a clear and simple homiletical outline. This is solid, clear, gospel-centered work.

Also, check out these new resources:

May the Risen Christ breathe his life into your Holy Week preaching.

Matt Woodley
Editor, PreachingToday.com

P.S. This is our last week to Save $15 on a 1-year subscription to PreachingToday.com. Don't let this special offer past you by!

Matt Woodley is the pastor of compassion ministries at Church of the Resurrection in Wheaton, Illinois.